Changing Race to Dragon Pathfinder

edited May 2012 in Campaign Portal Building
Playing a Pathfinder campaign and my first time playing a table top RPG. I'm loving it, but my character was a sorcerer with a gold dragon blood line who has become a dragon disciple. I'm curious if there is any way for me to change my character to a wyrmling gold dragon as that is my characters ultimate aim. My GM has no problem with me doing this, but wants me to figure out a creative and appropriate way to make the transition, I.E. more creative than just wish/miracle. Any ideas if gold isn't a problem?


  • magavendon
    Posts: 112
    Perhaps one day while traveling through town you come across a couple of people one bullying (or something more severe if you wish) the other and generally giving them a very hard time. You intervene on behalf of the bullied and get rid of the bully (peacefully or not). Impressed with your compassion the one you saved reveals to you that they are in fact a gold dragon and that even though (s)he had it under control you are still deserving of a reward. Sensing your draconic bloodline and your want of becoming a wyrmling the gold dragon uses "dragon magic" and transforms you.

    Or something like that, :D
  • cgregory
    Posts: 780
    Depends on the campaign, but my first thought.

    Dragons (or possibly only gold dragons) knowing that fewer and fewer dragon eggs have been hatching successfully have taken to magically mixing their bloodline into other creatures in order to continue their race. Those creatures whose draconic bloodline is strong enough develop magical abilities (becoming sorcerers), those sorcerers whose bloodline is pure enough start to undergo a physical change to more closely resemble dragons (Dragon Disciples). Those disciples who have proven themselves worthy of dragonhood feel a desire to seek out their dragon parent(s) who completes the transformation ritual.

    mechanically this transformation could be an 11th level of the prestige class (or not)

    From there your DM has a possible adventure hook of figuring out why the dragons (or perhaps just a specific subset) are no longer able to produce wyrmlings naturally. Perhaps prophecy had said that a dragon not born a dragon is the only one able to unravel this mystery.

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  • wins5820
    Posts: 2
    Thanks guys, those both seem great. I had thought of looking for the dragon that was the patriarch or matriarch of my bloodline, but if it were from the elven side they may already be dead.
  • Invictus
    Posts: 54
    There were these old Sci-fi novels i read when i was a kid that took place on a dune like world where giant dragons lived and people used them for pit fighting [of course!]. Anyway over the long course of the novels the main characters dragon dies and its getting chilly so him and his girlfriend unzip it like a tantaun and crawl inside for the night. When they come out they are super screwed up from it. they can talk to the dragon's young, have better senses, essentially they're more dragon like. some stuff about them being reborn from a dragons womb or something. So you know, take from that what you can and remember, Tauntaun.
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