How to request a feature



  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    I hate it when I am scanning for other people campaigns and get nailed with a closed one. Why are the closed ones even visible at all?

    "Star Trek Late Night":
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    What makes it worse is that the campaigns that do come up are often quite old/inactive wikis. I think that part of the front page is working off of some older code that may just need a bit of tweaking, but there are more important priorities, to be sure. Still, it's a little irritating. The front page may be the most important 'first impression' Obsidian Portal gets with new visitors, and in my opinion, more care and thought should go into where every link on that front page takes you.

    - Duskreign
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I agree with both Stephen & Dusk- the campaigns that come up should be COTMs or at the least active wikis.

    "A God...Rebuilt":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I really just want everything you can conceivably click on the OP home page to lead to something that feeds newcomers' interests in perhaps making a wiki of their own. 404s and campaigns last updated 18 months ago don't exactly put our best foot forward. Besides, I discover new campaigns via those links, and after seven or eight blocked sites, 404s, or ancient sites that still have the Welcome to Your Wiki message up... I just give up and go about my business, and that, OP, ain't good for _your_ business.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Agreed, over and over, agreed.

    Just trying to help out.

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    ...I am actually starting to think that the Random Maps feature is bugged, because for the past week, I have not been able to look at a single map via that method.
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    I noticed that on a few clicks also, Dusk. Do you get a 404 on that as well?
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Every time.
  • Raven_Blackthorne
    Posts: 2
    I'd quite like an "All pages" section where you can enter HTML code etc that will be put on every page in your wiki. For those of us who have created sidebar/menu code that has to go on every page. It's a pig to paste it on every new page. EVEN WORSE when you decide to add a section and you have to repaste the code onto EVERY single page you've created. That hurts.

    So maybe like the banner appears on every page you can have a section under the campaign settings where you can enter code that is put on each page of the wiki. Easier to make universal changes.
  • Andante
    Posts: 3
    It seems there's no way to use an off-site image for character portraits (and I guess user avatars too). I think it makes sense for the avatars, but it would be nice if character portraits could be hosted elsewhere!
  • jhennaside
    Posts: 3
    I would like to second ideas such as:

    Character Journals - this would be more of a player feature, but it would be nice as a GM to be able to pop in and see what the characters think

    Sharing Content - the ability to share content from one campaign with another, or characters- a friend and I want to do a cross-over and it would be easier to do so if I could just share my NPCs and locations. It would also be nice should I run a campaign in the same setting- as one member said, maybe a settign wiki feature.

    And the reason I came to this part of the forum- Editable Character Page - I'd like the ability to sort my NPCs, and I would also like to be able to make tags a smaller font to draw more attention to the names.

    Thanks! Love, love, LOVE this site.
  • jhennaside
    Posts: 3
    Oh, and a "like" option like facebook on things like comments here would be great for showing support for people's ideas, without having to make a bunch of "Me too!" posts and make it easier to see which ideas people really like.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Hi Jhennaside! I have my characters write the adventure logs in character, and some have taken to calling it their journal- also, "Spelljoined": does this very well.

    The crossover might be done as co-gms, as an idea.

    You can make all npcs have a less-used letter in front for easy sorts, like x, y & z.

    Just some random thoughts. Completely agree with the fbook suggestion.

    "A God...Rebuilt":
    Duskreign's "COTM for November":

    Just trying to help out.

  • D43m0n
    Posts: 1
    Not sure if this has been requested, but it would be nice to see a spot somewhere on a campaign page, maybe in the sidebar showing the game system being used. When browsing a campaign it's not always obvious what system is being used.


    "The Truth is a Lie":
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278 edited October 2011
    I don't know if this is where i request this, but i would love to see Avatar d20 (or Avatar: the Last Airbender) as a game system.

    cheers ^^
    - Dan
    "Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order":
    Post edited by WolfLord on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Here is the old link, that seems to have been lost in the shuffle... This really should be a sticky!!!

    "A God...Rebuilt":
    Duskreign's "COTM for November":

    Just trying to help out.

  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    thanks killer! ^^
  • stephengingell
    Posts: 3
    Is it possible to have GM only tags for NPC's? What I have in mind is an interface just like the current tag system to input "GM tags". Then, if a player looks at the NPC he only sees the normal tags, but if the GM looks he sees both sets?

