Alternative magic system for DD

edited March 2008 in General Discussion


  • Ishamael
    Posts: 3
    I'm working on alternative magic system. It was originally for Runequest, and it's point based. Currently I think characters will get points based on spell slots or level+relevant ability modifier. Does anyone have any alternative ideas? I'll post basics of the system as soon as I get my laptop back and the files translated into English.
  • MythicParty
    Posts: 78
    Monte Cook does:

    I've actually ordered an on-demand print copy and will make a review once I've read through it.
  • mcoorlim
    Posts: 39
    Depends on what you want to do with it, I guess. How does the magic in your setting differ from the standard DnD Vancian "magic goes away" memorization scheme?

    I once ran a dnd game where every spell was a different feat. They came off as more like "special powers and abilities" than anything else... it was a rune based system that existed in the viking/norse and celtic cultures of my homebrew world.
  • MythicParty
    Posts: 78
    Unearthed Arcana also features 'Recharge Magic' on page 157.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521

    You could always look at Amtgard's point-based system. (Amtgard is a LARP - you get X number of spell points per level up to a max of 30, and you have to buy weapons with those points too.)
  • mcoorlim
    Posts: 39
    If you're really gung ho, you might as well give every culture a seperate magic system. Look at the real world. Even if in your setting magic has one "source", the means people invent to access this source will vary. You could have rune magic, hermetic spell-based magic, song magic, etc etc etc. Look at the old Mage: The Ascention for inspiration... every tradition used the same magic, but the ways they used it differed.
  • Ishamael
    Posts: 3
    The magic is pretty much similar to that of the runequest, except it's divided to several spheres(not completely unlike in the Mage) all of which are separate skills. Basically (in DD variation) you buy skills based on what sphere you want to concentrate( they are elemental spheres, healing, destruction and probably few else). The success percentage is determined by how powerful the spell is/how many points it costs(meaning that even if your first level wizard could throw a fireball, it would have low success rate because it uses multiple mana points) and how difficult it is(meaning that it's easier to cast a simple fireball than read someones thoughts)

    I still have no access to my laptop, and if I did, I'd still have to work out much details. Thanks for ideas. I like the idea of different traditions.
  • mcoorlim
    Posts: 39
    I converted Mage's sphere system to DnD for a game once.

    It worked about as well as you'd think.
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