
edited February 2008 in Player Lounge


  • Mixplit
    Posts: 2
    I currently live in Colorado Springs Co. I'm 33 and have been gaming since I was about 6 years old. Granted I wasn't much good at it back then, but I sure tried. My 1st game was the old box D&D sets Basic,Expert, Companion, Master. Never had a game make it to Immortal. Since I've played dozens of RPGs from tunnels and troll, TMNT,Rifts, Star Frontiers, Old Gamma World, WOD, Several Indy games. But lately I always seem to come back to D20 or one of its many variations. I am currently running a new Iron Heroes campaign set in post apocalypse Colorado. Just finished our 1st adventure last week. I heard about Obsidian Portal and thought it would be a great place to put up the campaign info where are the party members could see it.
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Welcome to the fray!
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Hello, and welcome to the site!
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Welcome to the site! And I know I'm loving OP now that "The Vale":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/424 campaign has begun. I discovered the site when one campaign was nearly ended and another very well established, and I just knew there was no way I could get everything recorded.
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    Hi Mixplit! TMNT has an RPG? I mean, I don't doubt it at all, but I never knew! Good luck with your post-apocalyptic game, I love those so I'll probably stop by and check it out! :D

    Welcome to OP!
  • mcoorlim
    Posts: 39
    Palladium published it. I think it was called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Stranger Things - don't really remember, this was years ago.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    ZOMG! Yes, TMNT has an RPG, it's based on the Palladium system, and they *CLAIM* that mutant animals created in TMNT can be "ported over" into the Rifts universe.

    What they don't necessarily warn you or the GM about is that TMNT mutant animals with psionic abilities don't have anything like PPE or ISP. I unintentionally broke a Rifts campaign with a TMNT-built housecat because neither I nor the GM saw or accounted for that. Bio-Manipulation: Paralysis is *NASTY* when you can just keep using it and using it and using it without ever wearing down.
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    That's so cool, I'm gonna have to check that out, even with the possible broken stuff. I played Imagine, and that's pretty well broken too, but they make for good one-shots, I think. :D
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