How to request a feature



  • DragonsBay
    Posts: 13
    What does it do?
    I would like to move NPC's between campaigns. If I have an old campaign and like a character, I would like to create a copy of him in my new campaign and then simply edit them.

    What does it look like. A simple button to "port the NPC" to another campaign you run. It creates a "GM ONLY" character in the new campaign that can then be edited.
  • ledeir
    Posts: 7
    I did a quick search of the forum and didn't see anything come up with this suggestion... So I figured I'd post it here. Hopefully I'm not blind and didn't just miss it.
    Some sort of XP and Advancement tracker.
    I did see at least one post linking to a spreadsheet for it, but it would be great to build it directly into the site.
    There are a lot of ways to do it, the easiest being to provide your own spreadsheet templates...
    Better one's would be to have a lightweight database mapped to characters...
    The GM would be able to enter experience (and money, and loot) gained and the players would be able to enter advancements as appropriate to the system...
    It doesn't work quite as straight forward for level based systems, but there are a lot of skill based systems out there that it would be... And you could largely rely on the GM to monitor it...
    Just my two cents
  • tetrasodium
    Posts: 26 edited March 2012
    Ledeir, why not just use the GM+Player boxes on the PC pages? he only trouble I can imagine from doing that would be they have to go to the page because the secret boxes don't get included in emails :(. But if you tell them that you will be adding exp & such to their pages after the game and they will need to check their page for details once they get the email saying you made an edit to their character it shouldn't be an issue either.
    Post edited by tetrasodium on
  • ledeir
    Posts: 7
    tetrasodium -
    The intent is not primarily informing them, I currently include the XP / loot gain in the after action reports already and very little of it is secret, its more for tracking purposes...
    It will make it easy for both me and the players to track how much they've gained and will (ideally) let me see at a glance how much XP any given party has allowing me to properly calibrate the opposition.
  • FrustratedRocka
    Posts: 5
    Please add Legend (see ) to the system filter. A dynamic sheet for the system would also be fantastic, but that's probably not going to happen any time soon.
  • DangerousThing
    Posts: 2
    A Common and Secure Dice Roller

    It would be nice if the Adventure Log, the Forum, and the Wiki had a secure dice roller in them that worked the same. I would like to run a campaign purely on this board because due to being my wife's full-time caregiver, my schedule is not my own. I can run a play-by-post, but I can't guarantee that I would be available at any given evening.

    Players prefer to roll their own dice to having the GM roll them. As a GM I would like to make it *easy* for the players to roll secure dice.

    The GM would define some normal die rolls for their campaign via something like "Dice=2d6". To roll multiple sets of dice it might look like "Character=(7)2d6". The player would choose from the GM's predefined dice and hit a "Roll" button. At this point, the results of the dice rolls would appear under the posting in a separate box, something that *nobody* could edit - this makes them secure.

    There are two parts to this. The first part would be in the campaign profile page where the GM could enter dice rolls and name them. It would be nice to have the full input options of The Secure Dice Roller at:
    however, with the ability to name the rolls defined rather than roll them. I would also prefer to enter a number for the number of rolls. Or it could have a simple parser and language like I stated above.

    The second part is used by the players and GM whenever a roll is needed. The player would select from a menu which might have choices like "Gauss Pistol Damage", "2d6", and "Explosion". When the player selected the correct one, he would hit a "roll" button. Then the dice would appear in a box below or alongside his posting (I'd prefer below). These rolls could not be edited either by the players or the GM, nor could a player/GM fake the results of the dice rolls without messing with and editing style sheets which could be detected. A player/GM would be allowed multiple rolls: the GM could have said "Roll to hit and then roll the damage". In the box below might appear:

    To Hit: 5 + 2 = 7
    Gauss Gun Damage: 2 + 4 + 1 = 7

    It is important to see the individual dice as well as the total. A roll of multiple sets of dice might appear as:
    Character: (1 + 2 = 3), (3 + 4 = 7)

