CSS Oddity - Help Appreciated

edited August 2013 in Campaign Portal Building
Hi folks,

Long-time lurker, I *think* I have posted elsewhere in the forums prior to today, can't recall.

On to the real issue.

I am trying to reverse-engineer the hover effect shown on the dark queen of the west campaign (links at the bottom). I have been working with Gaaran, who has been great and sent me a copy of the HTML for the page and a link to the actual CSS being used (Firebug CSS content was rather huge and seemed more than the Pre-OP processed version). With the exact HTML and the exact CSS, one would think you would get the same results, but such is not the case. What I get instead seems to have the basic elements, but layout is all wrong and the hover element is completely missing, defeating the main objective (to reverse engineer how it was achieved).

Anyone have any idea as to why the exact same HTML and the exact same CSS produces different results? While my real goal is to get a disconnected hover result (unlike RobertKety's use in his awesome Dragonlance wiki), I am now also quite perplexed as to how identical inputs result in different outputs. I tried both Textile parsers, just in case, but no change (I don't believe any actual Textile code is used, actually). Looking through the settings, the only other change I could see being made is typekits, but that is all about custom font stuff so I have doubts that it would produce such a difference. So why might the layout, driven by the CSS, be different when my CSS comes directly from the CSS file of the other campaign?

Relevant addresses:

Thanks in advance for any assistance provided, as I am at a loss for how to proceed otherwise.


  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    Without making a duplicate page or anything, it looks like standard adjacent sibling selectors hiding and showing each subsequent ".background" class div box when the link preceding it is hovered over. You can take a peak at "THIS PAGE":http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.html#adjacent-selectors to get a better idea of how that works. In terms of why your layout is coming up different than his, I would guess that there's something being "lost in translation" between your pasting HTML into the edit box and it being parsed - the textile/HTML situation with the edit page isn't exactly perfect. Having said that, I'd say your best bet is to get with Rase and compare notes.
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • robertkety
    Posts: 55
    I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to accomplish. I've looked at your "Bel's Test" page and it appears identical to Dark Queen with the exception of the HTML code appearing in the body. Are you trying to create a format change when someone hovers their mouse? Or, are you trying to make a frame appear that it is hovering?
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I agree with both- not sure what you are trying to do, and your best bet is reach out to Rase- he is a great guy...

    Just trying to help out.

  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited August 2013
    Thanks to all responders.

    First, let me clarify what I am looking to achieve. On the Dark Queen of the West main wiki page, hovering over an icon on the periphery displays a separate text box in the center, with content specific to the icon being hovered over. I am looking to use this in a number of ways, one example is having map info display in a legend box rather than on top of where someone is hovering. The DQotW page is the only example I have seen of this disconnected association done without scripting.

    @Kallak: This is exactly what I have been looking for, thank you! After some trial and error, I have it figured out sufficiently. Awesome stuff, thank you again.

    @Robert: What I was trying to do can be seen on my "hover test page.":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/gurps-high-fantasy/wikis/hover-test

    It's posted on my storage sandbox page because the test site is meant to be able to be blown away at any time as testing requires.
    As for the differences between pages, the content was all there (for me) on my page but was displayed in a single column and didn't have that center element (or the hover effect I was trying for).

    @Killervp: That was indeed my next step, but reading through the forums (been lurking for quite some time), there were comments from Rase that Gaaran did "most of the heavy lifting" as far as the site went, which is why I went to him first. As I stated above, he was quite helpful in trying to replicate the DQotW page.

    For those interested in the hover effect, which is pretty darn handy, my hover test page (which won't be going away) has not only the results, but also the HTML code shown as well as the CSS code being used, so anyone can look through and see how to achieve the results.

    Again, thanks to all who helped, and definite big thanks to Kallak.

    NinjaFlashX, if you read this and put the adjacent sibling technique on the FAQ (which I recommend), definitely be sure to please credit Kallak for the victory.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    Hey again, checked out the "HOVER TEST":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/gurps-high-fantasy/wikis/hover-test page, and it's looking pretty good. I spotted two things that are worth noting. [1] on your code demo, you can wrap the lines between two @ symbols to keep them from being parsed as code. This will keep you from having to do the "-div" thing, and will allow people to copy/paste the code directly from your page without having to make any edits. [2] you can cut down the size of the CSS material by placing all of the positioning and formatting code into one class (for the hidden/shown hover boxes) and then put the different background colors into their own classes. Remember that elements (such as your hover boxes) can have more than one class.
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Great suggestions, thank you. I didn't know about using @ symbols to block parsing, that's handy info. As for the cleaner CSS, I was trying to keep it simple and straightforward during testing, and got distracted from doing proper clean-up afterwards (no excuse but it happens). Thanks for the reminder.

    Side question, how do you do your links in the forums? Hrefs don't work (or don't appear to in preview), and using the double brackets of textile seem to be limited to within a campaign rather than outside of one, like the forums are.

    Thanks again for the great assistance in not only solving my issue but also in helping make the example an even better tool for others (and myself when I forget 6 months from now).
  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    Links in the forums work like so:

    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    lol I completely spaced the idea of referring to it like an external link (been so focused on OP-internal stuff). Thanks again.
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