A Totally Unofficial Help & Tips FAQ



  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530 edited November 2010
    Howdy Adam, thanks for your feedback. There are good reasons for most of those apparent anomalies, but I've updated where applicable.

    *Question 2*
    The code is displayed in a _pre_ tag, which prevents entity references from being parsed down to the client level (the server actually converts the ampersands into entity references themselves, which porks the whole deal). If memory serves, not having it in _pre_ tags causes other issues.

    *Question 3*
    A note has been added about using spans, but the _div_ tags were chosen because the goal was to format the whole page, and common block elements are illegal within a span. Adding default fonts was excluded for simplicity's sake, and is explained in the second link there (the first being to the same font list you linked above).

    *Question 5*
    As previously noted, entity references don't work inside _pre_ tags. Really, the stuff that goes up on the wiki gets parsed and re-parsed so many times that there are some things it's just a pain to do. The thing was never meant to display code, really, so it has some problems there.

    *Question 15*
    You're absolutely correct that players who want to dig into the source will be able to read things hidden in the way described, and I've updated the entry to note this. The original question was in terms of making comments in code and such, since textile doesn't allow for HTML comments.
    Post edited by ChainsawXIV on
  • Kassious
    Posts: 5
    I'm probably going to blush in shame over this, but being the AWESOME programmer I am I need the help. For some reason my side-bar will not leave the Wiki pane.

    Edit: Let's add "my page":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/tiers-of-the-shadow-walker/wikis/test-page shall we?
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530 edited November 2010
    Looks like you got the help you needed in the other thread, but just for the record (and anyone with a similar problem who looks here in the future), the issue was copy and pasting from the forums or a PDF file. The quotes in the code were automatically converted to "smart quotes" - curly or slanted quotation marks, like the one's you see on the phrase itself a few words back. Unfortunately the code doesn't like that, so they they had to be replaced with their more mundane counterparts.
    Post edited by ChainsawXIV on
  • TheSouljourner
    Posts: 22 edited December 2010
    A note on coloring links - if most of your links are wiki links, and then a few aren't, you can just make the non-wiki links look like the wiki links this way:


    This will style them the same as the wiki links, so if you're making a list of links, your custom ones won't stand out like a sore thumb, and you don't have to hard code the way they look, in case OP ever changes their style.

    One more - to disable textile formatting for a section of text, surround it with ==, like this:
    ==*This text will not be bold*==
    Post edited by TheSouljourner on
  • Elfabet
    Posts: 1
    Thanks for this, it answered my question before having to open my mouth!
    Will look to play around with some the other stuff more later.
  • PhoenixMark
    Posts: 90
    I am not a programmer. I am understanding much of what is going on, but #2 is perplexing me. I spent too much time trying to figure it out. I found a way to link to the Wiki page name, but the stuff below that code does not disappear, just the link shows up between lines of text. I am anticipating a lot of logging, so would love to use this tool, but I am too behind the times to understand how it works. If someone could give me a detailed instruction, or email me a copy of the correct code and an example, that would be cool. That is how I learn things. Sorry to be a pain.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530 edited January 2011
    No problem at all - that one can be a bit confusing since I can't actually post the correct code on the wiki or the forums without it doing funky stuff (the wiki won't display it at all, and the forums convert the double-dashes into a single n-dash character, invalidating the code). Two common misunderstandings I can clear up that may help you (let me know if it doesn't, and we can try and figure out what's going wrong in your particular case):

    1. The special tag only works in adventure log posts. It does not work in regular wiki pages at all.

    2. The code should be on its own line, and contain absolutely no spaces, and be contained in < > brackets, not ( ) parenthesis.
    Post edited by ChainsawXIV on
  • PhoenixMark
    Posts: 90
    I am an idiot. I was doing it right all the time. When you finish editing the log, it dumps you out onto the log entry, not the Adventure Log page. I was just looking in the wrong place. Thanks.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Ah, I should have thought of that - I've done the same thing.
  • TheSouljourner
    Posts: 22
    Ha! I was doing the same thing.
  • Ohcubed
    Posts: 1
    I'm not really sure where to ask this so I'll just do it here.