    Very. However, I'm willing to do some programming for this if necessary.
  • zapht
    Posts: 1
    I'd love to see the forums support "secrets" like wiki pages do. It would be very useful for play-by-post when (for example) someone says something in a language that only certain PC's speak.
  • gryphon410
    Posts: 3
    It would be really nice to have a way for my characters to upload their character sheets. Right now I have a form enabled PDF that they use with JavaScripting I've placed into the form. They bring that to the table for our sessions and keep it on their computers, but I would love for them to have a spot to store them at - preferrably right on their character sheet as an attachment. I realize that would probably increase server space to do that, so I'd love to know of any reasonable alternatives?
  • sonic1292
    Posts: 1
    can you make were you can were you can make your own character sheet program. It would help members with their campign
  • WiseOldOwl
    Posts: 3
    I'll add my vote for Markdown support. I particularly like the intuitive ease of reading Markdown in plain text format. Note this also translates to an intuitive ability to 'code' (such as it is) in Markdown.
  • Firion
    Posts: 2
    Is it possible to Add a new Game System to the Game System selection menu when creating a campaign? I
  • Finn_Quill
    Posts: 11 edited May 2012
    "Would it be possible to add a small print caption under pictures? Nothing complicated, though it would be nice if it supported links. This way you could enter a caption, a hint, or maybe most notably, an art credit with a link the the artist's dA or website."
    Post edited by Finn_Quill on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Ryuka_Tana- you can add this yourself, very easily- many of us have acknowledgements on our pages, either under the art, at the bottom of the page, or a separate acknowledgements page.
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • JamesHazelton
    Posts: 6 edited May 2012
    On my wiki page (and to a lesser extent on my characters page) I use tags to organize my world encyclopedia, sort of like a table of contents. I love the convenience of the sidebar, but I wish the tags on the sidebar were easier to customize than simply listing them all alphabetically.

    I envision a hierarchical folder-like structure, where tags could be slightly indented under headings and subheadings, which may or may not be tags themselves. For instance, (except with spacing instead of dots)

    ..Aurobin City
    ....Organized Crime

    Thus, I could click on "Aurobin City" to view all pages related to Aurobin City, or click on "Organized Crime" to view pages about the syndicates plaguing the city. "Races" might be an inert heading, or it may be a link to pages on race-related issues.

    The editing interface could operate like browser bookmarks. In this way, tagging would be more dynamic and more useful in both navigation and organization. For those who want to keep things simple, maybe leave regular alphabetization as a togglable option.

    For extra credit, you could allow some customization in the tag pages themselves--the ones that organize the pages within a single tag. I like to link to those pages in my wiki ("For more information on Aurobin City, click here") but they're kind of ugly as is.

    Thanks for listening!
    Post edited by JamesHazelton on
  • DangerousThing
    Posts: 2

    Wow! I really think that would be a great organizational scheme.

    I am using the Wiki for a glossary, and would love to have something like that. I'm planning to tie things together like that on a page, but your way would be better.

    Darn. Now I have to use tags.
  • bscarbeau
    Posts: 1
    I have seen it on here before but have to throw my support behind the request for being able to restrict a forum to certain players.
  • Urlord
    Posts: 2
    I sent this to Micah via email, but I guess I should put it here to be official:

    On my Campaign Wiki, I have a navigation pane on all my wiki pages. I would love an INCLUDE command that would allow you to include the raw contents of one page on another page. It could look something like ths:

    _include slug_ or or &include slug& or something similar

    The command would grab the stored page code for the designated slug page from the database and include it at the command location. This would allow for things like creating one wiki page for the navigation pane and including it on all the other pages, instead of having to copy, paste and maintain it on every page. It would be a much more object oriented wiki page concept.

    The only security type feature I think you would need is not to allow it to include itself, otherwise there could be an infinite loop and crash the server. Maybe limiting it so there are no nested includes or only a few (like 3) levels of nested includes.
  • ras_kcir
    Posts: 6
    Lots of useful requests here, I think. What I have to add seems almost a bug, rather than a missing feature, since it's so basic. Is there any way that the "Nearby Campaigns" can start up either (a) on MY location with some sort of default zoom OR (b) on the last requested location / zoom. As it is, every time I start looking for campaigns, I have to start in Paraguay. (????) Nice place, I hear, but a pretty far trek for me if I want to attend any of their campaigns in corpus.
  • Lanfranch
    Posts: 1
    In my campaign PCs (dead and alive) and NPCs are growing dramatically in numbers; it would be nice to organise them in categories (Location, Faction, etc.) or have the possibility to run quick searches by tag (like on Google, with suggestions and real time reorganisation of the list).
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    This is more of a meta-feature that could help the site developers than anything else, but...

