Fan of a Campaign [Favorite Campaigns]

edited August 2011 in General Discussion
I have found very few campaigns that have caught my eye and made me go wow but those few are inspiring. Amazingly amongst those special campaigns, most of them have made Campaign of the Month at some point or at least have been nominated. Those campaigns that inspire me enough to borrow stuff from them for use in my own are by far my most favorite. So now curiosity has me wondering about you.

1. What qualities do you look for in other people's campaign?
2. What about a campaign will encourage you to click that it is a favorite?
3. What do you dislike seeing in other people's posted campaigns? [pet peeves and things that annoy you]
4. Any suggestions for my campaign to help it improve?

thanks for taking the time to answer.

"Star Trek Late Night":


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey Stephen, Great questions here. Well let me preface what I'm about to say by first admitting that my own activity on the Portal (especially in regards to checking out other people's sites) has slackened quite a bit in the last several months as the demands of life have set in (I'm about to begin a PhD program). That said, the following are some of the criteria that I used to consider when evaluating OP sites:

    1. _Is it user friendly?_ Does the site have a simple and intuitive user interface, or do you have to dig around a while to find links to what you are looking for? Basically, is there a good system of sineage and wayfinding?
    2. _Is it Gripping?_ This is somewhat more difficult to define, but roughly does the site do a good job of hooking you into wanting to delve further? Some of the better sites I've viewed use videos, or quotes from ancient prophecy, or nifty punchlines to try to convey in a quick snapshot, just what the campaign is about (and why you should care about it).
    3. _Is it visually stimulating?_ Honestly, this is the first thing I check for. If a site doesn't immediately catch my attention with some kind of interesting artwork, typography, navigation Icons or HTML magic then that's about as far as I'll dig into the site. I don't think one can stress enough the importance of good visuals.
    4. _Is it Interesting?_ A good visuals, gripping tag lines, and a user friendly interface are all important in attracting the attention of viewers, but if the content of the campaign-i.e. it's campaign logs and wiki entries-are not engaging then all you've really got is some nice packaging, but nothing to stimulate the sustained attention of your viewers. Last I checked there were over 20,000 sites here at the Portal (though I'm sure that number has grown). If one is seeking a broader readership amongst the OP community then the question one needs to ask themselves is, "what sets my site apart?" Does your site stand out as singularly impressive?

    Now bear in mind, I'm not saying that a "good" site must meet all of these criteria, for if your desire is simply to use the site as a tool for you and your players then whether or not it is a "good" site will depend upon how you purpose to use it, and how effective you are in achieving that purpose. However, if, as I believe you may be suggesting, one is interested in capturing and sustaining the attention and readership of the broader OP community, then I think the above criteria are a good start along that path.

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    For me there are a couple of things.
    1. Is it something that I will enjoy reading again? Especially the adventure logs- they tell the story.
    2. Is it easy to navigate?
    3. Does the GM care?
    "A God...Rebuilt":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Fivegears
    Posts: 42
    1. _What qualities do you look for in other people
  • Fivegears
    Posts: 42
    P.S. - Are Twi'leks/sith crossing over into your campaign? Simply being a hyper-nerd about cross-overs, canon. See, I've already started.
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    great ideas guys and thanks.
    As for Twi'lek Sith, definately. lol
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    The earliest campaigns I marked as favorites included features I wanted to emulate with _Le Ballet de l'Acier_ - it could be how links were organized, or how artwork was presented, or whathaveyou.

    After the stars' ratings were discontinued, I started adding favorites to my list mostly because I enjoyed reading the adventure logs, or the premise of the game struck me as particularly clever, or the game is in one of the genres I most enjoy. Campaigns don't have to be 'pretty,' with lots of artwork or html tricks, to catch my attention - I like engaging content and good use of the tools on the site (eg, is there a map with markers? are there items under the Items tab?).

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_": - swashbuckling adventure in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
    Featured Campaign of the Month - August 2011
  • Dyluth
    Posts: 92
    These here are some very good questions, I shall do my best to answer them!

    1. What qualities do you look for in other people
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    more good replies, Thanks Black_Vulmea and Dyluth
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    The Campaign Title is the most important thing that draws me to a campaign unless it has been recommended by one of my fellow "OPiates" or my attention is brought to it through the Forums or Campaign of the Month.

    Once I have been drawn into a campaign, I am impressed by the aesthetic look of the campaign. As Arsheesh puts it: _"Is it visually stimulating?"_ (I am looking at pictures, banners, typefaces, layout, navigation bars, diagrams and symbols)

    After that, I suppose content is more important to me than others. (I tend to be interested in high fantasy more than sword and sorcery or space travel, but am also interested in any unique combinations and original ideas).

