Featured Campaign Submission - Solstice

edited December 2011 in Campaign Submissions
It's been a couple of years now since I followed the links on the Penny Arcade blog and ended up here (like so many others did). Since then I've been slowly building a wiki for a campaign setting I've been working on and playing out of for just shy of a decade. I've never been truly satisfied with my efforts, but a recent spurt in activity has brought it up to a standard where I feel at least a little more comfortable sharing. There's still a ton of notes on my desk that I need to add, but I think the setting is finally coming through without needing to have me sitting at the table and talking all about it.

A Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting

The one real reservation I still have is that my players are not terribly active in adding to the wiki. I've had some luck in the past with out of session contributions (which can be seen by following some of the character links from campaigns I-III), but this time around they have been mostly silent. For my part I don't push them. I don't want to turn their recreation into homework. Even a minor incentive could make them feel like it's a chore they have to do.

Feedback, both positive and negative, is always welcome. I've been looking at this content for so long it's easy to lose that objective eye.


  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Wow... I really love it. The clean look, the story and I especially love the navigation bar on the left... I might want to steal that one.
    I hear you on the player activity as well, it's a reoccurring problem around here and so far no one obvious answer.
    I'm feeling like the campaign could do with a little more visual stimulus. Adding the occasional picture wouldn't hurt.
  • TheMazeController
    Posts: 115
    Very nice!
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    I agree. The site's very clean and flows well. Well done!
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    Wow, Gilheru! Such a compilation of history is awesome in the true sense of the word. I agree with everyone else that the layout is particularly sharp and navigation around the site is effortless. I love the little tabs on the left. I couldn't seem to zoom into the main map to get more detail, but the world looks cool and I like the notes on dragons and deities!

    "Shimring - The Faces of Divinity":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shimring
    (a multiplanar 3.5 D&D campaign)

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Gilheru
    Posts: 6
    Yeah, the issues with the map are unfortunate, but a limitation of the site to the best of my knowledge. If you view the map there should be a show original image button at the bottom. If you click on that you'll get the full 1:1 map.
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Try re-uploading the map, the resolution might be bugged. If not, then I'd suggest you try and find some alternative way to present the map. It's too cool to waste like that.
  • Gilheru
    Posts: 6
    While I appreciate the help, it's just a limitation of the system. The max size a map can be is 1024x1024. If it's larger, and mine is 3200x3200, it will shrink to that size. Looking at the Help boards is sounds like an upgrade to 4096x4096 is in the cards soon'ish, but I don't know when that would be.

    An alternative could be to cut out sections of the map into 1024x1024 sized bites, but given some of the elongated sections of the geography it's not a great solution either. I would probably need a dozen smaller maps. I may do that still, but the best solution is an upgrade to the site backend itself.
  • Spiritual
    Posts: 26
    Wow loads on the adventure log page, will have to have a read :)

    "The Circle of Light":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/the-circle-of-light
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