Wiki Page Name Issues

edited May 2011 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm having some strange problems with wiki page names. I'm trying to import my wiki from "Wizards Groups":, but I'm running into some problems. First, Wizards allows (in fact, encourages) pages with titles like [[House Rules:Background Benefits]]. When I try to make a "page": with that name, it lets me, but there's no way that I can find to access it. No wiki link that I have been able to construct actually successfully links to the page that got made. So what's its wiki address? And if colons are illegal characters, why was I allowed to make the page?

Secondly, I'm having an even stranger problem with the links to the "Help": page that I made. The link to the Help page on the Help page works just fine, but on my new "Main": page, even though the [[Help]] link is formatted the same way, the links show up red, want to go to a new page, and if I create that page, it's named "Help-0." The only thing odd about the Main page is that it was originally copied and pasted from my Wizards page, linked above.

What's going on here?


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hm, I'm not sure what is going on with the help page. Given what you've said I don't know why the link doesn't seem to work. Regarding your previous question though, I'm pretty sure the colon is your problem. The links won't function properly if colons are inserted between the double bracket characters. One work around to this problem is to simply create an external link to this page like so:

    "House Rules:Background Benefits":

    Linking externally allows you to preserve formatting that includes colons and other otherwise disallowed characters.

  • Calion
    Posts: 144
    Okay, thanks, arsheesh. I'd also like to know how it _is_ possible to link to such pages. I get that a colon won't work, but by the URL, I would expect that [[house rules background benefits]] would work. It doesn't. What gives?
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Oh I see, somehow I missed the fact that you had managed to create the wiki page with a colon already within the content of the link. I didn't think you could do that, so now I am at a loss. You could always just create a new page identical to the old, but without the colon, and then the textile code: [[house rules background benefits]] would link to that page. That would probably be easier than having to externally link to the page you want to reference.
  • Calion
    Posts: 144
    Yeah, for now I've just given up and named the page "Background benefits": And maybe that's fine; apparently here we're supposed to categorize with tags instead of directories. I was just curious how it was possible to create a page that there was no way to link to, and whether that was a bug that needed fixing. And of course the Help thing is baffling me. Of course, I could just make an absolute link to it, but that seems like cheating. And I don't want to have to do that every time.
  • Calion
    Posts: 144
    Aack! The Help link started working! I replaced the first one with a URL, and the second one turned blue! How odd!
  • Calion
    Posts: 144
    Oookay. I figured it out. The problem was case-sensitivity. I didn't realize that page names were case-sensitive, since the URL is in all lower case (odd, that; on Wikipedia, you can always tell the page name from the URL). So the first link was in lower case. But the really odd thing is that if the first link is in lower case, _the second link, lower down on the page, became lower case too!_
  • Beaumains
    Posts: 132
    Are you able to find the page through the nav menu on the right? (List Pages: +Show All+)

    Second, do I understand correctly that you are starting with a title in another wiki page? (i.e. typing "[[Part A : B]]" into, say, Home Page?)
    If you are creating your pages from the "Create New Page" button, it does not automatically link to any other page: BUT, if you type the page name, exactly, within double-brackets, it _should_ create a solid link. You may be running into a problem with the colon in that it is used as a way to link to character and item stubs specifically, and thus may translate that as an attempt to create an object for which there is no template (sort of).
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