How to request a feature



  • Errant
    Posts: 4
    I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but a changelog field for character sheets would be nice. It's irritating having to do a manual diff after every edit by the players only to find that they've altered some punctuation in their backstory.
  • dneighbors
    Posts: 7
    It seems that I can hide an NPC from the players in entirety or I can add GM notes to an NPC. However, it would be nice for me to be able to enter all the statistics of a character in the template, but then be able to click a "show basic information" check box so that players only see basic information ie: name, race, gender, etc but all the statistics only show for a GM.
  • tsattert
    Posts: 2
    I'd like to see a HERO System 5th Edition dynamic sheet added.

    I also want to second dneighbors' request for a "show basic information" feature.
  • tetrasodium
    Posts: 26
    I'd like to see the addition of some restriction/filtering on what players can add/edit along with what visitors can see (i.e. map/forum viewable to anyone if not already). Specifically I've had some players who added rather inappropriate NPC's & wiki pages to the campaign after encouraging people to add stuff & have been setting up some plans to setup another page for an open game I run at a local FLGS where I can't always be sure that I would be able to trust the players who join it if I announce the obsidian portal for it.

    A way to set the campaign or just default them so players wanting to add an npc or wiki page requires GM approval before it goes public to the campaign would solve the first problem without making GM's have to choose between crushing the spirits of players wanting to contribute and letting players hijack the campaign in extremely inapropriate & illfitting NPC's.
    A way to lock a page/character so only GM's and Co-GM's can edit it similar to how you can do with regular wiki's based on access levels of the editor would solve the second problem and keep important things from being edited by players when the GM does not want them modified between games.
  • Firion
    Posts: 2
    My Suggestion is a rather simple one. Could it be possible to have a "None" box in the Email notifications section of the page editor? It gets annoying having to uncheck all my members so I don't spam up their emails with a thousand page updates.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Firion- Just have your players uncheck the updates in their profiles- that way the only updates they receive you control.
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    Duskreign's "COTM for November 2011":

    Just trying to help out.

  • tetrasodium
    Posts: 26
    Killervp, I'm going to agree that Firion's request for a none checkbox is good for the same reasons that wiki's have the "this is a minor edit" checkbox. Sometimes you are just making a very minor update not worthy of a new email or just fixing a typo you didn't notice before you submitted it earlier
  • HurstGM
    Posts: 205
    I get the minor edit thing but i would forget to check the box. Perhaps something where the GM could turn off notifications themselves blocking all update emails?
  • tetrasodium
    Posts: 26
    if you forget to check the box it's not much different than forgetting to uncheck the boxes for the umpteenth minor update of the day as it is currently ;)
  • HurstGM
    Posts: 205
    Im talking about something "global" that disables all notifications until you uncheck it.
  • Ghaleonausa
    Posts: 11
    I may have missed it but please add a way to simply upload pdf's of existing character sheets rather than the dynamic ones, I use Herolab and would like to just make the pfd and load to the site, or is this already possible and i missed it?
  • Sorwen
    Posts: 64 edited January 2012
    I would like to be able to make a copy of a character sheet(with dynamic data). It needs to be able to update independently of the original sheet it was copied from. For instance I have several NPCs that have a human form and an alternate form. While they have the same skills and some of the same abilities in both forms in one they may have different skill modifiers or feats that can only be used in that alternate form. It would then be easier to enter the base sheet, copy it, and then modify the new sheet with only the differences instead of entering the data twice.

    "Return to the Time of Troubles":
    Post edited by Sorwen on
  • Sorwen
    Posts: 64 edited January 2012
    Characters marked as GM Only shouldn't be listed on the charater Page for your profile. Thankfully you can change the name and the page name or there would have been spoilers for my group. Still that means I have to name the NPC1, NPC2, etc so that there are no campaign spoilers. Just because they can't be accessed doesn't mean there may not be information that others shouldn't see.

    "Return to the Time of Troubles":
    Post edited by Sorwen on
  • wyrmgear
    Posts: 2
    Forgive me if this has been mentioned, I started reading through the 223 post prior to this one and got lost somewhere along the way.

    Something I would find tremendously useful (I am new to OP, could be this exists and I can't find it) is a story/plot/event flow tool.

