

  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    Is there a listing of all the legal color choices and coding usable with textile:

    For instance the code { color : red } produces a red word paragrah or phrase depending on how its used. I know Blue, purple work in this usage.

    Also when doing borders theres a parse "border:1px solid black" I tried blue to no avail.

    And of corse the parse background:#ddd makes a gray background but what other colors and is there a listing of the actual designations used by this script?
  • ryan
    Posts: 126
    These should all work: It's your browser that's rendering the colors, not textile ... Hope that helps.
  • takenote61
    Posts: 3
    Yea, well, I know a bit of basic html, and I can copy and paste with the best of 'em. I can't get the color thing to work no matter how I do it, same for a lot of other commands. Oddly, I can get the table border to work.

    Does anyone have a living, breathing example that works? The stuff in the textile help either doesn't work, or I'm not getting the syntax well enough from the examples.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Let's see if I can help...

    p{color:blue;}. Here is a blue paragraph.

    this should come out as the following HTML

    < p style="color:blue;" > Here is a blue paragraph. < /p >

    Don't forget the period and space after the curly brace.

    I know it works because I used it here:

    The curly braces allow for setting all sorts of CSS style info. For example:

    p{color:blue; margin-left:20px;}. This paragraph will be blue and indented.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    I am a little bummed that "bgcolor" isn't an allowed attribute right now. I had wanted a non-grey background for my adventure log "top post" (which links to the first session's writeup), but had to settle for coloring the text instead.

    I'm sure it's probably a horribly low priority for you guys, but if I'm ever in a campaign where *everybody* contributes to the wiki, I'd love to be able to color-code everyone's contributions via the background (I find colored text a little hard to read sometimes).
  • takenote61
    Posts: 3
    Thanks a lot! I was missing the space after the period. I KNEW it had to be something little!

    Can you combine the textile commands? For instance, make something blue using an h4 size?

    Also, I saw something elsewhere about using style sheets, which might solve FemmeLegion's problem too. Is this still in progress?
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    The period-space thing has tripped me up, too.

    You *should* be able to add the CSS selectors in a lot of ways, but I haven't tested a lot of it. For example:

    h4{color:blue;}. Blue header

    As to stylesheets, we are working on allowing user-created themes that would be a CSS + images. This will be a premium-only feature. The main thing we're waiting on is we'd like to redesign the site a little before letting people loose on creating themes.
  • Gully
    Posts: 52

    I have had litle problem with background color.

    For an entire paragraph use the p{bla bla}. Text coding, The colors that can be used seem to be the same as the ones available for text.

    If you want only partial text background color I like to use %comand. text% other text.

    p{background:blue}. This is a Blue background paragraph.

    This is how to make a %{background:red}Red% Background
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    OK it didn't come out in the forum

    For blue background full paragraph
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    ok try again for the third time
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
  • Frenchy2k1
    Posts: 4
    to post some code in the forum, use the following syntax:

    ...what ever code

    And it seems that most HTML/CSS functions are recognized in the wiki/character sheets so far.
    Textile is nice in its simplicity, but being able to use tags to define where formating starts and stops is better for me...
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