    If i bought an ascendant profile, or more likely, _tried out_ the free trial, what happens to all the extra features when it runs out?
    I'm assuming it's up to the end user to backup everything.
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    The features do become inaccessible, but none of your stuff get's deleted.
  • Calion
    Posts: 144
    Why does the link to this thread always take me to Item 38?
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Most likely because the link you're following was copied from the address bar when that was the latest post.
  • Calion
    Posts: 144
    Oh. No, I was using the link on the main Forum page, which takes me to the latest post. Well, that's unhelpful for an FAQ... :)
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    One thing I'd really love to see is a 4E dynamic template for creating magic item cards, the kind you'll get out of most 4E books these days.
    None of the templates provided really do the trick, and I'm far too inexperienced to design one myself.
  • JoeHenderson
    Posts: 3
    I'm interested in making a sheet, ala DST. Is there a walk through for it? I'm aware of http://help.obsidianportal.com/kb/advanced/creating-a-dynamic-character-sheet-template-dst , and I see that it hints at instructions in the dev kit. However, I'm wondering if there is other support avaliable.
  • Ortheos
    Posts: 1
    Please help!

    I'm moving from GM in one of my weekly games to being a player in the game, with one of my friends taking over GM duties. Is there any way I can transfer ownership of the campaign wiki to him? Make him the GM instead of me? I'm not an ascendant member.
  • Calion
    Posts: 144 edited July 2011
    Here's something I think will be a useful addition to the FAQ: "A way to convert Word documents to Textile":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/sydarksun/wikis/word-to-textile-conversion.
    Post edited by Calion on
  • Notsonoble
    Posts: 8
    Someone suggested I pass my Settlement Template for PFRPG along.
  • Calion
    Posts: 144 edited July 2011
    In the "FAQ":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/sanction/wikis/tips-tricks#5 linked above, it says

    bq. Question: My adventure logs are really long, and the main Adventure Log tab page is huge! How do I break up my logs, so just a short version is seen on the tab, and people can click to read more?

    bq. Answer: The Adventure Log pages have built in support for this feature. Add the following code where you want the brief version to leave off, and the link to read the rest to appear. Note that you must replace the parenthesis below with left and right brackets () to make this work. Unfortunately, the correct code in copy-and-paste form won
    Post edited by Calion on
  • Calion
    Posts: 144
    Except that this board doesn't work the same way that the wiki pages do and I can't figure out how to make -- show up as two hyphens. Hmph. It works in wiki pages though.
  • Rhazodorn
    Posts: 3
    I have a big question about the campaign limit. Let's say I have Ascended membership and i have 5 campaings saved but my membership ends and for any given reason I can't upgraid againg for a while (I don't have money and I'm not working right know for example) what happens to the extra campaigns? since the normal membership limit is only of 2, do they get erased? or do they just stay there and I can't add more until I'm ascended again? thanks for anyhelp in advanced and happy gaming everyone.
  • Dra8er
    Posts: 30
    All your campaigns will remain but you will be unable to create any more & only able to modify your newest two campaigns. Your other campaigns will eventually get deleted after sitting for quite awhile. But you always have the option of downloading your work/campaign from the edit this campaign setting/page. That way when you re-ascend you can just upload your work.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Just updated this to include some links to helpful resource sites.

  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Good additions. Should have thought of that myself. :)
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Arsheesh, shouldn't your site be on there too?
    "A God...Rebuilt":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/a-god-rebuilt

    Just trying to help out.

  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Well although _Age of Legends_ does have some pages with HTML templates & free navigation button graphics, unlike the other sites listed it isn't a site devoted to being a resource to the OP community. It's just my own campaign/campaign setting site.

  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    His site is on there actually. Second link in the templates section. I added it a month or so back I think.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Ha, I missed that. OK, well I guess it does makes sense to put a link in the templates section. Thanks Chainsaw.

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