
edited July 2008 in General Discussion


  • Oompa
    Posts: 19
    So what is everyone's favorite superhero?

    Mine gotta be wolverine.. he isnt such an wuss.. he kills when its needed.. but i think they pushed that whole immortality thing way to far.. loving what they are doing in "Old man Logan" the recent started comic..

    Any other opinions?
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    Emma Frost, AKA X-Men's the White Queen.

    Because we share a personality.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    ...I tend to gravitate toward the anti-heroes. I'm a big Frank Miller fangirl - Marv, Hartigan, Dwight, and Batman as the Dark Knight.

    Come to think of it, I may be able to get along better with one of Kilroy's characters if I start thinking of him as a Marv figure. ;)

    Oh, and my favorite villain is Kingpin as portrayed by Michael Clarke Duncan in the Daredevil movie. 'Cause he's hot.
  • Oompa
    Posts: 19
    Michael Clarke Duncan for kingpin.. i was shocked when i first heard about that...
  • Fivegears
    Posts: 42
    The Goon.
  • IceBob
    Posts: 98
    It's gonna sound cheesy, but my all time favorite is Superman.

    I like the conundrums faced by a character whose only real problems are issues of ethics.

    Superman is possessed of such tremendous power that few other beings can challenge him in any meaningful way, so the best writing in his comics always occurs when he's confronted by a moral quandary rather than an issue he can simply punch in the face.
  • raubhi
    Posts: 6
    thats one of the things i never liked about superman. he couldve always solved a problem by punching through its face so how did he get to be and remain such a moral character. imagine being far superior to every being you ever encounter and imagine that you constantly have to keep them out of trouble. you'd think he'd eventually get to the point where he got tired of mortal bullshit and push the earth into the sun. i mean his arch enemy is a mortal. a bald one at that. why not just slam his face into something and tell the rest of the world theyll get the same if they dont quit fucking things up.
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    If Hellboy counts as a superhero, mark me down for Hellboy. He's perfectly suited to the kinds of stories Mike Mignola likes to write - and I like to read.
  • Kabniel
    Posts: 6
    I couldn't tell you who my favorite is. Too many things I like about random characters. Doesn't help that I just finished Wanted and am almost done with Exiles. Those two series don't help matters.
  • ajb47
    Posts: 21
    Superman is so moral because of the Kents. They brought him up to be a Good Guy(tm).

    As for my favorite -- Batman with sides of Spiderman, Gambit, and Wolverine.
  • photoneater
    Posts: 182
    bq. Batman with sides of Spiderman, Gambit, and Wolverine.

    That sounds like an oddly sexy value meal.
  • ajb47
    Posts: 21
    My wife, bevinflannery, says it's actually a Happy Meal and you should see the toy that comes with it.

  • Lialos
    Posts: 34
    The Green Lantern, both the Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner Lanters. I did enjoy the GL Corps comic as well.
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