Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order

edited October 2011 in Campaign Submissions
I would like to submit a friends' campaign for Novembers' Campaign of the Month
Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order

(i was having trouble giving that a quick link!)

The wiki is amazing, enormously in depth, and gives an extremely detailed view of the world. It is based off of the show Avatar: the Last Airbender and the GM (TolsimirWolfblood) has posted all of the rules for others as well!
In depth adventure logs, tons of characters, over 80 marked locations on the map, and a wiki so detailed it feels like a real world!
It is obvious Tolsimir has put a huge amount of effort into creating a living breathing world for his players and i think this campaign deserves the honor of CotM :)


  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278 edited October 2011
    Wow shadow thanks! that really means a lot =]
    i would be absolutely honored to have my campaign considered for November CotM!
    Thank you so much
    - Dan =}
    "Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/avatar_adventures
    Post edited by WolfLord on
  • Shalimar
    Posts: 1
    I second that nomination! This is most definitely one of the best campaigns out there.
    As a personal fan of Avatar thanks a ton for posting those rules and good luck in CotM you deserve it big time! great work C:
  • BigBuddha
    Posts: 1
    This campaign is EPIC
    good luck man i hope you win it!

    -Airbenders all the way ;)
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    This Campaign is definately in my top ten on OP and I agree that it deserves recognition. COM would be a great honor for the campaign and one that is rightly deserved. When I look at the COM I look for stunning stories, detailed wiki, and easy to use formating and navigation. "Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/avatar_adventures offers all of these plus much more. So count my vote for this campaign and make it COM sometime soon.

    "Star Trek Late Night":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/star-trek-late-night
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    Thanks for your support everyone!
    Stephen that means a great deal thanks you for the kind words!
  • Hellheim
    Posts: 1
    I support this 100%
    One of my favorite campaigns, Its about time somebody made a good Avatar campaign! and i dont think i could have been done any better
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    First off, it's great to see people recommending other people's wikis for the CoTM again; it's been a long time in coming. Second, TolsimirWolfblood has done a tremendous amount of work building up his wiki, and it shows. Best of luck to you man!

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I also think that this campaign is fun and deserving- and Tolsimir seems like a cool guy on top of it, getting involved in the forums, etc.
    Way to go, and good luck!

    "A God...Rebuilt":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/a-god-rebuilt

    Just trying to help out.

  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    ^^ Thanks! ill keep my fingers crossed haha
  • SuitMan
    Posts: 1
    This campaign def deserves CotM!! i mean WOW, the wiki is so in def it make me wanna cry, i cant wait to see this campaign win!!!! keep up the fantastic job TW ;D
  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278
    I agree with this recomendation. The general layout is easy to use, the information is in depth and everything looks amazing. On the actual campaign side of things his players are actively creating journals for the game and the adventure logs are simply beautiful and easy to read.
  • LunaM
    Posts: 1
    I could not agree with JaymesBolton! could not have said it better myself. I could spend days reading all the amazing lore he has in the wiki. This campaign is of the highest caliber i strongly recommend it for CotM! and maybe the Avatar D20 system will finally gain some much deserved light, thnx so much for putting it on your campaign i very much hope to try it out with my group in the near future!
  • R2D2
    Posts: 1
    YES AVATAR! ok this, aside from being based of an epic show, is one of the most phenomenal campaigns ive seen. You got my vote! keep up the amazing work

    EARTHBENDERS, hands down
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    You guys really make me feel awesome haha thanks so much everybody! ill keep working on my stuff i hope a lot of you try out the system!
    it has been nothing but good times, tactical gameplay, and exciting combat
  • dbrown
    Posts: 2
    I am getting really excited about this system and campaign. You got yourself a golden setting her TW, major kudos! you have my complete support

    And for your inferior elements, if Air and Earth were so cool than Fire wouldn't have kicked there ass!! ... until the Avatar showed up that is...
  • FoxChick
    Posts: 1
    i second that firebender comment
    I also add my voice to the rallying cry in support of "Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/avatar_adventures
    This is already one of my very favorite campaigns on OP and absolutely deserves the nudge!!
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    I much prefer the Earthbender myself. The ability to reshape the environment in tactical situations is beautiful and the ability to generate rock shields, cause avalanches, and cause fissures in the earth is incredible. Add in a volcano or a fault line and you have devastation on a massive scale. Each element has tools that can allow them to affect another element as a side effect with the Earthbender offering the greatest flexibility all around.

    My argument for why they lost is a failure to utilize their powers in an aggressive yet intelligent manner. They were not true warriors and died as a result of it.
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    I agree completely. if i could pick any bending style it would be Earthbending hands down. I think it had mainly to do with their defensive natures, they hunkered down and played a isolationist policy that simply allowed the Fire Nation to keep trying, but even under these circumstances it was overwhelmingly difficult for the Fire Nation to gain anything on them, as seen by the fact that after 100 years of attacks only a Coup d'
  • dbrown
    Posts: 2
    Ok i think i have been thoroughly convinced. haha, now that i have been checking out the rules i think i probably would actually go with Earthbender, not to mention as Stephen pointed out they are amazingly flexible in the show. My favorite fights were Earth vs Fire. It was funny because Firebenders were used to stomping everything in their path but Earthbenders were completely capable of holding their ground (i mean i would to if i could throw boulders at you and make a wall of stone in front of me...)

    Also i think the disappearance of the Avatar was very disheartening and caused them to lose morale, feeling alone they resorted to what they new best which was a defensive strategy, as is the nature of Earthbenders.

    P.S. Toph is a beast
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278 edited October 2011
    LOL that she is! well said ^^
    Here is a cool "test":http://quizilla.teennick.com/quizzes/5771894/avatar-the-last-airbender-what-element-do-you-bend to see what element you are
    Post edited by WolfLord on
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    You are an Earthbender!
    Nation: Earth Kingdom
    Martial Arts Style: Hung Gar Style of Kung Fu
    Opposing Bending Art: Air
    Notable Earthbenders: Toph Bei Fong, King Bumi, Long Feng
    Earthbending maintains a balance between offensive and defensive capabilities. Common attacks involve levitating nearby earth and stone, and propelling them at foes by way of a punching or kicking motion. A levitated slab of rock can also double as a shield when positioned in front of a Bender. are typically barefoot, presumably to increase their connection with the earth.
    Sandbenders are Earthbenders who utilize earthbending in a specialized style, which emphasizes the manipulation of sand. Because sand is sediment which travels in flows, their style resembles air- and waterbending more than earthbending.
    An Earthbender's powers are firmly rooted to the ground they stand on. Taking them any substantial distance away from the earth, such as on the ocean, strips them of their powers. Additionally, because of their inability to bend processed metals, the bending abilities of an Earthbender can be negated by securing them within a metallic barrier
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    at least I hit my favorite one. lol
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    LOL yeah i totally got the same. Usually people test pretty spot on with what they think they would be!
  • Morris
    Posts: 2
    I got Firebender =/ i was hoping earth but ill take it, after watching that fight between Zuko and Azula at the end i started liking fire a whole lot more!
    TW this is such an amazing campaign =] i can't wait to see you on the featured page you deserve it!!
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    Thanks for the support everyone!!!
  • Spiritual
    Posts: 26
    Really nice, very colorful :)

    "The Circle of Light":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/the-circle-of-light
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