Adventure Brainstorm: Sold Into Slavery

edited July 2012 in General Discussion
I was hoping to get some help brainstorming for adventure!

So, I've got a little adventure planned for one of my players. This PCis going to eventually join up with the main party, but I need some back-story for this character, and I want to give the player a chance to develop his dude before he's thrown in with the other PCs. This whole campaign is heavily character-driven, since everyone in the group is big into roleplay.

What I've got so far is his PC, a member of a race of pseudo-asian bird people, is shipwrecked while travelling to the landmass where all the adventure happens. He is taken as a slave by trolls, and they take him into the jungle. (Throughout this part, he is completely unable to communicate with his captors.) He is then sold to a powerful trolless who collects these bird people, like pets and slaves, and keeps them in her home to entertain her.

So, once the PC is there, he meets the other birds. There are an assortment of different people (so far I have the master of the house, the master of discipline, a songbird, and a perfumer/masseuse) who all have their distinct personalities, and relationships with the other slaves. The PC is an illusionist, so he's meant to be an entertainer for the trolless.

The climax of the adventure is when the PC has to pick two of the other slaves to escape with. The trick is that A) some of the slaves are actually very loyal to the trolless, or afraid for their own lives, and will rat on him B) the PC needs to pick the right person for the right job. (For example, the songbird would be better at creating a distraction than the perfumer) also, C) the slaves have relationships with one another, so if the PC brings along two that really hate one another, that could potentially cause friction and get them caught.

The failure state is that the PC is brought back into captivity, and the NPCs may die. Later on, there is an attack on the trolless' home, and the PC is captured and sold into slavery AGAIN, and will meet up with the other adventurers much poorer and weaker than he would have otherwise. Also, no friends to call in favours from.

So, what I'm hoping to get from you guys are suggestions for other slaves, be that roles or personalities. Also, can anyone think of ways to make being a slave entertaining for the player? I've got a couple ideas of my own, but I'm interested to hear what everyone else thinks.

Oh, and for anyone interested, the game system being used is D&D 4th edition.


  • ednoria
    Posts: 17
    There are a couple of poisonous birds in real life, like the ifrita and the pitohui, that might be interesting slaves. They are poisonous to touch or eat because of what they eat, so if they don't get that for a while, they become non-poisonous. Might be interesting if the trolless keeps a small supply of the right food around and the PC is able to steal it so that the NPC can eat it and be useful for the escape attempt.

    A very vain bird, a peacock-type or something like that, could be fun to deal with. He/she might be a very useful NPC, if you could get him/her to stop looking at their own reflections! And the loss of even a single feather would be a tragedy.
  • optimus_mush
    Posts: 28
    Have you considered pre-genning the other slave characters complete with a list of secret traits, loyalties, etc. and allowing the other PCs to play them?

    I've done this before with adventuring groups when fleshing out their back stories. The group splits for a bit and everyone heads back home. We played out each character in turn with the PCs taking on temporary pre-genned characters to help with these "solo" adventures. I've been told by some of my players that these were the funnest adventures that they had played.
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    Check out this bit on "Wallcreepers": I'm too tired to type out some ideas, but check out the birds talons and the fact that when the wings are closed it has a very gray coloring, but when they're expanded it displays a beautiful red plumage. If this sucker isn't assassin/rogue worthy, I dunno what is. Also, it's primarily found in the Alps and Himalayas. Very eastern ;)
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