NPC Pics

edited July 2008 in General Discussion


  • combslice
    Posts: 2
    Anyone have any good free resources for finding good pics for your medieval fantasy NPCs? I've found some good stuff on and, but there's a lot of chaff on those sites too. I'd love some good artists pages or sites where there are plenty of character portraits to use. Any ideas?
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    Pop open your favorite gaming book and look for artist credits, then check their website :D
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    One of my DM's favorite artists is Jonathon Earl Bowser, though his is strictly "goddess art" and thus is mostly useful for female characters:

    Personally, I have no intention of using any of those pictures here on OP, because I certainly won't do it without permission and I have no idea if I'd get it or not, but once Florimel tells me "who's who" on the Jonathon site, I will probably drop URLs into the NPC descriptions. For example: "The Queen of Blood": - Tisk's mentoress in my first Florimel campaign.
  • sisren
    Posts: 30
    wow, good stuff.
    You can also use PC Portraits from wizards of the coast.
    "PC Portraits archive":
  • Fivegears
    Posts: 42
    I use the PC Portraits - with a little photoshoppin', they can fit into any campaign, really.
  • Idless
    Posts: 58
    Also here on "flickr":

    This is a link for "do not edit" "remember to credit" catagory

    But there are also other Creative Commons licenses for portraits, that are legal to edit, and post...

    Do a italic line at the bottom of the Fluff box, or something. Then its all legal and stuff

    Here are some ideas for "edits": were I just put on 2 filters in PS, and added ship background

    and "here": were I added the head set, some paint daubs and the background

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