Sorry, AvatarArt


  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I was snooping through the new pages detailing the offer you're, well, offering to OP users, and I clicked that "let's get started" button a couple extra times 'cause I didn't notice that clicking it just sent me back to my account page with the message that y'all would be notified and contacting me soon.

    I'd still love to hear from you 'cause naturally I have a complicated idea and I don't know how you'd handle it, but I didn't mean to spam. =\
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    Yeah, I didn't know clicking that button would send them an email... I was just casually interested in looking at what they do. Oh well.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Also, just an alert: I got a response from you guys, but GMail threw it into my spam filter. You may want to give a heads-up somewhere on your site or here.
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    Oh, yep, mine went right in gmail's spambox too, apparently... hmm.
  • MythicParty
    Posts: 78
    Guys, many thanks for the heads up. We were a bit overwhelmed with the 20+ responses we've received since the partnership between us and OP kicked off. By now I have replied to each and every one of you who indicated your interest in our custom art services. With no one responding to any of these, I started to wonder if we got through the gatekeepers.

    I'll see if Micah can add an announcement to the pages to inform people how to find our reply. Again, my appreciation for calling this to our attention.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I'll try to add a note along with the notice that pops up when someone requests to be contacted.

    If you want, please post the message here and we'll try to despamify it! I have a little knowledge about what can set off the spam filters.
  • MythicParty
    Posts: 78
    subject: are you ready to have your imagination illustrated?


    Thank you for contacting us about custom artwork. We're eager to help you visualize any aspect from your gaming. All pieces commissioned will help support Obsidian Portal, as well as provide you with a unique digital illustration. Furthermore, additional pieces of the same figure(s) can be re-created for 50% off or less. Plus we offer Adventurer's Insurance, whereby if your character does meet their end, we'll do their part in the (hopefully) heroic death scene for free. Check out the professional review of us on Gamer Bling for more info about these opportunities.

    No matter what you're looking for, please read through our Commissions Page here:

    ...and follow the suggested steps. Filling out our Creation Guide is a great way to get started.

    We look forward to working with you in making memorable art."


    Steve G.
    Project Manager

    "Drawing your imagination."
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    yep, I think gmail is flagging your emails as spam...
  • MythicParty
    Posts: 78
    "Help me Obi-Micah, you're my only hope."
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Hmm, it doesn't look overly spammy. There's no mention of stock tips, cialis, or free porn.

    Are you sending them from your GMail account? In other words, are you using GMail or your own SMTP server? If it's your own SMTP server, that could be the problem, especially if it's from your ISP. Lots of comcast, earthlink, verizon, etc. e-mails are tagged as spam. It's because many people's home machines are infected with trojans that are constantly relaying spam around.

    Are you sending them one at a time, or using a single e-mail with a bcc? Lots of recipients in the bcc line can sometimes trigger a spam filter. OP has been put on at least one spam list because we were sending out our newsletter in large chunks.

    Also, investigate whether or not you can send in plain-text (not HTML). I've seen some spam filters give weighting to this, since I guess spammers favor HTML mails.

    Finally, I'm not sure, but the subject line might be causing problems. "Are you ready to have your X Y'ed" is kind of similar to many of the spam subjects I've seen. However, I don't think the filters are that smart to make the connection.

    I wish I could be more help :(
  • MythicParty
    Posts: 78
    Yes, we've kept our "get bigger" promotion a local thing for now. ;P

    1) sending from Gmail
    2) sending each message 1 at a time
    3) haven't sent as plain text, we could try to re-send but once labeled as a SPAMMER, wouldn't all messages from that same address be treated as such?
    4) subject line is a possible problem and will change to "custom art"

    Micah, if you could please copy the warning from the News part and put it in the AvatarArt details page, that'd help.

    We'd also like to see a, "Remember, check your SPAM folder" line included in the "AvatarArt has been notified and will be contacting you soon" screen. i.e. once the 'Let's get started!' button has been pushed.

    This is all especially important because the current News will soon become Old News and get pushed down. Plus, even with the update, we still haven't had anyone from OP contact us despite 30+ messages of interest. :(
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I'll make the updates to the details page and also the green notice bar tonight. That's stuff I have to do from my home development machine. I will also (try to) update the notification so that the user requesting notification also gets an e-mail.

    I've also talked to some people I work with, and one had the suggestion of asking people to unflag it as spam. I don't use GMail, so I don't know exactly how it works, but there should be an option for spam e-mails that says something like "this is not spam" If enough people click that, it should (hopefully) remove avatarart@gmail from any sort of spam list.

    So: If you got the email and it was flagged as spam, please take a moment to unflag it!

    Believe me, I really feel for you here. This is something we deal with a lot, where the "Welcome to Obsidian Portal" emails get silently dropped into spam boxes and then angry users e-mail us because they never got their account activation email.
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