Add maps that allow players/GM to add markers

edited July 2007 in Feature Requests


  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Allow users to upload maps to their campaigns. These maps would be images. Then, the users could add clickable markers to the maps representing specific locations. Clicking on the marker either shows the name or takes you to a wiki page.

    One of my players suggested this. What do others think?
  • outrider
    Posts: 46
    I was also going to ask about adding that feature to the site. I think it would be worthwhile.

    Also for characters a way to identify which campaign they are in. I can guess most of them but there should be a campaign identifier to make life easier
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    We're looking into the mapping stuff. It might be very easy and it might be impossibly hard. We're just not sure yet. As always, we have to weight the difficulty against the priority when deciding what to work on.

    Characters in campaigns are still a little hazy at this point. Currently, a character can be a PC in only 1 campaign, but can be an NPC in any number of campaigns. This was so people could reuse other people's characters. I'm starting to think, however, this maybe it would be better to add a copy of a character. This way the owner of the copy could edit it, change the name, etc. I want to make sure, however, that the original author gets some kind of credit.

    Thanks for the ideas and keep them coming!
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Oooh! I'm excited! This feature is almost ready and I can't wait to show it off. Keep checking back over the next few days and hopefully it will be up and running.
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