Spell-Jammer: Beyond Snuggle Nook

edited April 2013 in Campaign Submissions
We just began our new adventure today. Two old characters, two daisy fresh rookies. Check it out.



  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275
    Here is a link to Maxen's Campaign

    "Spell-Jammer - Beyond Snuggle Nook":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/snuggle-nook/adventure-log/space-jam

    "A Manifestation of Chaos":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/metzger/wikis/main-page
    COTM - Sept. 2012
  • Maxen
    Posts: 7 edited April 2013
    Thank-you kindly Leonidas, I am only using my iPhone here and couldn't sus out the a-tag html link. I am just beginning to get to grips with this award winning site.

    A D&D song:

    "Playin' the Game":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW0UYW8tsqg&sns=em
    Post edited by Maxen on
  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275 edited April 2013
    Thank You Maxen. Your song is not bad, however I am more of an "Owain Phyfe":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1WedmUz_QM fan myself.

    RIP - Owain

    "A Manifestation of Chaos":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/metzger/wikis/main-page
    COTM - Sept. 2012
    Post edited by Leonidas300 on
  • Maxen
    Posts: 7
    That's classic role-play music. I dig it, atmospheric and folk-style.

    I almost always play acoustic music. The bard DM plays this sort of "music":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUbYHd4M3ps&sns=em live to his players, during the session (the riff at the intro) if he wants atomsphere.
  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275
    That was really good - thanks for sharing

    You should check out Darkmagus's awesome OP site "Gaming Music":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/gaming-music it is well worth the look.

  • Maxen
    Posts: 7 edited April 2013
    Yeah. I saw that up on the forums and on the main site. I just can't seem to get enough of playing the actual lute for real rather than piped music. I have no amp nor speakers in my house, except for the laptop speakers which sound tinny, they've a trebley timbre. The sound is monophonic, as opposed to polyphonic (from an acoustic chamber). Anyhow, I did see a really cool Role-Play sound effect CD for sale in Arcane magazine back in the mid-nineties. It had sounds of a swamp, a busy tavern, drafty dungeon corridor with wind whistling and such. It added a whole other dimension to the game.

    Say, Leonidas, how do you get all that fancy imagery on your site here? (The background, the image buttons et cetera) Must one purchase Ascendacy? Or is it possible to do so if one was a poor wandering minstrel in real-life? (i.e. broke)
    Post edited by Maxen on
  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275
    There were a number of different sound effect CD's in products for AD&D 2nd edition - particularly ravenloft products.

    thanks for the compliment one of my player's maelstrom808 did alot of the image work (he and I have very similar tastes when it comes to the look of things). The Backround is CSS and that is an Ascendant feature but the image buttons can be done with a regular account. I would reccommend linking them through photobucket or a similar picture share site as that will not eat into the 2 MB of picture storage that comes with a regular account.

    OP - is doing a awesome kickstarter right now which gives a fantastic discount on Ascendent memberships. Which I will be backing it soon (payday). They do also offer a month to month ascendent membership or I've seen RPG meet-up groups that the OP sponsers offer a free month of Ascendancy.

    Hope this Helps,

  • Maxen
    Posts: 7 edited April 2013
    Leonidas of Lacedæmon (the original name of the Spartans),

    That helps a great deal, sincerely. Much gratitude. It is nice to know of some of the limitations of a free account. I have wanted to Ascend for a while, because of so many of the funky features that adorn this site. I'll check out that kickstart deal but my dream is to work hard enough to get a years subscription and renew it (primarily for the interactive map functions, analytics stats, and also image storage space). Though thanks also for the handy tip about photosharing sites spliced in, I'll probably just use my Flickr account if possible.

    I was reading your biography (nice Hack Master style character sheet you have done there, it made me laugh) and I soon realized you are of the "old-school" of AD&D, some ten years more venerable a veteran than I, who started roleplaying during 2nd edition. Also, the eye-candy stylized shots of your magnificently painted dungeon and miniature collection is truly an inspiration. An evident labour of love, and something for me to aim for.

    Fare thee well fellow traveller,

    Post edited by Maxen on
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