New ways to die

edited April 2012 in General Discussion
As gamers we have all seen our share of great deaths. I am looking for something new, something I have never heard about before. I seek new ways to die.


"Star Trek Late Night":
"Duskreign's CotM 12/11":
"OP CotM 01/12":


  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Well, before it was retconned into a sorcerous nightmare, my namesake had actually gone crazy after being betrayed once too many times. His death played out thusly:

    After losing his One True Love and Best Friend to each other, losing his Crown, and then receiving news that the port capital had begun flying his Friend's banner, he decided that the town had to burn. After a quick stop at a Dwarven brewery, he began covertly placing barrels of alcohol around the port, with the plan of blowing up the entire waterfront. He was spotted by the guards just as he began igniting the first barrel, but after planting dozens. He had planned on making it inland, but unfortunately didn't have time with the guards after him. He tried to dive into the harbor, which allowed him to avoid the first fireball, but he was killed when the pressure wave from the remaining explosions hit the harbor. Mission? Success. Unfortunately, not one he could celebrate.
  • optimus_mush
    Posts: 28
    As we wrapped up a high school campaign in preparation for all of us leaving in our own directions, one of my characters had a different sort of ending. Not really a death, but I think that it meets the spirit of this thread.

    After betraying (and almost killing) another member of his party, my dwarven psionicist, Baldric, fled from his party with a powerful magical item known as "The Doomsday Device". It was a sort of small nuclear bomb. The other character, who survived Baldric's attack, was a really bad-news guy called The Baron. He managed to corner Baldric in a collapsing pocket dimension. Rather than be taken, Baldric threw himself into the void, not knowing what would happen to him. The Baron, who found a Deck of Many Things and managed to pull a wish card used it to take his revenge: He wished that Baldric become a giant immortal dung beetle.

    I've always looked back on that fondly, and have often pondered whether to include in my own campaigns the legend of a giant immortal dung beetle that is rumoured to have a world-shattering magical device secured in the centre of his ball of poo.
  • RobertBenton
    Posts: 46
    I've had one of my characters explode into a garden. Inaquis doesn't have any magic, but the Realm of Dreams has began invading. My party was facing a dream with the body of a snake, eight arms, and a pink and white lotus bloom where the head should be. When the Dream (a creature type) killed the character the Dream's reality became stronger than his own and he exploded into a garden with lavander, tulips, and a single blue rose. His essence can possess a person via a venom in the rose's thorns.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017 edited May 2012
    Anything where the soul is trapped and then fed to a devouring entity works for me!

    "Shimring - The Faces of Divinity":
    (a multiplanar 3.5 D&D campaign)
    Post edited by twiggyleaf on

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • AnonymousOne
    Posts: 20
    I think one of the most memorable was also the most recent.

    We're crawling around in ancient ruins guarded by these large and very deadly constructs. They have massive impaling spikes on their back ... and Improved Grab. Those of you that play 3.5 can imagine how this goes. Oh ... did I mention they are spell immune? Yeah ... about the only thing that slows them down are walls, alas they have a burrow speed so they just take a turn or two and dig under the wall of force. yeah AC in the high 20s, spell immunity, a grapple that rivals God, and a breath weapon that paralyses.

    So we make our way to the main hall where we have to secure this staff. There are three of these freaking things. We kill one, but are so beat up that we have to basically smash and grab, One of our comrades is impaled on the back of one of these creatures. SO we pull a series of desperate teleports etc. Dislodge him, and throw his unconscious body down a hallway, The monk steps in to distract the construct, completely oblivious to his own danger. He gets hit and grappled. MY character and the Goliath step in to try and hack the arm away that has him. We fail. He is impaled and dies while we withdraw, running for our lives.

    The beauty of it was the guy playing the monk knew it was suicide. He just looks at us all and says, "This is what he would do. I'm at peace with it."

    It was so awesome.
  • dlaporte7271
    Posts: 94
    Well...Nothing new here...but waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day...1st edition tomb of horrors...TPK at the mouth...the whole damn party jumped in!

    (dumb teenagers!)

    On another note...playing palladium many years ago...I was a player. One of the other characters, a fighter type who played an incredibly arrogant and stubborn character, role played himself right into a fight he couldn't win. We were walking down a country road when we came upon a column of thousands of soldiers coming up the road from the other direction. At the head of the column was a gigantic man in gleaming armor. We were lowly leveled characters at the time so you can imagine how much more powerful and imposing this leader was portrayed to us. When our fighter refused to make way the commander gave him plenty of warnings. The DM made EVERY attempt to show the fighting prowess of the commander, but our guy just wouldn't budge. Even after the soldier jumped down off his horse and put on an exaggerated display of swordsmanship...STILL...the fighter refused to step aside...It finally came to blows. Needless to say our fighter died quickly. Role played to death!

    "violent skies":
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    The original Tomb of Horrors has claimed hundreds of whole parties. lol
  • meleaina
    Posts: 5
    Had a character commit suiced in his first action of the game. he decided not to take any languge skills to communicatate with the rest of the party.
    So i had a translation symbiot fall on him from a tree> His first reaction was to panic and try to cut it off...rolled a 1...

    Had another character fall into a dimensional hole trap. As he was falling, he saw a rock below him that was vaguely screw shaped...

    Last good deaht i had, my Troll street samurai, was holding of a bunch of renraku security. Dual weilding panther assault cannons. managed to stay standing long enough to run out of ammo. He didnt make it, but the rest of the crew did
  • rayezilla
    Posts: 3
    I like that idea, twig: then you can motivate the party to rescue him!

    Most original way I died? I wished for a gnomish barrel submarine with a wish ring. I got teleported inside the right thing, but it was in the ninth circle of hell and was the possession of a titan-demon. The thing looked at me and I went totally insane.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    Who wouldn't? LOL!

    "Shimring - The Faces of Divinity":
    (a multiplanar 3.5 D&D campaign)

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    I had my arm chopped off by my own son who then beat me into unconsciousness. When I awoke I was bound and had to watch him rape and butcher the rest of the family before turning on me with a sledge hammer. It was a rather traumatic night of gaming.
  • dlaporte7271
    Posts: 94
    Ladies and gentlemen...tonights gm...Charles Manson.
  • Calivan
    Posts: 2
    A few years ago, some low level characters lost a part member indirectly to box text. I forget the exact box text, but not my players actions.

    *Party is traveling to dungeon and comes across a roper that captures a peer of theirs to bargain*
  • Jyhazen
    Posts: 20
    I once had a husband and wife in my game that were getting out of the Marines (we were all stationed together) and so their PC's were leaving the game. On the last night of gaming the group found a large cave system and near the middle of it they entered a small room with a stream in it. Near the stream was a simple table with a flask on it that was labeled, "Immortality". Surprisingly both the Husband and Wife's PC's drank from the flask and quickly realized they could no longer see the exits to the room. The other PC's left them there after awhile trying different things.

    So, while they didn't die they were doomed to spend eternity in each others company, in a small room, and neither of them can die.

    The party stayed together and visited them a few game years later...they were both completely insane and practicing hitting each other with various weapons.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    "they were both completely insane and practicing hitting each other with various weapons." That really made me laugh...
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

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