Reforging Update?



  • BrianAdamantite
    Posts: 43

    As I make changes < THAT WORK FOR ME > I am posting them on the above link.

    Beware "YMMV"

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    I guess I can probably resize and re-do my banner. I was wondering though, how come some pictures are working and some are not? Is that still being ironed out. It seems to be totally random to me at the moment.

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • dragoner
    Posts: 37
    Every single image has been trashed, banner, everything. Years of work just gone, redoing it to see it ruined again, no, I could build a v-bulletin forum for less money. I'd like to get some sort of refund, if not for the kickstarter then for my year membership. I remember thinking 'how bad can it be?' I didn't expect this ...
  • BrianAdamantite
    Posts: 43
    From above

    Also make your banners 750px wide by 169px tall if you don't want the parser program to edit it for you.
  • Strahd42
    Posts: 13

    Take a step back, relax and come back on another day. The pictures are there. They are working on it.
    I've decided to wait till the furor does down in a week and they've had some s serious time to work on it.

    Right now they need patience and bug reports. Use the data you have access to if you need it. Hopefully you did the smart thing and exported all data before it went live. You can pull that data up if you need it.


    -I forgot to export it myself. I had planned to, but alas life interferes
  • Kallak
    Posts: 1,090
    Before anyone goes uploading new banners, it's important to note that you can resize and reposition the currently existing one via CSS without having to replace it.
    All the best,
    - Kallak
  • BrianAdamantite
    Posts: 43
    @DreadGazebo and the rest of the guys are working on it. I hate to break it for everyone but this kind of product in business is thousands of dollars for this implementation and updating. Major upgrades will likely have bugs and unless you run a campaign you don't need to pay for the site other than to say thank you and I support this. How many of you have tried making something new and it work perfectly the first time. If you have then praise Jeebus and get on with your bad self!!! If not then you either A) quit, or B) went back and tried again till it worked.

    Give them time to make it better, and oh yes!!!!

    It could have been far worse!


    Peace out

  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047 edited October 2013
    All I know is this is a disaster for me. I became dependent on OP for my synopsis and running my game every week

    And now, my site looks like Superstorm Sandy hit it.

    Yes, I know it can be fixed, maybe even better than it was.

    But there was a reason I assembled the site when I WASN'T running the game. Time.

    I don't know if I have the time, to redesign every single page of my site.

    I supported the reforging in the kickstarter.

    Right now, I wish I hadn't.

    I wanted new capabilities, not an entire destruction of all my work.

    Sorry, but that is how I feel right now.

    All my hard work has been destroyed.

    And I used NO CSS on the site either.

    Why change the layout? The sizes for text? The color scheme?

    Very frustrated right now.

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "Campaign of the Month - July 2013":
    Post edited by Keryth987 on

  • dragoner
    Posts: 37

    Thanks. Though I think it is understandable that I'm rather depressed to see a 1 1/2+ year long campaign die. I have told my players that we'll see in a week (but the game is dead if the adventure log comments are gone); but also I know that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. It's not just the images, the text is off, colors ...
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Unfortunately, people who have used a huge amount of custom, non-CSS coding are going to have to take a long, long time to try and fix their sites. That's going to hit you hard, Keryth.

    Using CSS coding is really, really recommended if you're going to try and dramatically alter your site, as CSS coding allows you to do a large amount of stuff relatively easily - and, more importantly, change multiple pages at once. Doing it without CSS is possible a lot of the time, but it also makes it much more subject to what the current layout and styling is of the site and if anything changes you're left with a huge mess to clean up.
  • CraigCoxson
    Posts: 20
    Hey, guys, KillerVP requested I post this. This is an alternate "quick and dirty" work around to the CSS text box color:

    textarea#custom-css-field.flat-field {

    Have fun :)
  • dragoner
    Posts: 37
    I haven't a clue about CSS, and no desire to learn, I just don't have the time. where does that leave me and others like me?
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    I think that's why the "Vanguard program": was announced over the weekend.
  • Baard
    Posts: 16
    Heres a snippet for black text and lighter background in the CSS field:

    .campaign-settings #style-settings #custom-css-field { color:black; background-color: rgb(245, 245, 245); }
  • dragoner
    Posts: 37
    I think I probably don't represent an ideal customer anymore, my experience says to cut losses early.
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278 edited October 2013
    The reforge is looking really great working out the new layout today as much as I can. A few questions/suggestions:

    1): The URL for the campaign changed from to This has caused problems in that various pictures or links I have are directed to pages based on their address and now those links do not work. Will i have to dig through everything to find all of the broken links and fix them? O_O (please no) or will this be addressed in some way?

