Intro Thread

edited June 2008 in Player Lounge


  • dcampbez
    Posts: 3
    Thought I would kick in a thread here... Been playing D&D since the basic rule set, through multiple groups, over multiple years. I've tried over the years to pull together some sort of campaign website, and looked for some tools to simplify the job, hoping this site will be it.

    I have a solid group of players, some internet savvy, and some not. Looking to build a repository of campaign info, NPCs, background, and session history, in a somewhat presentable fashion. I have little in the way of html-fu, so should be interesting...:)
  • IceBob
    Posts: 98
    This is the place to do just that. Check out the top-rated games if you need any organizational inspiration.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Hi dcampbez!

    I think that as long as you're not out-and-out afraid of computers, you'll do fine. My GM, sadly, *is*, so I help him a lot with data entry and things like that.
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