Come to the dark side and get FREE Pathfinder pdfs!

edited September 2012 in General Discussion
Hello everyone, TPK Games is pleased to announce that we are going to run a fan drive from now until Halloween. We'll be giving away copies of some of our previous catalog releases to every single new fan that comes over to our facebook page and 'likes' us.

Your choices for products are:

1) Infamous Adversaries: Ischadra, Grandmother of Assassins
2) Infamous Adversaries: Raxath'Viz, the Creeping Rot
3) Infamous Adversaries: Temerlyth the Undying
4) Grave Undertakings: The Ship of Fools [Adventure]
5) The Sinister Secrets of Silvermote [Adventure]

How To Get Your Free Swag:

Visit our Facebook Page and click 'like' to follow us on or search for us as 'total party kill games.' Message the TPK Games Facebook page with your choice of products and your email address. You may only participate in this program once, and you may only receive one free product from the list above.

What are you waiting for? Come over to the dark side and see what you've been missing!

We have pie.


  • Necroblivion
    Posts: 5
    Congrats to Mathew Arthur, forever titled TPK fan #666! Matt will be receiving an extra-evil dose of TPK pdfs! Congrats to you, and congrats to us for blowing away our 666 goal so quickly.

    We still have until Halloween to go, so we're going to up the dosage to 1031 fans. Step in and help us out, while helping yourself to some free TPK stuff!
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