Autumn Dragons: A Dragonlance Adventure

edited June 2013 in Player Lounge
Hi all! I've been using OP for a while now, but only recently became active on the forum. After the reforge kickstarter, I decided it was time to put a CSS shine on our wiki: "Autumn Dragons":

I know some of you have already looked it over during my initial CSS and the interactive map development, but enough work has occurred that I'd like a second opinion. Our game resumes on the 22nd of this month and I'm eager to show it off.

I, painstakingly, added nested navigation bars in the wiki to simplify wiki navigation. Also, I'm considering collapsing the Adventure Log into smaller preview cells - similar to my Character and Items pages. I really wish there was a toggle for ascending/descending order on the Adventure Log.

Please let me know what you think. We are playing D&D 3rd edition with modules and campaign settings for the Dragonlance universe.


"Autumn Dragons":


  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Hey Robert, the site is looking great, but the Navigation is a little jumbled up in my view. I'm using Chrome to view your page. Below is a screen shot of how it appears on my screen:


    Here are some other example, all of the same page:



  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090 edited June 2013
    If he's using the navigation tab text replacement method from the "CSS Tidbits Compilation Thread": like I think he is, I'd say it appears that Safari and Chrome dislike either the :before pseudo element setup or the font-size 0pt. Could I trouble you to check out my "CSS Layout Demo": campaign with those browsers to confirm? Might need to do some further investigation on an alternate method that is more cross browser friendly.

    EDIT: On a similar/related note, are you developing the site on a widescreen monitor "robertkety": ? I note several pages where your navigation (and subsequent top navigations) break down onto a second line. I had a similar issue when I would work on my campaign on my desktop versus my laptop. My desktop is a widescreen, so I had to be careful about dimensions or I'd get it looking good on my desktop, then go to my laptop and find it all broken.
    Post edited by Kallak on
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • robertkety
    Posts: 55
    Gaaran - Blasted browser incompatibilities, you thwart me at every turn! The absence of animation effects in IE9 and earlier is a huge thorn as some of the effects have a natural state of transparent. I've decided to accept that users with IE9 and earlier will simply miss out. I've been trying to snag most of the browser incompatibily errors. However, I must admit that the name replacement issue is new. I also use Chrome and it's never done that. It's most likely the result of a recent font change that is being inherited - I'll look into it.

    Kallak - I'll take a look at those links. My CSS code needs to be cleaned up too - waaaaay too many lines in there. I am developing the site on multiple systems - a widescreen laptop, standard-screen laptop, and Safari testing through my iPhone. I'm not sure if you're referring to the name replacement issue, as depicted in Gaaran's last sample image, or the secondary navigation bars, as depicted in Gaaran's first sample image. The secondary (and tertiary) navigation bars only exist in the wiki sections of my site to simply content navigation. The bars are in separate div's to prevent element wrapping, but I'll go through it tonight on a different screen resolution.

    Thanks for the troubleshooting! I'll get working on it tonight!

    "Autumn Dragons":
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Glad to help, hopefully you'll get those worked out. I had plenty of issues getting "Dark Queen of the West": to work in multiple browsers (and I just gave up on IE altogether).

    Also, just wanted to reiterate, I love what you've done with the map idea I put together, it's much more user-friendly. I've decided not to really do any more site work until the reforge is complete, since it will probably break everything, but after that I plan to rework the maps on our site as well. :P
  • robertkety
    Posts: 55
    Thanks Gaaran, I'm worried about the effect the reforge will have on my layout.

    Are you using an Apple computer? I'm having difficulty reproducing the Adventure Log error. I've tried IE, Firefox, and Chrome and in different screen resolutions.

    "Autumn Dragons":
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Yes Robert, i'm checking it on OSX.
  • robertkety
    Posts: 55
    Hrm... Not sure how to narrow down the issue without an Apple. I thought the Safari browser on my iDevices would suffice, but I suppose not. Are you still getting the original "Adventure Log"? Is it on every page? Can you determine if and why the browser is filtering the font-size:0px?

    Thanks again!

    "Autumn Dragons":
  • robertkety
    Posts: 55
    After some brainstorming, the only thing I can think of is that I'm using px measurements for my font-size's and the '0px' is not being recognized by OSX browsers (sans Firefox). Instead, I switched to a '0%' which, I hope, is easier for the browser to interpret. Please let me know if that solves the issue.

    Even if that is not the solution, is anyone with an OSX system experiencing the same display issue using the 'font-size:0px' solution for renaming elements in the navbar? If that's the case, we may need to append that code on the CSS hacks thread.

    "Autumn Dragons":
  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    @robertkety - I noticed in the compilation thread it had the size set to 0pt, but here you are saying 0px (the "pt" being a holdover from madartiste's original posting and the later "px" entry being my addition). Did you set it to 0pt or 0px when you put it in for your adventure log alteration code? Ideally I'd like to be able to check all three (0px, 0pt and 0%) to see which if any solves the problem.

    @garaan - I'm also interested in finding out more specifics regarding the display issue and what change, if any fixes the issue for you. If nothing else, i can add a note in the compilation thread about the error on OSX, but if I could add a revised version of the code that also worked, that would be even better.
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • robertkety
    Posts: 55
    I was using 0px, I ran into compatibility issues using pt in my code.

    "Autumn Dragons":
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Kallak, if I have a chance to look at it tonight I will, I'm at work while I write this. It still appears the same as it has so far Robert. I've never tried changing the text of the NAV bars (just their appearance and if they display or not) so I don't really have any experience with using the 0pt or 0px thing for that.
  • robertkety
    Posts: 55
    Well, it's set to 0% now. Hopefully, that will work. Otherwise, I'll have to code a separate navigation bar and overlap the original navbar.

    Robert Kety
    "Autumn Dragons":
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    These "dogfights" are flying high in the air, way above my lowtech head. (I am watching a doccie on aircraft during the Vietnam conflict).

    "I will just say that the EVIL innovations of design proudly bearing themselves in "Dragons of Autumn" are making my eyes goggle and my many jaws drop." (From the Papers of the Late Francis Wayland Thurson, of Boston)

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • Wild_Gazebo
    Posts: 14
    Well, since nobody else has said it: WOW! It looks great!
  • robertkety
    Posts: 55
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