New Reforge Issue Tracking List

edited October 2013 in General Archive
I am starting a new thread, as I was informed that my updates to the previous thread were nearly 7k characters too much and I didn't previously have the foresight to reserve responses directly below the first post.

Categories and threads:

h3. Wiki

Content area width - FIXED
Overall color scheme is horrible - SOMEWHAT FIXED
PC portraits on front page

h3. Comments

Comments on logs - FIXED
Comments on campaigns

h3. Files: Images, Video, & Maps

Embedding pictures / video
Uploading images
Most character thumbnails are broken on the characters page
Cannot delete / remove files such as maps or banners
Compressed images produce poor results
Image size requirements are not communicated

h3. Edit Boxes

Edit box text color
Edit box buttons
Bullet button not functioning on multiple line

h3. Forums

Editing forum posts - FIXED
Organizing forums with subforums
Inability to link specific Forum pages
Forum "stickies" no longer "sticky" the forum to the top
Forums no longer follow the personal profile setting for email notification
Deleting posts no longer possible

h3. DST Display

Generic DST Avatar

h3. Search

Raw markdown
Displaying GM-Only results
Simplified page list
Search is OR only
Search unavailable for OP elements

h3. OP Structure / UI

Campaign List
Clear segregation of PC / NPC
"By Popularity" option gone from the campaign sort order options
NavMenu inconsistency
Forums no longer accessible across the site
Unable to manage friends or favorite campaigns
Typed date entry for Adventure Logs
Buttons are unintuitive and do not have tooltips
Right-hand navigation is missing crucial elements that existed before
OP footer colors

h3. Suggestions

CSS Themes
Provide an option for the old UI
Dice Roller
Collapsible right-hand sidebars

h3. Additional comments from Dev staff:

404 errors
Page titles

h3. Compatibility

Incompatibility with iPhone / Safari
Login issues on a Samsung Galaxy S3's Internet browser

h3. OP Back-End

Constant certificate issues
Tags not saving - FIXED
OP Classes with the word "description"
Campaign RSS feed broken
Campaigns are not currently able to be deleted
Failure to deselect mailing players for GM-only page updates
External links are not assigned a class name
Hover behavior missing for links
Child-Parent Selector forbidden from custom CSS

_Please continue to add issues and suggestions after this and I will add and update as I can._


  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited November 2013
    h1. Wiki

    h3. Content area width - FIXED

    *Issue:* The new wiki content width is far too narrow.
    *Status:* All users (Ascendant and non) now have the ability to set their page width campaign wide, get in there and play with it and tweak it to your liking. Some good sizes are 1200 is good, or 1400, just play with it a bit.
    *Work-around:* For ascendant members who can change the CSS, Langy has provided code in numerous posts / threads.

    h3. Links - SOMEWHAT FIXED

    *Issue:* Links no longer appear as links, and links directed to nonexistent pages don't show differently.
    *Status:* Links to nonexistent pages are now a different color.
    *Work-around:* For ascendant members who can change the CSS, code has been offered in other threads to address the issue. For non-ascendent members, use full HREF tags with a color style.

    h3. Overall color scheme is horrible - SOMEWHAT FIXED

    *Issue:* The overall color scheme of the new OP is deplorable and non-ascendant members have no recourse
    *Status:* We’re making the color scheme selection available to everyone, not just Ascendant. Plus, we’ll make sure that all the backgrounds have appropriate color schemes associated with them.
    *Work-around:* Ascendant members can change their colors through the OP settings or CSS; non-ascendant members will need to wait for this to get fixed.

    h3. PC portraits on front page

    *Issue:* Portraits are missing if PC's are assigned to the GM or if a single player has multiple PCs assigned.
    *Status:* Unknown
    *Work-around:* None at this time.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited November 2013
    h1. Comments

    h3. Comments on logs - FIXED

    *Issue:* Comments can no longer be viewed or added on adventure logs, a vital feature to many PBP campaigns ran through OP.
    *Status:* I’ve deployed a fix for the missing adventure log comments. Leaving those out was a mistake on my part, and I apologize. As you’ll see, everything is still there.
    *Work-around:* None needed, issue resolved.

