I want Fans

edited November 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
How do I get Fans? Is it just hoping people will look at your site and like it? If so, how do I advertise?


  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Well, first a link to your "campaign":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/changeling-the-lost-dream

    It is more word of mouth. I waited until I had many adventure logs, had my wiki filled out, and had stolen ideas from a number of sources, before I went on the forums. A great place to start is with the masters- Arsheesh, Chainsaw, and Duskreign. Not only are their sites great, but they help with making yours better. Also, favoriting or fanning other campaigns usually gets people to check yours out as well.

    Good Luck!!

    "A God...Rebuilt":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/a-god-rebuilt
    Duskreign's "COTM for November":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/wyrmshadow/wiki_pages/112011

    Just trying to help out.

  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited November 2011
    Bribe them!

    On a side note, why is it do you think, that we seek out the adoration of our fellow gamers? I mean after all, what tangible good does a fan icon on your web page do for you? There's no real economic gain that I can see (as there might be if say one were hosting their site on their own domain and seeking advertising dollars): you can't eat it, put it in your gas tank or exchange it for commodities. And yet the desire for those cute little fan icons persists. Of course I guess it's what these little icons are supposed to represent that make them so attractive. I was listening to an interesting "interview":http://marshillaudio.org/Resources/Segment.aspx?id=453054745 with DR. Elias Aboujaoude the other day (author of "Virtually You, The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality":http://books.wwnorton.com/books/detail.aspx?ID=17119) and he makes the interesting and plausible observation that by taking on online personas and establishing a following many of us achieve a sense of popularity or "grandiosity" that would otherwise be outside of our grasp in the non-digital world. In other words, we achieve an illusory sense of celebrity.

    By the way, I should be quick to explain that I'm not trying to criticize anyone here in our community (or at least, insofar as I am I've got three fingers pointing back at myself!), so please don't take offense. Rather, I'm just sort of thinking out-loud at the minute, pondering human nature, and how the advent of the digital age has shaped the structure of our lives, for good or for ill. If anyone else should feel so inclined, feel free to wax philosophical as well: this forum is, after all, a medium for communal discussion, which does on occasion extend beyond the realm of our immediate shared hobby.

    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    To paraphrase a good man,"You know, I used to care allot about fans, and in particular about my campaign's receiving recognition. I don't any more. Well, not much at any rate. I began to ask myself why I cared so much? I had a nice campaign site that "I" thought was good, and that at least some other people enjoyed. Why did I want more than that? Vanity, that's why. Once I realized this I had a good long laugh at myself. Life is just to short to be spent worrying about such trifles."
    I have found that I care about people's opinions of my site a lot, more than I perhaps should. I am proud that Duskreign named my campaign his first campaign of the month. I have also found that one thing a person adding my campaign to his/her favorites is it opens a dialogue. That I like even more than anything else. I have made some actual friends through the Portal, and that is what I am more interested in now.... Not that I do not suffer from vanity moments still...
    "A God...Rebuilt":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/a-god-rebuilt
    Duskreign's "COTM for November":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/wyrmshadow/wiki_pages/112011

    Just trying to help out.

  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209 edited November 2011
    I can't wait to get home and respond on this subject! Just posting so if it gets even more interesting I can get the email updates ;). Heck, I might even put some of it on shared creations just for the fun of it!
    Post edited by vstraydogstrutv on
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    My goal is life is to have more fans than "killervp":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/a-god-rebuilt before January 7 when my campaign actually starts.

    "Star Trek Late Night":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/star-trek-late-night
  • tetrasodium
    Posts: 26 edited November 2011
    Post useful and/or interesting stuff to your campaign like others have mentioned. I had a campaign for a game that blew up on takeoff due to >3/4 of the players deciding the wouldn't have time to play a game with their wow commitments where I just started posing information about the system (how it works, the basic factions, etc) out of personal boredom. after a few weeks I started getting a fan every once in a while. When I put things back together with a new more stable group, things are swimming along well given its early state & I'm happy with it as it is. Sure there are things I would like to do with the wiki over time, but I've gone through wrapping up a totally off the cuff macguffin hunt while I was still working with my players to figure out what sorta stuff they were looking to get out of the game & where they wanted it to go. The players had fun & thought it was a great intro to a new (to them) system, now with the macguffin hunted down with a few random loose ends they could chase down later (or I can weave in later) I've setup a "News":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/florida-goes-bump/wikis/recent-news posting as an improved echo of something that interested them to let them when I first tried it a while back & this way I get to let them help ease the setup into the expanding plot of the game between now & next game based on several potential hooks in ways most fitting of their characters. Going forward I can keep adding new stuff to the news & continue developing what's begun in there so the world feels like it's still alive & doing stuff outside the few hours a week that we play. More importantly, it can give my players the sense that any potential hook or loose end I mention can be investigated and dealt with any time we are short players or have some extra time. If I take those loose ends and move them along every so often whenever I think to mention them, it looks like I'm a genius who has been weaving plot points for months & juggling a ridiculously complicated world in my head with just the occasional note flipping/scribble when I later decide to attach something to the hidden side of that loose end. A pageflip & apparent skimming of words or random scribble on the GM's part can have the same sot of weighty power over your players as a random ominous diceroll & evil/guilty grin when you bring up randomNPC you wrote down the name of with a couple brief personality notes when you created them on the spur of the moment weeks/months ago when they realized they just got a peek at what they think has been hiding behind the curtain for ages without having notices it. All the stuff I want to do with the wiki can wait, but I want my game to develop more in case the plans have a sudden need for change. If people favorite it between then and now, I'll do the same thing I've always done & ask what they liked or if they have any questions/suggestions. If people don't favorite it, I'll still go on running things for my players :)

