Wanting to start a table top Mass Effect D&D game

edited March 2012 in General Discussion
I have been playing D&D and Mass Effect for years and I am wanting to combine both so my friends who don't play ME on a console have another way of enjoying it as much I do, but I need some help since this is my first time doing so.

I have a list of classes that will be used and an idea of their hit die for the class, but it is incomplete.

Solider (d10)
Adept (d4)
Sentential (d?)
Engineer (d?)
Infiltrator (d6)
Vanguard (d?)

As for weapons I want to use the ones from all three 3 games, and yes I mean every weapon that could be used, but I do not have an idea on how much the base damage for each weapon would be.

As for skills and class powers, I think either going with ME1 power tree or ME3 power tree and as for skills stick with the 3.5 class and cross skills.

So far this is what I got, any help and or ideas on this will considered and greatly appreciated :D


  • Dameon_Raneara
    Posts: 2
    Any help please? o.O
  • magavendon
    Posts: 112
    Vanguard, being a combination of biotics and combat, should probably be a d6 or a d8, I'd lean towards a d8. Especially since it reminds me of the dnd Spellsword prestige class, and that had a d8 HD.

    Engineer isn't combat oriented so a d10 for that is out. The class is mostly a support class with battlefield control, I'd say a d6 or a d8, like the Vanguard, would suit it well. Probably a d6.

    Similarly, the Sentinel is also a support class with battlefield control. The difference, of course, being that the sentinel can use both tech and biotics instead of just being limited to one. It feels more like a caster class than any other archetype so I'd give them a d4. Yes they are durable, but only through the use of their abilities.

    Now, you could probably get away with increasing Soldier, Engineer, and Vanguard one HD lvl. Thus ending up with,
    Soldier - d12
    Adept - d4
    Sentinel - d4
    Engineer - d8
    Infiltrator - d6
    Vanguard - d10

    Or without increasing them:
    Soldier - d10
    Adept - d4
    Sentinel - d4
    Engineer - d6
    Infiltrator - d6
    Vanguard - d8
  • RobertBenton
    Posts: 46
    Hit up dandwiki.com Alot of it is,.... well crap, but I'm sure you can find things like weapon stats, feats, and even races that will be similar or easily modded to fit what you need. Check out the 3.5e Homebrew both tabled and not.
  • Sorwen
    Posts: 64 edited March 2012
    First, no character should have a d4 if you are going to base restrictions off the ME trees. The weapons do damage relatively equal to a biotics (if not more so in some cases) so an Adept isn't a glass canon situation like D&D. Personally I would have everyone at d10's. At the least something like an Adept would qualify as a Bard with d6's or even better Cleric with d8's. Engineer thief with d6's as well. Infiltrator/Vanguard/Sentinel would all be like a Ranger or Paladin (d8/d10). Then finally Soldier with a solid d10.

    Still that is all unbalance in my opinion because when you pick up a rocket launcher that is more than the equivalent of a fireball then having more HP on top of it is highly unfair when ME botics don't at least have the versatility of a normal caster to make up for it. Really if you wanted a ME system I would start with Star Wars d20 and adjust from there. It has a better balance for a heavy tech situation.
    Post edited by Sorwen on
  • jacobkosh
    Posts: 27
    Dameon, I'd consider investigating the systems Stars Without Number (if you like the old-school D&D vibe) or Traveller to run a Mass Effect game, as they have a lot of material that can be really easily converted to fit the Mass Effect flavor.
  • DamienMaster
    Posts: 34
    If you're determined to roll D20s then look at Star Wars Saga, however, better yet (in my opinion) woukld be Star Wars D6!

    So much of Star Wars runs parallel with ME that it would be a pretty simple port over...

    In fact, it's already been done!


  • jacobkosh
    Posts: 27
    I've put my space money where my space mouth is and statted up a quick-n-dirty Mass Effect conversion for Traveller, with support for the major races, tech powers, and biotics: http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/destination-zero/
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