    2): I noticed some people have the links on the left side of the page condensed to only show the small picture for the link rather than actually saying Home, Wiki, etc... How do you accomplish this?

    3): For both the background and the banner it is troublesome to get the right size image to show what you want, would it be difficult to have an option to center the image as you see fit so it will appear where you want when it loads?

    4): I have code that places navigation buttons on the left side of the screen and these are appearing on my dashboard, i do not know how to edit the code on the dashboard to delete it and it is in the way of all the links.

    5): I actually really like the narrow page but it would be good to have some way to customize how large/thin you want it so we can customize it ourselves to fit our preferences

    6): Not a big deal but i miss the dice roller, already have lots of tabs open when i DM don't need one more!

    7): Is the any way to change the position of the nav strip at the top of the screen?

    8): I am having trouble navigating campaigns, can you set it to view campaigns based on how many votes they have or other criteria like before?

    9): the Campaign of the Month thing on the top right is one month off for everyone, 1 month earlier than the actual month they got it i think

    10): Of course custom navigation tabs and pages

    Keep up the great work it is looking amazing! Hopefully some of this helps in some way :)

    "Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order":
    "Duskreign’s Favorite CotM January 2012":
    "CotM November 2011":
    Post edited by WolfLord on
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    I'd like to point you guys to a post from our designer Drew, which is "here": and also his post detailing the "Obsidian Portal Style Guide":

    I'm home from work for my day job now so after I mow the lawn, eat, and put my kids to bed I'll be sifting through the 100ish new support tickets I've gotten since this afternoon. I will likely have more updates for you before the night is over. Stay tuned.
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    Dragoner, please do realize that the new site only just went live and it still has (and will have) bugs to be worked out. I've run in to some as well, but fortunately most of my pages have been working. I guess I'm in the minority in that regard, especially as I did not have that much posted to date. Everything that is "gone" is really just hidden, it's still in their databases, waiting to be reapplied once the big issues have been handled.
    Also know that most of the people that were aiding during the staging process were the more experienced users or those with a lot of coding knowledge. The rest were people like me who saw how it was going and liked most of it, even if we didn't always voice concerns. Several of us mentioned many of the aesthetic and design issues in the Reforgers forum that are being echoed here, so they are aware of them. The Reforge team knew they would have to be worked on, especially once a larger pool of opinions were voiced so they wouldn't have a "vocal minority" as the only people expressing what was right or wrong about the updates.

    Long story short, give it a little time, let them work on it, check back in. In the mean time clean up what you can, it's not the end of the world, and people are willing to help you if you'll come into this with a more open mind.


    CotM Selection Committee

  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    1. Are you sure the URL of your campaign had an underscore in it and not a hyphen? That shouldn't have changed one way or another. Anyways, you can fix it by altering your campaign's slug - go to settings and under 'basic settings' change the URL from avatar-adventures to avatar_adventures. That should make all your previous links work again.

    2. For that, go to Settings->Style and select 'collapse front page menu' and save.

    3. The banner image should be 1000x220 pixels. The background is centered on the actual center of your screen and stretched appropriately to fill it width-wise.

    4. This is probably from an adventure log post or something similar. I'd recommend not including that code in your adventure log or forum posts. There's not much else that can fix that, unless you're using CSS in which case you can set it to display:none when on the dashboard.

    5. You can, it just needs CSS. Look at "Edgerunners": for an example of a site that customized it to be nice and wide.

    6. Eh. It was a nice feature, I guess, but not really a big deal in my opinion. Would be nicer if it was integrated into the wiki or forum, so you can roll in a post (and not cheat).

    7. I'm sure there is. What do you wanna do with it? Throw it to the bottom? Make it only appear when mousing over it and otherwise appear as a small black bar? This would require CSS.

    8. Hmm. I don't see how we can do that with the current layout. That saddens me - I always liked to see how close to the top my campaign was:D This'll probably get fixed later on.
  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275 edited October 2013

    I am not pleased. I will wait a week or so to see what it looks like then but... yeah it looks like 2 1/2 years of while not destroyed is severely damaged/set back and since the campaign is in it's last year; I am not certain all the work is worth the effort to get it squared away as the campaign wraps, which sucks because I and my guys did a lot of good work, not fancy CSS or even super fancy HTML. (If, I was those users I'd want to Chewbacca choke someone) this is one of the facts that has me really torqued though, part of the appeal of the portal was even people with low grade computer skills such as many of my players could contribute and not feel like they had to sink an ass-load of time into the participation/learning coding on the portal outside of the game, with these changes it seems the moderate skilled folks like myself will need to invest tons of time and effort fixing stuff and having to really bone up on coding in order to get a return on the Ascendant membership, this will exclude the lower level users/members and turn them off of participating in collaborating with their fellow players on the portal.

