Keeping an Adventure Log entry at the top

edited September 2012 in Campaign Portal Building
I've noticed on a few OP sites that some of the Adventure Logs have a (seemingly) static entry at the top, and then the rolling entries below. I'm curious, how is this done? Am I missing something and this can be adjusted via normal controls, or is this some fancy coding footwork?


  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    It's a super sneaky time travel technique we picked up in our 'OP Creators from the future' conference that we held back in 1873. Ah, Venice. Those were the days.

    Just forward date the log you want on top to the year 9999 :)
  • mntineer
    Posts: 3
    Dang! I was hoping for some fancy coding, but time travel is also very appealing. Thanks for cluing me in on this. :-)
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