Pathfinder (level 1-20 epic campaign) play-by-post --- FULL

edited June 2012 in General Archive
Hi everyone,
I am 41 and a father with 3 kids. I used to DM in highschool and college. Played during law school (but did not DM). Had kids and missed gaming for 10 years (although I did play WoW, EQ LOTRO, and SWG). I’m back to paper and pen via play-by-post (pBp)(as it is impossible to find a local group and my wife would throw a fit that I was out of the house, again) — and looking for similarly type players. •I am working on the following type of campaign using the Pathfinder ruleset.
•Ideal party size 4-6
•Looking for one-year committment.
•Set in PathFinder’s Inner Sea Campaign Setting
•Will include parts of existing Pathfinder adventure paths (such as kingmaker) and original content
•Epic story taking characters from level 1 to 20
•20 point build, racial traits ok, any race fine, any skill fine, any class fine (except no gunslingers)— anything 3.5 or PF ok.
•No magic items to start with as you build character.
•Any standard equipment can be added for free at level 1.
•Characters start with 150 gold.
•Characters that plan on going prestige classes need to talk with GM first
•Ultimate Combat ok (but no armor/dr or wounds and vigor)
•Utlimate Magic ok
•No evil characters, chaotic good and neutral ok, but neutral good and above prefered. Players are supposed to be the heroes
•Characters will come from humble beginnings, initially clearing small dungeons as lowly adventurers. Over time bigger and more complex stories and plots involving factions and kingdoms are introduced. Characters will continue to do dungeons but with goals and objectives tying into broader plots. Ultimately, the PCs will be involved in saving the world from impending doom.
•Adventures will be dungeons, towns, caves, tombs, outdoors, wilderness, castles, forts, ocean and underwater (not likely to have planes).
•Magic and magic items are rare and awe-inspiring.
•Fantasy story telling and plot will be similar to Terry Goodkind writings in The Sword of Truth Series.
•Enemies will not always be monsters, and monsters will not always be enemies.
•Emphasis on roleplaying and story telling
•Dialogue and problem solving heavily rewarded.
•Oh, there will be combat!
•Mature players sought—ideal those who like to roleplay
•Players should use this dice roller and post links of their rolls in the adventure log.
•While the campaign is serious in nature, humor plays a part and intelligent humor desired and welcomed (like the PAX 2011 Celebrity games on youtube).
•I would prefer that players use Herolab to create and update their characters.
Herolab house rules—no guns, bonus 0-level ability, free upbringing feat, don’t require memorized spells, favored class NOT required, no coin weight and no encumbrance, use traits and flaws, max HPs at each level,

Who is the GM?:
•41 and married, three kids (trying to get my oldest into paper and pencil Traveller)
•Attorney (but NOT a rules lawyer— I like roleplaying to take lead over any rule)
•First pen and paper experience 1980 (D&D Basic)
•Second pen and paper experience 1981 (Deluxe Traveller)
•From 1980 through 1998 – DMed and player AD&D and Traveller)
•1998 through 2012 – pen and paper groups died and everyone moved to Online MMOs— so I did as well (Everquest, UltimaOnline, Starwars Galaxy (Pre-CU), WoW, Lord of the Rings Online, Star Trek Online, Rift, D&D Online, Star Wars: Old Republic)
•January 2012 through April 2012 got the itch to go back to pen and paper but could not find a local group playing anything within driving distance of my town.
•April 2012 stumbled across and joined two campaigns as a player. The Love for interaction and imagination of roleplaying outside of a videogame returned!
•I currently play in two campaigns (a Pathfinder and Traveller) on
•In May 2012 I started FreeTrader: Maverick campaign that is an open-ended, player directed, PbP Traveller Campaign
•June 2012 started planning “The Approaching Storm: The Beginning”, an epic story, long-term PbP Pathfinder Campaign.
If you have an interest in this type of campaign, please let me know.


  • dlaporte7271
    Posts: 94
    Hey Montana...I might be interested...currently playing with a live group about once a month and DMing a PbP game of my own called "violent skies":

    My live group is currently in the process of switching over to Pathfinder from 4E and I think this might help me get acquainted with the system. I'm also 41, married..two kids. Playing DnD and others since about 1982

  • dlaporte7271
    Posts: 94 edited June 2012
    Hey Montana...I might be interested...currently playing with a live group about once a month and DMing a PbP game of my own called "violent skies":

    My live group is currently in the process of switching over to Pathfinder from 4E and I think this might help me get acquainted with the system. I'm also 41, married..two kids. Playing DnD and others since about 1982


    edit: sorry about the dual a weird error message and hit my back button...and I inadvertently reposted...
    Post edited by dlaporte7271 on
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Montana, this sounds like it could be an epic ball of wax. Er, fun.