    In short, for the TL;DR version, don't worry about if other people like/fan your campaign, just worry about if you & your players are happy about & like it... if they are, it's being done right & everything is fine until you find something that you think will improve things for you & your players! :)
    Post edited by tetrasodium on
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    I'll help, Steve!

    Ah home sweet home.

    It's true, Arsheesh, there's nothing like getting an email stating that someone favorited your campaign. It's like mom giving you a cookie for getting good marks in school. For me, I would say that it's more of an appreciation thing. "Someone took the time to look at my graphics or read what I have written and liked it! That makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside!" is what my brain usually says. But it's more than that, as well. Not only are people enjoying your work, but they're comrades of gaming which makes the feeling all the more sweet. While Dr. Aboujaoude may have been speaking in a general fashion, this particular connection goes a little deeper.

    Indeed, what does a person want the most if not admiration from their peers? It creates a sense of belonging and pride in knowing that you did something well. Of course, with the appreciation come the sense of celebrity. Humans enjoy being recognized for doing something well. This can easily be hypothesized to date back to the early homosapiens who were the best hunters. They brought in the most food and were rewarded by being allowed to partake in more than their fair share. This in turn inspired the others to do better and achieve more. As long as this piggy-back effect of success stays wholesome and without jealousy, humans will continue to excel in their fields and feed that friendly one-upsmanship.

    A good example is KVP and his unofficial greeter status. He is the most frequent to greet you and tell you where you can find players. You can't say that somewhere in your head you don't feel as if you should compete with him; checking the forums more frequently for new "Introduce Yourself" posts in an effort to extend the first laurel. I know I do.

    Anyway, those are my thoughts.

    To add my two cents to the topic. Getting fans does rely heavily on how your site looks, and immediately following, how your site reads. I have very few fans on "Heurdenvaar":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/heurdenvaar, but Google Analytics says it has far more views than "Shared Creations":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shared-creations. While I know many of these views are from myself (since it's the site I most frequently work on), I have many continental states and a few different countries under my belt. But it really boils down to a luck of the draw. Sometimes we remember to favorite a campaign, sometimes we don't. I didn't favorite KVP's "A God...Rebuilt":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/a-god-rebuilt until long after we shared ideas for a while on the forums, despite having looked at his campaign more than a dozen times.

    So the long and short of it is, it's a total crap-shoot lol. Be active in the forums, and link your site as a sign-off at the end. This helps, just not as much as you would hope :) .

    "Shared Creations(Share your links and stories here, please! Help expand this libram of knowledge!)":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shared-creations
    "Heurdenvaar(stray's current campaign)":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/heurdenvaar
  • nightstorm
    Posts: 74
    Thank you all for commenting. And yes, since this is my hobby, I would like others that are "into" what I am to tell me what they think about the things I've posted. What vstraydogstrutv said I have to agree with. I guess I need to advertise it on my other sites.
  • nightstorm
    Posts: 74
    Oh almost forgot - :)
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    "Link 1":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/cincinnati-by-night
    "Link 2":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/changeling-the-lost-dream

    here are the links for your use nightstorm

    here is how you type them to make them links.
    =="Link 1":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/cincinnati-by-night==
    =="Link 2":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/changeling-the-lost-dream==
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    Everyone is giving great advice. What I have noticed is that alot of the work for gaining fans is appearance and content. Make the site content heavy with decent writing and talk with other players and GM's on OP for advice for the apprearance. You can go wrong with that approach. Alot of the guys and gals on OP are great and very helpful too.

  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Personally, Arsheesh, I find myself drawn to it like a moth to a flame, which I chide myself for constantly. It's sort of a Pokemon-esque drive I have, the need to acquire them all, as it were. Albeit instead of 150 little mons, I set my sights a bit lower, at people that I respect and admire - if that subset of people took the time to consider becoming a 'fan', then I'll consider every waking moment (and a lot of unwaking ones where I developed a good deal of ideas...) spent on the wiki to be worth it.

    I love how something seemingly as simple as "how do I drive traffic to my site" has spawned a very excellent, philosophically mature discussion from some of my favourite forum-goers. I honestly believe that this is one of the only sites that this sort of thing could occur on.