    1. What does it do?
    Allows a visual representation of story/plot/event flow with linkable entries. Could also have several variations (timeline, data flow, etc.). This could also be used to show npc relations, government/guild/temple (insert body of choice here) hierarchies. Perhaps even used for concurrent plot lines (layers would rock, though I imagine that's pushing it for an initial request).

    2. What does it look like?
    Like a software flow chart with simple diagramming shapes. Shapes can be connected, branched, and edited with links to the important persons, places, creatures, and items in each event. Something similar to Lone Wolf Development's Realm Works Story Flow. (
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Not a tool, but folks have done timelines- check out "here": and "here":
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":

    Just trying to help out.

  • wyrmgear
    Posts: 2
    killervp, thanks for the links; I gotta admit, those are very nicely done! (I see the incredible campaigns here and wonder how I will ever create such a beautiful wiki... thank goodness for the community!).

    I will definitely (attempt to) stand on the shoulders of these giants. However, I am thinking something more DM-centric, like this timeline in Liquid Story Binder XE:

    To be fair, what I first mentioned is very different, so I suppose it would be two tools; one to diagram story flow and a separate one to build and track concurrent plot flows on a time line (unless of course the tools tools can be combined in a single interface).
  • Jayph
    Posts: 26 edited February 2012
    Howdy! Not sure if this came up already or not. Just thought of it and wanted to request it before I forgot about it before going through 226 posts.
    I like the rating feature on items, why not have that same feature on forum posts?
    I play in PBPs on OP, that's the main reason why I went ascendant. I'd love the ability to rank a post within that PBP.
    Make sense?

    "Guardians of the Frontier":
    Post edited by Jayph on
  • LeeShort
    Posts: 4
    I would love to have the ability to archive Adventure Log posts to a forum (subforum, preferably).
  • Xorial
    Posts: 3
    I would like to see a way to embed a Google Doc/PDF into a page. I link to some PDFs I have, but would love for them to get displayed right in a wiki page.
  • ralphlacy
    Posts: 3 edited February 2012
    (removed and posted in the right place)
    Post edited by ralphlacy on
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    I'm still hoping for an in-setting calendar option. I've been using the calendar generator at the Starting Tavern for a few years now, but it is pretty limited (if you put an event on a single date in one year, it is on that date in every year, making it useless for tracking unique events). Probably a low-priority item, but it is so much easier than printing out an excel spreadsheet to have one that all the players can see and reference online.
  • magavendon
    Posts: 112 edited February 2012
    -Holy crap I got so excited when you mentioned a calendar generator for fantasy games (even if you were saying it wasn't that great) only to find out it isn't free... :(-

    Nevermind, just had to actually register to try it out. Thanks for the info that's pretty cool!
    Post edited by magavendon on
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    I've never paid for it. Does the starting tavern cost money now?
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    "The rent is metaphorical.":
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Magavendon, you can always create your own calendar- that's what I did

    Just trying to help out.

  • magavendon
    Posts: 112
    I think I might just make my own calendar generator :P

    I don't get what you're saying, lol. I do want to make my own calendar, at least all the names and stuff, but I want a program to make a digital copy of it for me, and to hold events and stuff in the calendar.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    My fault. My misunderstanding. If you get one to work I would definitely steal it!

    Just trying to help out.

  • wgahnagl
    Posts: 2
    I would like to see an improvement to the Markers for Maps. I would like the Markers to be saved so I can use them from Map to Map. I am running a campaign using the forums and the players really like the map function. My problem is that I have to recreate the Markers every time I switch map. Just a simple option at the bottom of the marker screen giving the choice to save. I put descriptions on each of the monsters that show up and I really rather not retype them every time.
  • darkanglmarine
    Posts: 34
    I would like to see more local content for games in the area. Right now, if I want to look at other OP campaigns in my local area, I have to search to my local area on the google map, then zoom down, then click or hover over each campaign, then type them into the search. It would be nice to simply have a "Local Campaigns" button and do a by zip code and radius search that would generate a clickable list of all the games in the area on OP.
  • LeeShort
    Posts: 4
    On Email Notification for forum posts -- it would be nice to have a Clear button that unchecks everybody's name. Would be really handy for minor edits.
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