New Project: Adventure Time Inc.

edited March 2012 in General Archive
Hey everyone, it's been a long time since I've been on here, but I wanted to shamelessly plus my new project! I've recently moved across the country, and I was looking for a project to work on. I've always liked writing, so I thought that I would do something with that. Enter my new blog: "Adventure Time Inc.": This is something of an interactive story, but I explain it much better on there, so if you remember me from the old days and want to take a look, I'd love everyone's input!


  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I too, want to shamelessly plug my buddy Gaaran's new project!

    I would urge anyone, even if they don't remember him from the old days, to take a look. He's pretty witty, and no slouch at writing neither. Have I mentioned he's not paying me to write this? He doesn't even know about it!
  • AnthonyDluzak
    Posts: 69

    This sounds like a really cool project!!! One thing I understand (I could be wrong, might want to look it up) with publishing and copyrights, that if anyone changes one word of your original story, they are part owner of the work. I know that's how it works with song lyrics for sure. So, if I'm correct, you will end up having many owners of your work.

    Nothing wrong with that at all, just wanted to make you aware. And like I said, I could be wrong.

    I would like to follow your project, but I didn't notice an obvious spot where I could. I have Facebook - add me? My name is the same there as it is here. Looking forward to see what develops!

    _May your die always roll high and your figures never topple_
    "Legends of the Middle Ages":
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Tony, you might be right, however, I think the way it will be working is backwards. I will be the only one doing any editing of the story I am writing, and when people submit their ideas, they are agreeing implicitly that I can use them. I don't really know how it all works, and if this were ever to turn into anything more than a fun project, I will worry about it then, and if I can't use it for personal gain, so be it. On the blog, I think you have to have a google+ account to follow it, but you can always check back here, or just bookmark the site. Hope to see all of your good ideas, so far they've been entertaining!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    What part of Cali did you move to Gaaran? BTW, nice to see you and Rase around the Portal again.

  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Hey Sheesh, thanks! It's been a while, for sure. I've just moved to the Southern bay area, near San Jose. If I remember right, youre from Southern Cali, by way of New Zealand? :P
  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278
    Its all about center and southern California (man i miss home). Garan the idea looks promising and will be interesting how it goes. As for the legal part you can post a notice that says that by editing it the editor gives full permission to use their ideas without any sort of compensation or that any editing is purely in the form of alpha readers and any recommendations made are simply that: recommendations and you as the writer have no obligation to use to use the recommendations and no compensation will be given for the service (although if you do publish everyone likes a little author's thanks with their name in it!). I wish you luck in the endeavor.


    "Changing History":
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    I've added in a little disclaimer just to ease the air. My question to you guys, is how much should I write in between suggestions? A page or two, or a chapter or two? I think just writing a page or two at a time will really add to the interactive nature of what I'm doing, but I feel like I'm only leaning that way because I'm kind of a lazy writer. On the other hand, asking people to read a page at a time is much easier than asking them to read a chapter. I'm still going to post this, but in writing this out, I feel like I've decided that I'm just going to present everyone with a page or two at a time. Feel free to offer further suggestions, but I ask that if you have any suggestions for the direction of the story, you add them as comments on the blog. Thanks!

    "Adventure Time, Inc.":
  • AnthonyDluzak
    Posts: 69
    I would like to see a page or two at a time, myself.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Thanks for the feedback Tony, yeah, I've decided that I'm just going to write a single scene at a time. However long that ends up being. Scene 1 is up. :)
  • AnthonyDluzak
    Posts: 69

    Just read, just laid down my first opinions and constructive suggestions!

    GREAT WORK too! BTW :)
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I also want to say that Gaaran's work has always been excellent, and this is a cool project!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":

    Just trying to help out.

  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Thanks Killer :). Just wanted to put in an update, the second scene has finally gone up! Everyone go check it out :).

    "Adventure Time, Inc.":
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Hey everyone, I know it's been a LONG time coming, but I've finally put up the next installment of Thomas's story @ "Adventure Time Inc.":

    Hope to see a few suggestions from everyone, and I promise, there won't be as long of a hiatus this time! :)
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