Reforging Update?



  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    If those previous CSS tips for getting rid of the white-on-grey didn't work, try this:

    textarea, input {
    color:black !important;
    border:solid 1px black !important;

    I didn't try theirs, but that's what I've been using and it works a treat.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    I actually *really* like the way the adventure logs are handled now. They didn't look good for me until I customized their colors to fit the rest of my campaign (blue-on-white-on-black isn't pretty), but they look really purty now and are quite functional.
  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    I'm going to see if we can move the navigation menu to the side of the screen, outside the content area. That should help w/ some of the "narrow content" problems (although just changing the setting to use only the icons already does that quite a bit)
  • saethone
    Posts: 153 edited October 2013
    well that didn't take long. Ascendant users can paste this into their custom css.

    This is using the collapsed navigation menu (change in your campaign settings)

    .collapsable-nav-row.collapsed .main-content-container {

    padding-left: 10px;


    .collapsable-nav-row.collapsed .front-nav-container {

    left: -50px;


    you can see that in action here:

    You may want to adjust that padding-left a little bit to suit your preferences, as far as making it align with your campaign logo and such. the higher you increase it above zero, the further to the right the content area will start.

    also, has anybody had any luck getting youtube videos to show?
    Post edited by saethone on
  • MarkGiguere
    Posts: 53
    @Langy: the css fixes work everywhere EXCEPT the dashboard, where the text if grey on white. I remember reading somewhere that the dashboard is not affected nor is as malleable as the rest of campaign. So I suspect your CSS style changes are simply not able to apply to the dashboard.

    The dahsboard is ok anyways. A bit darker text would help, but it's still very nice and slick.

    @Thorvaldr: I understand the frustration of those with heavily customized sites. It is not my wish to belittle them in any way. It's only normal that they are angry/annoyed that their heavily tweaked site is now out-of-order or ugly. Ok.

    That being said, if you mod a game and the next patch destroys your mods, that's par for the course. I respectfully submit that this is similar. They had a non-standard implementation of a product, possibly a free implementation. The product has been upgraded. The host site has established a measure (the Vanguard project) to help people transition to the new look. This is laudable in all respects but the host site cannot and should not be held "hostage" because some users went overboard on customization.

    It's not a perfect solution but OP is doing what's best for the site and have said that more fixes are on the way. I really don't think we can ask for more.

    I would also point out that, despite the complaints here, the Vanguard thread has ONE request for help. Kinda says it all, don't ya think?
  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    @Mark. My apologies, I was trying to sound more facetious than I apparently did! I am far from angry. The point I was trying to get across was yeah, it's only been a few hours, and even with the few hours I've put in I've gotten _most_ of my campaign looking right. Granted, to get the smaller bits working again will take some work... but everything's been much faster for me this time around, since I know the basics of what I'm doing now.

    So, of course it's a bit sad that I some of my hard work, but it's understandable. And as with anything new, I'm going to withhold judgment for a week or so, until I actually "get" what's going on.

    DM of "Tyellador":
  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    nevermind on the youtube videos problem. just realized i'm editing in firefox and that doesn't have flash player installed :P
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218

    We are currently working on getting non-ascendants able to customize their color settings, we will be making the color scheme controls available to everyone and not just Ascendants.

    Please hang tight while we are behind the scenes making these changes for you. We will update everyone as soon as we've rolled out our first batch of fixes and changes soon. Rest assured we are listening to _all_ of your feedback!
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Oh, the dashboard can be affected by CSS - the code I put up _definitely_ affects the dashboard's text input boxes. It's still got some general light-on-light color scheme issues, but not in the input boxes - finishing the rest of the dashboard theming is tomorrow's job, but it is _defintiely_ editable via CSS.

    But that's for tomorrow. For tonight, there is the feast of champions, for I have slain the beast of the public face of the reforged OP.
  • Bondoid
    Posts: 35

    Much easier (And it works better too!) to just do this.

    #campaign-nav { position:relative;left:-75px; }
  • MarkGiguere
    Posts: 53
    Further recommendation: place a "save" button in the right-hand toolbar area in the editors. Since the button will always be available, no matter what edit you make, the save button is there.

    For example, all I wanted to do was add a Tag to a character. The Tag field is at the top. I have to scroll all the way down to save.

    Any other functionality like save, such as a "cancel" button, should also be in the right hand tool bar area.
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited October 2013

    Slain the beast? Not hardly! You have conquered it, caged it, and now make it do tricks for your guests. The beast still exists, but it is most definitely bested and subdued, and several folks (myself included) seem much more accepting of the reforge because of your efforts and tips. Your feast of champions is well-deserved, and I shall raise a glass in your honor this eve as well.

