Change a character from a campaign to another

edited May 2013 in Campaign Portal Building

I have one question. I think that it was possible to switch owned characters from a campaign to another one but I can not find how now.

Can someody help me?

Thanks in advance and best regards,


  • Savannah
    Posts: 188
    If a character is a PC assigned to you, there is an option in the sidebar when you're looking at that character to "Select as NPC" which should allow you to make them an NPC in another campaign you're a member of. (I haven't done it myself, so I can't tell you exactly what happens after you chose that option.)
  • greatkithain
    Posts: 4
    Ok, now I have found it. But it doesn't work with characters owned by but not created by me as I can try.

    Is that correct?

    Let me explain you what I want. My friend is GM of a campaign but now we are going to share the gm-ing. I am Ascendat so I want to migrate the old data of his campaign to a new one with me as owner and Gm and with my friend as co-gm (as I am Ascendant and he doesn't). So, I want to change npcs from old one to new but I can't.

    Thanks for your answer, Savannah.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Worst case you could cut and past the characters from the edit box.

    ...I know..
  • Figment
    Posts: 132
    Try having the non-Ascendant GM go to the "Manage Members" link in the "Manage Campaign" box. From there, have the non-Ascendant GM promote the Ascendant GM to full GM with the "Promote to GM" link.

    Next, have the Ascendant GM go to the "Manage Members" link in the "Manage Campaign" box. From there, have the Ascendant GM promote the non-Ascendant GM to co-GM with the "Promote to co-GM" link.

    I would think that should work, but admit that I have never had the need to try that myself.
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