    Then, "CRISPNESS" Is it easy to read? Are there short passages that give one a sense of the adventure and story without having to wade through masses of text? I am sure we are all guilty of this but I honestly really appreciate it when a DM is able to present things succinctly.

    Ease of navigation is also crucial - if it is easy to move around the site easily to get a greater sense of it quickly, then I really appreciate this.

    I always look at the "Comments" section and "Maps" section to see if there is anything that bolsters the above factors.

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • JonathonVolkmer
    Posts: 114 edited September 2011
    For me, the prime criterion has always been: "Does this campaign do something that I would like to be able to do in my own game?" That could be impressive coding, a unique multimedia approach, novel methods of encouraging player interaction, especially entertaining writing, interesting rules, or anything, really. To be completely honest, I rarely have time to look very deep, so I suppose accessibility is also very important. If I can't find to the interesting parts of your site within 2-3 minutes, I've already moved on to something else.

    As for your site, the rules sound like the thing most likely to draw me in, and they are easily accessible, so that's good.

    The thing to remember is that there are so many incredibly impressive sites on the portal that not getting favorited a lot doesn't mean your site stinks so much as that it's not in the top .01%. Another thing to remember is that a lot of really great sites have languished in obscurity for many months before getting recognition. Many more probably still do.
    Post edited by JonathonVolkmer on
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    I have taken all of your thoughts to heart and hope that I am doing a good job of encorporating them into my current campaign venture. I think that making a great story for the players in your campaign is only part of the experience. With OP you can involve so many more people into your fantasy world. I have found the input of the many OP members to have been most helpful with my campaign and am very grateful.
  • kingfrog368
    Posts: 4
    Things that would make me _favorite_ a campaign:

    * Pretty - but in a way that helps me make mine more so
    * Interesting campaign ideas
    * Elements I would like to incorporate into my own game, be they storyline, background, etc.
    * Material I'm already interested in - for example, a setting or system I already know and enjoy
    * Good writing. I can't sustain interest in something that is always making me think "wow, that guy needs an editor"

    I know that my own site doesn't meet the test yet. I'm relatively new to OP, all my technical experience comes from big systems, not web-server or HTML stuff, so I'm starting at a distinct disadvantage on the "pretty" portion for the site. The game has had only the first two sessions. That being said, I'm slowly working my way through stuff, and hope to get the content fleshed out as well as some customization/prettification done in the not-so-distant future. Unless I win Lotto, in which case I'm totally gonna spend my days working on the site. :)
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited October 2011
    *1. What qualities do you look for in other people
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    More great comments, thanks guys. I have tried to use these details to build by Star Trek campaign and hope that I am pulling it off. If only I knew code I would be on top of the world. lol Still many great people in OP have been helpful with that side of the coin.
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    Someone pointed out that I should answer these questions myself. So here I go...

    I have found very few campaigns that have caught my eye and made me go wow but those few are inspiring. Amazingly amongst those special campaigns, most of them have made Campaign of the Month at some point or at least have been nominated. Those campaigns that inspire me enough to borrow stuff from them for use in my own are by far my most favorite. So now curiosity has me wondering about you.

    1. What qualities do you look for in other people
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    For me i think the biggest thing is if the Wiki is A) easy to understand and navigate B) in depth and easy to read C) visual stimulating
    to be honest if im not gripped by the wiki i likely won't be interested enough to check out the adventure log. I like to get a background of the setting first and thats where the wiki comes in!

    "Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order":
  • Juce734
    Posts: 10
    I am new to OP but so far the things I tend to favorite are sites I get ideas from whether for organization, rules, art, campaign ideas, npc idea, and other things along these lines.

    I haven't began to read many of the adventure logs yet but once I've gotten more of my page done I can see myself diving into them more.
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585 edited August 2012
    "here is a link to your campaign":
    Post edited by Baalshamon on
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    I would like to see some new dynamic videos made for different sites on OP. If you have a great video on yours, post a link here. I will be traveling and want to download them to my IPAD to watch while on the plane.

    "Star Trek Late Night":
    "Duskreign's CotM December 2011":
    "CotM January 2012":

    Check out my Universal Sandbox Drama Deck, "Clockwork Drama": and help me go to the printer.
  • Juce734
    Posts: 10
    Do you have any examples of videos you enjoy that are in line with what you want to see?
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Wouldn't say it is particularly dynamic, but I have a fairly recent "video":
    The best I have seen are the ones on Frank Sirmarco's brilliant "Cthulhu site":
    Enjoy Gencon!!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    Not really just hoping to see some of the creative nature that you guys have to offer.
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    franks are awesome by the way
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