    I certainly can't blame Keryth, Dragoner and (hell let's face it) every PBP campaign for being miffed.

    At this point my guys who are good with coding are recommending that we scrap what we have built over the last two and a half years and either just create our own webpage or rebuild from the ground up by renaming the campaign and just transplanting things over in favor of the new matrix. either way an ass-load of work and at terrible way to see a COTM go out...

    "A Manifestation of Chaos":
    COTM - Sept. 2012
    Post edited by Leonidas300 on
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    Thanks for the helpful post Langy! I will let you know if I have any follow-up questions there =]
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278

    1): Okay so to elaborate this was the URL for my campaign before the reforging:
    This is it after the reforging:

    Even after manually changing the URL to have an underscore instead of a hyphen it still gives me this every time i click on something that use to link to one of my wiki pages:

    "We're sorry, but something went wrong.

    We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly."

    So i hope that means what it says and this will be sorted out but thought i would bring it up anyway.

    7): yeah i was hoping something like only when i mouse over it or something that would be great, is that easy to do or no? I have little to no CSS knowledge
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Leonidas: Poking around your site, I don't see much that's horribly messed up. There's some issues with the main content area size, but that's something that can be easily fixed with some CSS (if you're an ascendant member) and _hopefully_ will have an 'official' fix for non-ascendant members soon.

    It's not something that'll need recoding from scratch as far as I can see, though it's definitely possible that there are some pages I didn't look at that'll require it.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Tolsimir: Did you save it after you changed it to an underscore? It may be that they're changing underscores out for hyphens for some ungodly reason, in which case that's definitely a bug and you should file a support ticket.

    It shouldn't be too difficult to make the top bar only appear if you mouse-over the place it should exist it. Lemme see what I can do.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    There we go. Not hard at all.

    This code'll make the top bar disappear when you aren't hovering over it, then make it appear when you do hover over it.

    I wouldn't recommend using it with the mobile site, though at the moment the mobile site's topbar doesn't work at all (you can't seem to click it and make it do anything, similar to the 'I already have a username' button on the mobile login screen).


  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    Thanks for the help! =D no i did save it with the underscore and it seemed to work, but the links still were not working. I can still go to things where i entered in an actually wiki page, but if i linked an image to the URL of a page in my campaign, that URL no longer takes me to the page, i supposed just due to the new address. So like for example i plug in an image and link it to a page: !!":

    Also, I am unable to edit my forum posts, it wont let me click on the edit button for some reason. Not sure if this is a known issue or just me specifically because i had some code for custom background as well as a nav bar on those pages and now it looks all funky and i cannot edit it
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    forum post editing is a known issue and they acknowledged it, saying they would work on it.
  • MarkGiguere
    Posts: 53
    Well, I would like to add a note of positivity in a sea of negativity. I LIKE it. It looks sharp and is a vast improvement. I do find the main "text" area a bit narrow, I find the white text on grey hard to read, even after the various CSS tips above. The dashboard is not affected by these tips, so perhaps we need another.

    That being said, everyone, the new site has only been up for a few HOURS!!! Give it some time.
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    Good point Mark thanks for bringing that up. I am really excited about the new site please don't take any concerns or suggestions as negative! We are a very loyal fanbase and are very excited to be involved in the changes coming =] keep up all the amazing work on the reforge!
  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    Mark: What you may not realize is that my campaign hasn't looked optimal for nearly 9 HOURS! I mean... 9 hours! On a MONDAY! I've put in easily 3 hours of work and am only like, 85% of the way to getting my campaign looking like normal again! :P

    So far I think all of the changes will especially help newer campaigns get off the ground for customizing. I still have a few gripes, such as the loss of separating NPC's from PC's from DM-Only NPC's. ...and the new forum layout is going to take me a bit to get used to. And the new adventure logs might be cool, but once again, just gotta get used to them!

    All in all, I think this is probably a cleaner layout. And porting my old CSS over hasn't been quite as bad as I had worried about. But... you know, CHANGE! It confuses, and thus infuriates me! :P

    DM of "Tyellador":
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