Site Character sheets

edited January 2012 in General Discussion
Is there a way to simple copy a pdf of an exisisting character sheet to the site, I use Herolab for my game and would like to simply use the sheets i have already created.


  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Not really. The only files you can upload to the site are images, so you'd have to host it somewhere else and put a link on your character or wiki page.
  • Ghaleonausa
    Posts: 11
    that is unfortuante, I am not liking the dynamic sheets and really like the HeroLab I use, would be an easy choice if i could simple upload those to this site
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    What system are you playing in? You might consider contacting the author of the dynamic sheet you use and asking for new options or improvements. If you're programming inclined, you might also consider using the API to create an exporter which can transfer the data from HL to the Dynamic Sheet system for you.
  • Ghaleonausa
    Posts: 11
    Pathfinder. I tried the dynamic ones but not caring for them, the pathfinder default one is kind of borked, it was not doing skills correctly, it would not add ranks and ability
    together correctly. and i wish i was "inclined" but sadly i am not, I do appreciate your trying to help me though, i really would like to use this site for my pnp game.
    Are you aware of any reason why they do not allow uploading of existing character sheets?
  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278
    Side question for you Ghaleonausa: How are you liking Herolab? I was thinking of buying except they make you pay for each additional data file on top of paying for each individual system and that seemed a bit too much in my opinion.

    As to why they don't allow you upload additional character sheets they would need to have the programing necessary to read whatever format each individual character sheet maker for each system (and there are a lot of them....Heroforge, PCGen, Herolab, etc. each saving the character in a different file type) . As it is you could use a image printer and make an image of your character sheet and then upload that. That way you would use HeroLAb for the actual creating and simply use OP to host the image to show the GM and other players.


    "Changing History":
  • Ghaleonausa
    Posts: 11
    I like it alot, I have only payed for the 3.5 and the basic pathfinder + APG total was 50 over the several months the 3.5 has all the info you could really need and if you are good at macro's and have the time you could simply go with basic for anything and create the rest. for example one of my players had a feat that i had not gotten the expansion for, so i created the feat and added with out buying expansions. useful especially if you only need or want a couple things from an expansion and not everything.

    thanks for the tip on using an image printer, I will try it out, thanks

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