    What might be nice would be an integrated method of handling feature requests and finding out which ones people most want. Say, some kind of database where you can search through feature requests and then 'up' or 'down' vote them.

    I would like to put my support behind Urlord and JamesHazelton's requests, too - both would be highly useful.
  • Dungeon_Master_Loki
    Posts: 359
    Urlord's idea is one I am ten thousand percent behind. It would make managing my games SO much better! +1!

    Game Designer, Pro GM, multiple ENnie Award winner

    GM of Planejammer: The Spelljoined (Pathfinder 1e) Campaign of the Year 2011 and still going strong!

    GM of The Planewalker's Guild (Pathfinder 1e) 

    Need a GM? Book me today!

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Urlord's idea
    On my Campaign Wiki, I have a navigation pane on all my wiki pages. I would love an INCLUDE command that would allow you to include the raw contents of one page on another page. It could look something like ths:

    _include slug_ or or &include slug& or something similar

    The command would grab the stored page code for the designated slug page from the database and include it at the command location. This would allow for things like creating one wiki page for the navigation pane and including it on all the other pages, instead of having to copy, paste and maintain it on every page. It would be a much more object oriented wiki page concept.

    The only security type feature I think you would need is not to allow it to include itself, otherwise there could be an infinite loop and crash the server. Maybe limiting it so there are no nested includes or only a few (like 3) levels of nested includes.

    would have saved me so much time, and would still be awesome!!

    Just trying to help out.

  • Langy
    Posts: 364 edited May 2012
    I think nested Includes could be fine, but yeah, you need to make sure no infinite loops are possible, possibly by making it so any one 'include' can only be used once per page, no matter if it's nested or not.
    Post edited by Langy on
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Oh, I'd also request a 'Co-GM' section on the 'Party' area of the main campaign page (probably right under the current GM section and above the PC section). I'm the co-GM of a game here, but it's kinda hard to tell - I don't think there's anything that lets the other players know without us specifically telling everyone.
  • Ghaleonausa
    Posts: 11
    I know I requested it months ago and have seen a couple other people ask as well. Can we please get a way to display PDF's to our pages, I would like to be able to display my Herolab character sheets on the character tabs, I have tried the Dynamic sheets and personally don't like them.
  • dlaporte7271
    Posts: 94 edited June 2012
    could you use the 'snapshot' feature and create an image file of your pdf? Then you could just load it as a pic.

    Post edited by dlaporte7271 on
  • condonsj
    Posts: 2
    Seconding Ghaleonausa's request as I would love to be able to embed my google doc character sheet pdf's as well as possibly spreadsheets and documents.
  • Xorial
    Posts: 3
    My suggestion isn't a full feature, I think,lol. I would suggest getting together with the getting together with the guys as
  • High_Priest_of_Syrin
    Posts: 2
    There are a LOT of campaigns on here, and I would like to easily find others similar to mine to borrow game ideas, leave comments, 'favorite', etc. I suggest that campaigns include tags or keywords for content beyond just the game system being used and that the OP campaign page include a way to search or filter based on the GM-entered tags/keywords.

    For instance, if I'm interested in what other people are doing in Eberron then it doesn't matter as much to me whether they are using DnD 1.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 or Pathfinder RPG. I'd like to search for content like "Eberron" or "Savage Tide" or "Supers" so that I have an idea what the campaign is about before digging further.

    This is a great site, and thanks!
  • Deverash
    Posts: 1
    When editing a forum post, it would be nice to have preview button. On a similar note, there are time when I don't necessarily need to have notifications sent out. A "none" checkbox next to the "All" checkbox would be great for this!
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