    Imagine a political game where I want to keep track of people's allegiances and ideologies with tags, but don't want to give things away to the players by creating a "Part of the Evil Conspiracy of Evil" tag.

    In general it would be useful for games that use alignments, I frequently want to only see NPCs of one alignment, but I generally don't want the PCs to have easy access to NPC's alignments.
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209 edited November 2011
    That is a good idea, Stephen. In the meantime, as a workaround, might I suggest a coding system to set it apart?

    You could use a "random password generator": and set specific groups to one pw. Once you get two or three tagged to a single entity (ie: Alignment = euxktVWw, Guild = 77Rbc2yp) it is likely your players will forego the trouble of decoding your sequences.

    I also recommend "binary":, as a long string of 1's and 0's is a mess to try and decode, and if your players aren't familiar with what binary is and how to decode it you should be gtg:
    Example: Part of the Evil Conspiracy of Evil -- Acronym: PECE -- Binary: 01010000010001010100001101000101

    It may be some extra work on your part, but if you make a GM only wiki with what your codes confer with you'll eventually be able to tell what they mean by sight.
    Post edited by vstraydogstrutv on
  • jeffdee
    Posts: 3
    Please add the following game systems to the system filter:

    Pocket Universe by UNIgames (
    Quicksilver Fantasy RPG by UNIgames (
    Living Legends by Monkey House Games (

    -Jeff Dee
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Here is the old "link":, that seems to have been lost in the shuffle

    Just trying to help out.

  • jeffdee
    Posts: 3
    I moved my request over there, thanks for the correction.

    -Jeff Dee
  • tetrasodium
    Posts: 26
    Player owned wiki & item pages similar to how PC & NPC pages can be assigned a player owner so I can have wiki & item pages pages that players can edit & take care of without having to bump them up to a co-GM like now would be really nice.
  • KarlTaylor
    Posts: 1
    It would be really nice if there was a save button after every entry field in the wiki. It would really save tons of time and effort with making lots of pages and changes.
  • EndlessBard
    Posts: 2
    Two requests:

    1: Make the wiki links not be case-sensitive. "List of skills" should point to the same thing as "List Of Skills" and "list of skills" and so forth.

    2: Implement the ability to create NPCs from wiki pages through referencing a stub that doesn't exist. So if you link :lord-malachar from a wiki page, instead of getting the "Character not found" tag it automatically creates a new character.

  • Edward_D
    Posts: 7
    2 Thoughts:

    1) I'd like to see options for or premade formatting.
    I happened to find this "campaign": which had that great side bar which I stole.

    2) Ideas or Examples for people on how to organize information within the wiki.
  • Morgus
    Posts: 19
    Is there a way to compile a list of all red links still in the wiki? It would be nice not to have to search through every single wiki page to make sure I didn't miss one. Something as simple as a button to click would be nice, but I'd also settle for a listed page. Sometimes I'm in the middle of adding new content, I don't get to get back to it for a week or two, and I forget I was working on something and wander onto additional content and completely forget I had two or three red links buried in a page somewhere.
  • brightwyrm
    Posts: 7
    Here's a feature I'd love:

    What does it do?
    Currently I use the heck out of the character's section of my OP, but there are so many NPCs after years of running the game, a simple alphabetical list is quite cumbersome. I'd love an expandable folder option for types of characters. So instead of going to the Characters Tab and seeing a huge long list, seeing folders of types or groups of NPCs and PCs that could be expanded much like a windows explorer-type organization would be super useful.

    What does it look like?

    Upon clicking on the characters tab instead of simply seeing a designation between PCs and NPCs, have unlimited designations (with the option to place a picture icon for each) that have a '+' next to them or an 'expand catagory' that creates a list view of ONLY the characters organized under that folder.

  • kineticdragon
    Posts: 2
    I'd like to mimic brightwyrm's sentiment about the character section. I just started running my campaign and I can already see how cumbersome it will become. I also looked at the Avatar campaign last month and his character section was so long that the you get lost as you scroll down.

    Just allowing us to have control of the page formatting would be an improvement. I wouldn't mind setting up the different chapters with tables or Div's in lieu of some behind of the scene fix.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    You can do all of this by putting all of your characters as wikis, as myself and many others have done.
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    Duskreign's "COTM for November 2011":

    Just trying to help out.

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