    @ MarkGiguere:

    I completely agree, and second the request (should such be needed).
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Maesenko
    Posts: 325
    I third the request, as I just had to add tags to several characters and that was the only update. I hope the quick tagging comes back.


    CotM Selection Committee

  • AquaMan
    Posts: 8
    I'd like to be able to set tags and update the characters' pictures without it posting to the stream. And when updating the picture for a character, the image was compressed like crazy. It looks just awful and blurry.
  • saethone
    Posts: 153

    That will move the bar to the left but not free up the extra real estate, the first part of the code (.collapsable-nav-row.collapsed .main-content-container {padding-left: 10px;}) is what moves your content back to the left to fill in that empty space
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    I think they changed where our images are stored...

    So if you actually typed out links in wiki pages, with the old obsidian portal assets address they may not work?

    (I'm over my head here)
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    The images are still available on for me, Skid.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Hmmm, I right clicked on character portraits and said copy image url...

    Further investigation shows that normal images and pictures are at the old addresses...but it looks like character portraits are at the new, could you check a character portrait?
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Yeah, looks like character portraits are stored at cloudfront now. Not sure this is a change, but it may be. Not sure why they'd change the link address now, though; maybe that's something they'll fix in the future. What was the old character portrait storage location?
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Not sure, can't find an old link and can't edit forums to see what it was. Still checking.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Found one...

    Now Solde is at cloudfront.

    But he shows up fine in the old location with the old address.

    I think I'm going to ignore this for head hurts.
  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    sorry, minor issue w/ my method to move the nav bar, when you expand the content it covers the edit button for the page, hah. You can move that edit button as well, though -

    .icon-edit {
    position: relative;
    left: -30px;
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    New banners are also on Cloudfront

    Just trying to help out.

  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    Hmm. I'm just not seeing it... if the Embed Image feature locks up my browsers... how do I upload a basic image (not on a character page, map, etc.) ??
  • Bondoid
    Posts: 35
    i thought it was locking up at first too. But it turned out to just be really really slow. Once you get to the upload window you can upload multiple pictures without delay, so i suggest keeping it active in its own tab if your doing a lot of work!
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Yes, I discovered it was really slow 3 or 4 minutes in some cases. Agree on keeping it open once its there.

    However, initially Chrome was giving me "this page has died" type messages, so.... got better...

    (points for quote ref)
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    I honestly don't think any points should be awarded for recognizing a Monty Python reference in an RPG forum. Deduction of points for not recognizing it - that may be more appropriate.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830

    who are you you that is so wise in the ways of.....nevermind.
  • BrianAdamantite
    Posts: 43
    *** IMG tutorial ***

    I want to replace the image in this HTML tag ...

    with a new one I uploaded on cloudfront...

    So I am going to splice out the html part of the textile url code...

    and paste it here...

    To test it I will open a new tab/window and paste the HTML url

    Now it looks cleaner in HTML


    I hope this helps people if they want HTML over Textile
  • CraigCoxson
    Posts: 20
    Not sure where to post this, but I was beginning work on a set of guidelines for new OP GMs who want to make CSS for their sites when something hit me: The guidelines would be perfect for OP as well. Now, I know that a lot of work went into the site, and appreciate that this suggestion will likely fall on deaf ears, but I'll make it anyway.

    In the bad old days before CSS editing was a possibility, we got into the bad habit of making all of our changes to our CSS directly in page. Considering that many of our pages need the same CSS editing, this is a duplication of effort, and when things like the reforge happen, there is no central location to fix things.

    That being said, when OP hard codes CSS onto the pages, this makes our job as GM even more difficult. Things like the text box editing that many people looked in vain to resolve. The problem is, when you hard code a change into a given page, it makes it so we as GMs have to hard code our changes into the pages as well. This means that the thousands of hours some of us spend on making our sites look just so is wasted every time there is a change, making us wish you would never make a change.

    This being said, any time you have an ID for a box, there is no reason to EVER hard code it's information on a page.

    Basically, what I'm saying, is that I would like for OP to move ALL CSS coding to a CSS document, one that our CSS documents take precedence over. This doesn't allow us to replace the hard coding of the pages, like links and so on, but that is because CSS is for style not for code. That's fine. Maybe, someday, you'll give us the ability to provide custom links for our pages. For now, though, please allow us to have a single location to affect the STYLE of our pages without the need to go through the pain of coding each page.

    If we can change our style setting in the CSS and affect every problem area on our site, we will be a lot less upset the next time you make a major change to the site. We all know it will happen again. It's the nature of the business. When they create a new sprocket, you need you change your widget to fit.

    I'm rambling a bit. Let me shut up. Before I do, I will sum up: OP please remove all hard coded CSS and move it to a place where our CSS will over-write it.
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