So, comments...

edited February 2008 in General Discussion


  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    So, we finally have the comment feature. Who's actually using it? Maybe it is just me, but it seems like it's not been used that much yet. So, are people just shy, or they mostly just commenting on campaigns of which they are a part?
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    I think I've got a comment but it was from Micah so I don't think it counts.

    In all fairness though, I haven't left any comments on anything. I should go fix that.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    I've been leaving comments here and there (although, in all fairness, I've been pretty scarce around here, just due to time and energy constraints), but I'm not really seeing any from anyone else, so I had to wonder. I did get one comment, from Micah, but aside from that I don't think I've seen anyone else use the comment feature.
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    Zero left one on Cold Blood Episode 12...

    I want to comment more on the games of others, but mine is taking up most of my free time! :P
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