New D20 Based Systems

edited May 2012 in General Discussion
This game I'm writing out does not follow the Modern d20 SRD entirely. My intention is to have a new set of ability scores: Strength, Agility, Toughness, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Ingenuity (not all that different, but there for a reason). The plan is to make toughness and wisdom take on the roll of hitpoints. Bear with me.

When you become the target of an attack, you compare their attack roll to your defense, which has a base number from 6-12 dependent on your class that acts a lot like the 10+1/2 level defense base in 4th Edition D&D. So you roll your attack as usual, compare as a defense as usual, but your resistance to damage has a lot more to do with this game.

Armor provides physical resistance in this game, rather than making it harder to hit you. Armor class is replaced by a "Block" defense. (It just makes more sense...) So when you fail to block an attack, it probably hits your armor. Now you roll damage to see how hard you hit that armor. Subtract resistance from damage as you would usually, and anything left over is dealt as a wound.

Say you dealt 20 damage and resisted 15. You have 5 left over as a wound. This is considered a moderate wound (4-6 damage). You convert the leftover damage to a penalty (-5) and write this down in a box labeled "wounds" on your Character sheet. You can roll 1d6 or choose a target limb as you attack to decide where this wound is placed. If it's on an arm, you get a wound that says "-5 to STR & TGH." Reduce your ability scores appropriately. If any score is ever at 0, you're dead. Make sure each wound you sustain is written down separately. If you sustain another wound to a leg, for instance, your wound's should say "-5 to STR & TGH; -3 to AGY & TGH." If you're hit in the same location twice, then you can just stack the penalty on that limb.

This system I kind of like because you get weaker with each wound you get. If some one takes out your arm, your melee attacks are going to be screwed until you get that healed. Also, if you get your wound infected or poisoned, your penalty will gradually increase every 15 minutes. If you take a critical wound (10 damage or more) you'll be bleeding and your penalty increases by one every round.

Damage dealt to the head is quadrupled. Helmets can reduce this to triple or double damage.

Psionic damage is dealt to Wisdom. If you hit 0, think of it as you losing your mind to the point of no return.

If you have 5 or less wisdom that is greater than 0, you are considered insane. When you are insane, choose two other attributes to get -3 and the remaining three attributes will get +3. Write this down under "wounds" with the word "Insanity" tagged to it.

You regenerate 3 damage every hour of rest provided you are being healed properly. Heal DC is usually 30-your fortitude score unless some infection or poison increases the DC.

1 - Arm(L)
2 - Leg(L)
3 - Torso
4 - Leg(R)
5 - Arm(R)
6 - Head
1 - Hit
2 - Hit
3 - Adjacent Limb
4 - Adjacent Limb
5 - Hit
6 - Hit


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