Thoughts? Too Distracting?



  • Slushpuppiet
    Posts: 3 edited March 2012
    @Sorwen: Try reversing the first two lines and reducing the width as such -

    Note: I'm using chrome, you might need to tweak it to make it look better with whatever browser you're using.
    Post edited by Slushpuppiet on
  • Sorwen
    Posts: 64 edited March 2012
    Thanks, but I did both. Originally all I did was paste the exact code without changes and it didn't work. Then I added ChainsawXIV's line. Then I saw the google chrome people mention the switch and I did that. Nothing worked. Sorry I didn't mention that before. I've done everything I've found here with no luck.

    Edit: Correction I hadn't set the width to 0, just smaller than 300. I just tried that and no change.
    Post edited by Sorwen on
  • Slushpuppiet
    Posts: 3 edited March 2012
    Alright, try switching relative positioning to absolute and see how that works? Also take away the -140, just put it at 0.

    Edit: Also, I noticed you're using bidirectional quotation marks? Make sure you're using " and not ”.
    Post edited by Slushpuppiet on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    These are the values I use for my sidebar, which have been seen by a lot of folks with varied browsers and no issues.

    Hope that helps.
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Sorwen
    Posts: 64 edited March 2012
    Thank you both.

    That got me part of the way there. I guess because of the text width on mine it still overlaps. However now that it does work I can make small adjustments until it fits correctly. Thanks a bunch. :D

    Edit: Prefect. I don't know why 1250/300/140/0 wouldn't work at all (always put it in the exact same place) and 10 would, but I'm not going to question it either. :) All hail 10!!
    Post edited by Sorwen on
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