    I'm currently in DMing one PbP campaign, "Dark Queen of the West": and playing in another, "The Days and Nights of House Corinthyen": as well as one live one, but I am sorely tempted to try my hand at yours, but I don't know what sort of time commitment you're looking for, in posts/day or /week. So you can count me as interested, but if there are more persons that express interest, they may be better choices than myself.
  • Ghaleonausa
    Posts: 11
    How does Play by post work? I am curious to try something new, been DM'ing for too long and would like to play in any
    way possible again.
  • Ghaleonausa
    Posts: 11
    How does Play by post work? I am curious to try something new, been DM'ing for too long and would like to play in any
    way possible again.
  • Ghaleonausa
    Posts: 11
    How does Play by post work? I am curious to try something new, been DM'ing for too long and would like to play in any
    way possible again.
  • Ghaleonausa
    Posts: 11
    ???? not sure why it posted my question 3 times, sorry. and Love Herolab, I wish there was a way to load those character sheets to Obsidian Portal
  • Nightfalcon
    Posts: 5
    Montana, If you're still looking I'd be interested. I've played in a number of PbP games but never have found a D&D/Pathfinder game that passed the test of time. I'm a little older then you (48) and have been playing for slightly longer (1978). For the past couple of years I've been playing/running pathfinder but I will admit the group I'm with is a little beer and pretzels for me. I definitely prefer roleplaying to roll-playing and pbp lends itself to great character development.

    Will you be using obsidian portal to run the game or are you thinking of another venue such as yahoo groups etc.
  • Halimath
    Posts: 3
    PbP would be great... I'd love to join if you're still doing this campaign. Should I design a character and send it your way?
  • AnthonyDluzak
    Posts: 69
    I would be interested in playing... I have only played 2nd Edition D&D for the most part, but am willing to expand to another set of rules. I may need a bit of guidance because of this, but other than that - I quite enjoy role playing and taking the role of another character that I can commit too.

    I am 38, been playing since 8th grade and am usually the Dungeon Master.... I really would like to sit back and enjoy another world to interact in. I like what you have laid out and would love to be part of it!

    Let me know if there is still room!

  • djiceburg
    Posts: 1
    I so would like to jump in this campaign if you still have room! I'm 30 and been have years of playing experience, though experience is a little hard to come by these days with everyone living their adult lives. I have some play by post experience as well and have also run my own play by post campaigns which focused on character development and role playing vs hack and slash.

    Please reply soon!

  • Peri
    Posts: 1
    Hi Montana,

    I am very interested in playing. I have been looking for a PbP game for awhile now. I have been playing with a regular group for 25 years (once a month) and I am thinking maybe its time to see what its like playing with others. I like the rules options you have selected (they map to what I have been using) and I am very experienced with HeroLab (in fact all of my spare time is used creating random character builds that I have no use for (unless you know someone that has need of a grappling sprite?).

    The roleplaying is my favorite part of the game and its great that you are focused that way. I am 46 single father and have a 12 year old (he was briefly into pathfinder).

    Let me know what you need from me in order to decide and I look forward to it.

    Carter Serrett
    AKA Perriwinkle Pinkfeather (12th level Gnome Bard)
    AKA Sundered Grace (4th Level Drow Summoner)
    AKA Devil Billingsworth the 3rd (a 20th level ORC Scroll Master and Cypermage)
    AKA Wuug (Half-Orc 12th level Warrior Priest)
    AKA Shelby Aiwendell (8th level Human Witch)
    AKA Aiwendell Jones (12 level Kenku Wild Mage)
    AKA Kelvar Aiwendell (15th level Human Druid)
  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
    Hi everyone,

    Yes, this game is still forming. I will create the campaign and send invites to those that are still interested.

  • Nightfalcon
    Posts: 5
    I'm still interested in joining your game. I'm thinking of running a rogue and will check out herolab for character creation.
  • dragontree
    Posts: 3 edited July 2013
    Hi Montana

    I would be interested as I have been looking for a good Play-by-Post for some time now and willing to commit the time you want. I have some cool ideas for a Inquisitor or maybe a Druid that I'll run by you if you want.
    Post edited by dragontree on
  • elvishwizard
    Posts: 1
    Greetings Montana,

    I'm new to the site and am looking for a PbP game. My familiarity with Pathfinder is not like it is with say 3.5 or other Tolkien based systems such as that of Decipher or TOR, though I want to get involved in one. Your time commitment is fine by be. I've been doing post play, be it in a game system or semi scripted freestyle for a decade in both fantasy and science fiction (aka Trek) environments, be it playing or in a GM position. I'm good to play whatever is needed.

    -- Elvishwizard
  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
    Hi everyone,

    THe campaign is now full (thanks to everyone for the overwhelming response). Should an opening become available, I will re-post availability.

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001

    Just trying to help out.

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