    Of course, I'm in a bit of a different boat when it comes to my particular wiki's... unfortunately, I have a rather apathetic group of players who refuse to use the site. I'd love to develop it for them if they wanted me to, but alas. So my development is actually for my own personal enjoyment, and for the enjoyment and utility of those who frequent the site - I know that Master Wollett stopped by and left a comment about a relatively obscure section of the "wiki":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/planescape-campaign/ which prompted me to spend an hour and a half creating a "completely frivolous piece of artwork about a minor character who is now deceased.":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/planescape-campaign/wikis/bounty-poster-zero

    Ultimately, if you're passionate about your work, then people can tell.

    (Also, I can't help but read StephenWollett's closing statement in the voice of the antagonist from "Taken". It's quite spooky.)

  • magavendon
    Posts: 112
    I've got to say, just like Rase Cidraen, my group of players don't really seem to care about the site much. Now, I've got a large group of players (I DM for 8 active players), at least I feel like it's a lot, and a couple of them do actually get on the site like once every couple of weeks. But for the most part I'm pretty sure none of them care. So when it comes down to it, pretty much any updates I make are for me. If I start getting a lot of fans coming to my page I'd feel a lot better about everything that I put up. Because sure I still enough creating the content whether I believe anyone is reading it or not, but if I know people are reading it then it gives me extra drive to keep coming up with new stuff, which is very exciting for me.

    I guess what I'm really saying is that I just want to know people are actually checking out stuff I've written.

    Now having said that, I will shamelessly provide a link to my page: "Progression Into the Stars":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/progression-into-the-stars
  • nightstorm
    Posts: 74 edited November 2011
    thank you StephenWollett for showing me how to do links. I can use that greatly in the future.

    "Link 1":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/cincinnati-by-night"
    "Link 2":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/changeling-the-lost-dream"
    Post edited by nightstorm on
  • nightstorm
    Posts: 74 edited November 2011
    Humm I must be doing something wrong..
    =="Link 1":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/cincinnati-by-night==
    =="Link 2":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/changeling-the-lost-dream==
    Post edited by nightstorm on
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Ah, i see - drop the last " mark in the one you posted without the ==
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Also: Know that you can preview your reply before submitting them and there you'll see if your links (or other codes) are working ;)
  • nightstorm
    Posts: 74
    ok I'm still not getting the link thing right. The preview thing is handy though.
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Put the Quotes up between what you want the link to be displayed at:
    Like "Click Here"
    Then, put a colon ( : ) Behind the quotes and then the link to wherever you want it to go:

    "Click Here":Linkhere
  • nightstorm
    Posts: 74
    "Link 2"(:http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/changeling-the-lost-dream) ??
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Almost there. Now just loose those brackets.
    The link should look like this:

    "Link 2":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/changeling-the-lost-dream
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    Make sure that down at the bottom the of the comments where it says "Format comments as" the "Textile" bubble is selected, then do the link as Morrinn suggested and post :)
  • nightstorm
    Posts: 74 edited November 2011
    fucking A it's been the textile I've been missing. Thanks for waiting it out with me guys.
    "Changeling the Lost Dream":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/changeling-the-lost-dream
    Post edited by nightstorm on
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    Well done. Our pleasure, nightstorm!
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    glad you figured it out. Now you can link away on these forums. lol
  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278
    Sweet now with this I finally figured out how to do the link thing as well! Is there anyway to permanently put it there? (Like a bottom signature type feature similar to other forum sites?)

    To the original poster: My recommendation is to favorite other sites that you like a lot....this will generally create a discussion with them that you can use for advice, comments and getting them to favorite yours as well.

    "Changing History":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/l5r-changing-history
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Nightstorm do not sweat it... we all had growing pains. I still hit preview on all my posts.

    "A God...Rebuilt":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/a-god-rebuilt
    Duskreign's "COTM for November":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/wyrmshadow/wiki_pages/112011

    Just trying to help out.

  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    Unfortunately these forums do not support signatures Jaymes :/. I think most of us have somewhere we keep it so we can easily copy and paste it.
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    bq. On a side note, why is it do you think, that we seek out the adoration of our fellow gamers?

    I think all of us who run campaigns must have at least a touch of exhibitionism. In most roleplaying games, the referee is responsible for presenting, and often creating, a setting which may vary from as small as a town and its environs up to and including an entire multiverse; that takes some self-confidence, perhaps even a measure of arrogance, to pull-off well, in my experience.

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/le-ballet-de-l-acier - swashbuckling adventure in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
    Featured Campaign of the Month - August 2011
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    For me it is simple. My players rarely give feedback so getting feedback from an outside source tells me if I am doing a good job or not. If I ask my players how did I do, I always get the canned response, "Great game" I want more than that. I put 20+ hours a week into making my games great before we even sit at the table. I like the feedback which for me makes it all worth while. I once closed a game after just 6 months of play because no one told me they were having fun. Then I got six months a crap for closing the game which they said was the best ever. Too late, I lost interest, good-bye.

    "Star Trek Late Night":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/star-trek-late-night
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