How to request a feature



  • MateoL
    Posts: 1
    I would love an editable 7th Sea character sheet for the character pages.
  • ketherian
    Posts: 203
    Feature request: Page of broken links

    A special wiki page that always exists. It queries your campaign and produces a list of all the broken links it finds, ideally with a list of the pages these links appeared on.
    Similar to "the media wiki page of broken links": or the "tiddly wiki capability to show missing tiddlers":


    As a wiki, hyper-linked topics are very common; and while that always will mean a lot of editing as new information is added -- sometimes having ways of finding broken links without having to look at every single page in the wiki - would be of great assistance.

    This would be a feature I'd be willing to buy a membership to acquire.
  • dragoner
    Posts: 37
    Editing a log comment, a roller that prints to the comment and the ability to attach files would make OP miles better.
  • GTB
    Posts: 10
    I would really like the "update" button on the "Edit Your Campaign" screen to update the css but not then autoload the new updated page. That way i could have my css open in one tab, and my page open in another, and I could edit the css and "update" it without having to then hit backspace, re-stretch the editing window, and scroll down to where im working every time I want to test out some new formatting.
  • Agatheron
    Posts: 3
    One question I have has to do with the map function. At present, using the Google maps-type utility, it only offers 3 levels of zoom. Is there a way to increase that in the CSS or is this a feature that I can request?
  • Grifta
    Posts: 4
    I would like to request a simple XP spreadsheet or similar system that I can use as a DM. For example:

    -----|Total |Total |
    Date|Exp |Exp |
    Date|Exp |Exp |
    Date|Exp |Exp |

    I am currently using a Google Docs spreadsheet for this, but it would be great to have this as an embedded system.
  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    I think a great feature would be a GM-Only option on uploads, just a simple Checkbox maybe that will allow me to upload a picture that's not visible to the players until I choose it so. This way you could create an item page, a location page, or whatever, and just reveal it to the players mid game. My players constantly go and upload character sheet pictures and things, so they would see anything that was uploaded before hand while in there.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I agree that it would be a great feature. I have a workaround that I use. I have a GM only test campaign that I created for the CSS change. If any pic is going to be secret, I upload it there. I then create the page on my normal site as gm only, and then reveal as normal. That way the players (who in my game upload pictures in between games for their adventure logs) do not see the pic.
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Matrissa_The_Enchant
    Posts: 18 edited April 2013
    For the campaign browse and search features, I'd really like to see some kind of sorting and filtering options as, sometimes I'm not necessarily interested in only the most popular campaigns. Examples follow.

    Sort by (ascending or descending):
    * popularity
    * last updated date
    * created date
    * name
    * created by

    Filter by
    * last updated date - updated in the last week, this month, last month, last three months, last six months, last year, custom date range.
    * created date - (same as above).
    * game system - "any" and "unspecified" options plus either a drop-down menu of supported systems or (better) an autocomplete text box ("Autocomplete Demo at jQuery UI":
    * name - starting with a specific letter, starting with a substring, containing a substring
    * created by - (same as above)

    *{color:red}UPDATE:* _Okay, so I just noticed the sort/filter options in the right hand sidebar. As a UX specialist in "real life" my first suggestion is that I hope the Reforge makes these easier to find. Also, as you can see from my lists there's a few more of each I'd like to see, including the ability to do switch between ascending and descending order._
    Post edited by Matrissa_The_Enchant on
  • WolfpackEE
    Posts: 1
    Any plans to do a Dynamic Character sheet for the new Iron Kingdoms RPG from Privateer Press?
  • Baelwolf_Bleyd
    Posts: 2
    Multi Messager for private messages. alittle annoying to send each member of game an individual PM
  • Nepenthe
    Posts: 1
    Please add the 'The Dark Eye' RPG system to your drop down menu (
  • Syraen
    Posts: 2

    What does it do?

    Please update the map tool so it works more like Google Maps.

    What does it look like?

    Currently we can only upload one image. Zoomed in, it looks fine, but when we zoom out, it shrinks the image. If the image was 1024x1024, this should be the zoomed out resolution, and when we zoom in, we're making the image larger. I know this would require uploading more images and making them all fit together. Doesn't Google Maps' API already give this functionality? I don't know. Just something that would be nice to add with upgrading the site.

  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    That feature's already incoming, Syraen - it was one of the stretch goals for the OP Reforged Kickstarter. And yes, Google Maps' API supports that functionality, but it was disabled due to being too resource demanding.
  • Syraen
    Posts: 2
    @Langy Thanks for reminding me of that Stretch Goal! I supported the Kickstarter but forgot about that. Look forward to seeing the changes.
  • mharb
    Posts: 1
    I request the ability to change the Campaign Association of a character, especially player characters. Would like to transfer some characters to a new campaign.
  • Stygianheart
    Posts: 6
    On your own profile where there is the Character Tab.

    Would it be possible to have the characters listed in two columns under "Player Character" and "NPC" instead of one long list?

    And just because I'm curious, would it be possible to have the system or campaign they belong to listed by their side?
  • UndeadDan
    Posts: 3
    I am hoping that the campaign forums can get some love in the course of the Reforging.

    Specifically I am hoping for the following:
    - The ability to post as a character in the Campaign. This is especially useful for in-character discussion with the GM.
    - Polls. In the past our group has used polls as a tool for easily determining the best weekends for our next game session.
    - Die Rolling. Some sort of add on to the post that allows for a random die roll to be appended to the post. Useful for gathering info or crafting during downtime.
  • UndeadDan
    Posts: 3
    To follow up on Stygianheart's Comments: It'd also be nice to be able to manually group NPCs.
  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    "I request the ability to change the Campaign Association of a character, especially player characters. Would like to transfer some characters to a new campaign."

    You can actually already do this. If you go to the character in the campaign it is in, you'll have a drop down menu to the right for your other campaigns, and you can move it to any of them.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    saethone, could you clarify how that works, I appear to be missing something.
  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    Hmm, interesting. So I went to look into it. It apparently only works on PCs who are assigned to you - so if the character you want to move is an NPC, you have to promote him to a PC that you own. Then on the right hand side there is an option that says "Select as NPC in another Campaign" or something like that, and it will transfer the character to that campaign as an NPC. That's kind of strange.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Thanks for following up.

    That is bizarre.
  • escapegoat
    Posts: 4
    Please add an option to delete a skill entry in the pathfinder's first character sheet option, the one that is not grayscale. currently you cannot organize it in any way. I would like a feature to sort them by name, skill mod or whatever, but I would be, as I mentioned just earlier, perfectly happy with the ability to delete rows from the skill list in addition to the ability to add them. I'd prefer the faster method after all.
  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    Femanon you'd want to contact whoever created the DST for that - those are user created and not managed by the portal staff.
  • escapegoat
    Posts: 4
    The sheet is called the pathfinder universal sheet, not the DST, unless I am misunderstanding something.
  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    Thats the name of it, but it is just another DST. If you look at your character, down at the bottom there is this:

    Campaign: "7 Year stuff"
    Pathfinder RPG Universal Sheet by: Karelzarath with a link to his profile. Maybe if you send him a message he can make the change.
  • wizejester
    Posts: 1
    my players love to use Hero labs. Is there a way to have them upload a PDF of their character and have that display on their character page?
  • RyanHeck
    Posts: 33
    Please add the following games to the Game System dropdown list found on "Edit Your Campaign" page:
    Ellis: Kingdom in Turmoil

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    @RyanHeck- Please post game system requests as per the instructions "here":
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

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