Created a Game World Calendar Tool Using the API

edited May 2012 in Feature Requests
Not so much a feature request as an app announcement, but I didn't want it to get lost in the API category...

I created a new tool that will create a wiki page, in your campaign, with a game world calendar on it. We support the real world calendar (Gregorian), as well as Golarion, Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk. There isn't a ton of formatting on the calendar, so you are free to modify and change it to suit your campaign.

You need to be a Twitter or Facebook user to use the tool, but you don't have to give me passwords for anything. I won't post anything to your feed or wall. Though, if you wanted to tweet or promote that would be awesome. Also,donations to help me cover hosting costs are appreciated.

Consider this beta, and you can find it at



  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Very neat! One of these days, maybe I'll get a smart phone so I can use things like that.

    *Goes back to his telegraph*
  • Shammond42
    Posts: 65
    Rase, this is a "web app" not a "smartphone app". You can totally use it from the browser.

  • bluesguy
    Posts: 127
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This is a fantastic tool. I just used it to create my campaign's calendar.
  • AshevilleRPG
    Posts: 3
    Excellent tool/code. Now that I see it in the editing screen I wonder why I didn't figure out how to do this already! Thanks, Shammond42.
  • Savannah
    Posts: 188
    Any chance of giving us non-Twitter/Facebook users a way to use this? Because it sounds awesome, but I refuse to sign up for something I don't want just to get the calendar :P
  • Shammond42
    Posts: 65
    The advantage to me of using Twitter/Facebook is that almost everybody has them and so I don't need to manage passwords and so forth myself. This lets me put more time into the tools and as a result I've got the next tool almost ready to go. If I added Google would that help you? Otherwise you are probably out of luck for a while.
  • Savannah
    Posts: 188
    Yep, Google would work perfectly! Thanks!
  • AshevilleRPG
    Posts: 3

    This is what I've played with for about 15 minutes for my new Serenity RPG Campaign: What I've created so far is not quite how I want it to look, but until tweeks are made, it meets my needs. It's formatted in html (I think -- novice here!), but can be replicated in Textile.

    My campaign is set in 2517, so my calendar is set for that year. Since I don't know what shammond42 used to figure out months and days in the future, I can only assume the dates/days are correct for such a time frame (not that my players would notice). Going to gives you options for other calendar types, but I haven't played with those (only the "real world calendar").

    Also, if you use FB to sign up you can make the settings not post to your profile. I have mine set to "only me" being allowed to view things, but I can't even see them on my profile. I have a very, uber-private page so I can understand your concern. So far, I've not had any qualms.
  • Shammond42
    Posts: 65
    Asheville, it should be doing the correct days of the week that far into the future, assuming we still use the same calendar system in the future. If you want to test it a little more, try generating the next year and see if the days carry forward correctly. If you do 4 years, you should get a leap year, etc.

    Savanna, I have added Google account support to my feature list. I don't have an ETA on it, but it shouldn't be too far away. I am finishing the Chronicler tool, and fixing a tough bug I found while testing the API's after the Rails upgrade on OP.

  • Shammond42
    Posts: 65
    Hey, pushed a couple of bug fixes and google support tonight. Hope that make it more usable for you.
  • Savannah
    Posts: 188
    Tried to log on with Google and it accepted my user name and password with no problem, but then I got a page with just "We're sorry, but something went wrong."
  • Shammond42
    Posts: 65
    Huh, it is working fine for me and my google account. I will have to look at it, but that isn't going to happen tonight.
  • Shammond42
    Posts: 65
    OK, I lied. Try it now. It is hard for me to test the issue, but I think I fixed it.
  • Savannah
    Posts: 188
    It works! And it's super awesome :D
  • Shane_
    Posts: 10
    Steve, this tool is awesome! We will see if I can get my players to remember Greyhawk days of the week and months, but it's fun just to have it available on the page.

    Thanks so much; I'm looking forward to seeing your other tools!

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    This is pretty darn awesome! I of course tweaked it a little to reflect my world's months/years, and it was easy to do! Check it out "here":
    Really cool stuff!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Shammond42
    Posts: 65
    The second tool is now in beta testing. Chronicler will take the adventure logs for you campaign and turn them into an epub that you can use on pretty much any eBook reader. A cover page is generated using the campaign banner and the table of contents is built with an entry for each post. I think this will be useful to provide offline access to the adventure logs, an easy way for new player to get up to speed on a lengthy campaign, and perhaps some nostalgic reading of campaigns that have ended.

    This is in beta, and any feedback is appreciated.

  • ImmortalDM
    Posts: 17
    I made a sweet calendar for our campaign using your app as a starting point. There is a nav bar across the top so you can click to the month you want to look at, there are boarders around each cell, and I did some shading to indicate "in game" date ranges. "Here": it is on the campaign page. Thank you for making that app. It really helped me out. If anyone wants to use my code as a template, feel free to PM me and I would be happy to share it and help with any questions. After all, everything I have learned has been from all of you!

    "Myyth Realm Legacy":
  • Shammond42
    Posts: 65
    I've toyed with providing a nav bar like that at the top of the calendar. Is that something people would like to see standard?

    ImmortalDM, would you be willing to share the textile markup for yours?

  • ruleslawyermark
    Posts: 9
    I'm doing something wrong. I signed into OP with my google account, then went to your site and signed in but it does not show any of my campaigns under the scrollbar for choosing the campaign.
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