Seen on OP


  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    So, you know how you are browsing around the site, looking at campaigns, and you see something that sort of sticks out to you? It could be the way someone formats an entry, a piece of custom material, a neat character, or whatever, but something about it makes it catch your eye.

    Well, here's your place to post such findings to share them with others! If you see something interesting on the site- a cool new campaign, a really original character, an awesome layout job, or whatever, and just feel like the rest of the community should take a peek, let everyone know here!
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    I really like "zero's": "4E template": on his "Shadowfell": campaign site. I will have to 'borrow' that code when I get to 4E.
  • Oompa
    Posts: 19
    That is one nice template.. i am so going to use that..
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