    h3. Comments on campaigns

    *Issue:* Comments can no longer be viewed or added on campaigns, often seen as a means to give feedback on campaign happenings or the campaign as a whole..
    *Status:* Unknown (see "Comments on logs" above)
    *Work-around:* None at this time.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited November 2013
    h1. Files: Images, Video, & Maps

    h3. Embedding pictures / video

    *Issue:* Attempting to embed a picture or video causes the page to lock up; this occurs in forum posts and wiki pages.
    *Status:* Video embedding – we are aware of the issues here and are working on getting them fixed.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.
    *Updates:* Despite a claim that the issue is resolved, several users have indicated otherwise. It appears that the issue is related to the size of the image library.
    *SkidAce:* Not sure I agree that picture embedding works properly. Clicked embed picture and still waiting for my image selections to pop up three minutes later. And Chrome wants to kill the page. (finally opened at 3.5) By the way, while it is waiting to open, the hard drive is spinning up, which doesn’t happend to embed character, link, or audio/video, their selector shows up immediately.
    *Keryth987:* Embedding is NOT working. I still cannot embed images at all. It’s not a delay, its a ctrashing script. I’ve opened a help topic about this as well and heard nothing in the past two days. I use Windows 7 and have tried IE, Firefox, and Chrome and get the same error on each.
    *Langy:* Gotta agree, image embed isn't working right. For one thing, it seems to be loading _every single image_ in the entire library at once before showing any of them. That's obviously going to take a while if you've got several MB of images. Something else screwy may be going on there, too, but I'm not sure what. Can you use smaller images, or have them only load when you scroll to them or something? Maybe that'll help.
    *deljohn:* Agreed. image embed is still broken when there are a significant number of images in the library. Shrinking the images or just displaying thumbnails would make searching for images a bit easier also....

    h3. Uploading images

    *Issue:* Attempting to upload an image is giving problems, even when done one at a time.
    *Status:* The text stating “drag images” is plural, however it is only meant for one file at a time. We will implement a fix to change this poor wording which may have led some users astray. It will likely be corrected to reflect something along the lines of “Click or drag here to upload an image”. Updating characters / making changes – this is an SSL related issue and may also be causing troubles with the portraits as well, currently investigating a fix.
    *Work-around:* Repeat attempts until a green check mark occurs, indicating success. Do images ONLY one at a time.

    h3. Most character thumbnails are broken on the characters page

    *Issue:* Images erratically work or are broken, without clear reason why some are fine and others aren't. The issue is with previously functioning images.
    *Status:* Broken images for characters (a re-upload should fix some of these) – we are looking into fixing this as well.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Cannot delete / remove files such as maps or banners

    *Issue:* Once a map is uploaded, it can not be removed - especially problematic given the limited number of maps allowed.
    *Status:* What is currently (as we speak) being fixed and should be deployed this evening: Ability to delete banners
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Compressed images produce poor results

    *Issue:* The character images (on their individual pages) are being so heavily compressed that it severely impacts the visual quality.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Ascendant members can use CSS to adjust appearances on the character portraits.

    h3. Image size requirements are not communicated

    *Issue:* In conjunction with other issues above (especially the "Compressed images produce poor results"), one would expect the site to communicate correct recommended sizes for banners and other images, rather than just remove previous (erroneous) size recommendations.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Look through the forums to find threads where sizes are mentioned. If they still don't work well because of campaign resizing, then play with the CSS (ascendant members only) to adjust to satisfaction.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited November 2013
    h1. Edit Boxes

    h3. Edit box text color

    *Issue:* Edit boxes now use light-colored fonts on light-colored background, making it difficult to read when making updates.
    *Status:* We have heard you loud and clear regarding the gray text on white background and are looking into implementing changes/fix .
    *Work-around:* For ascendant members who can change the CSS, various individuals have provided code in numerous posts / threads that address different edit boxes, including the CSS edit box.
    *Update:* The textbox colors have changed from white on light grey to white on not-as-light grey, still not right for an edit box meant solely for functionality instead of looking pretty. Despite "fixes", this is not fixed.

    h3. Edit box buttons

    *Issue:* Base functionality elements on edit pages (Save, cancel, etc.) should be more accessible rather than at the bottom of the page (same concept behind the move for the edit buttons themselves)
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* For ascendant members who can change the CSS, moving these elements is possible although code has not been provided (that I know of).

    h3. Bullet button not functioning on multiple line

    *Issue:* The bullet button fails to affect multiple lines when multiple lines are selected; only the first line receives the bullet treatment.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Apply the bullet treatment to each line individually, one at a time.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited November 2013
    h1. Forums

    h3. Editing forum posts - FIXED

    *Issue:* Existing forum posts can no longer be edited.
    *Status:* Forum posts are now editable again
    *Work-around:* None needed, issue resolved.

    h3. Organizing forums with subforums

    *Issue:* Forums are now a hodge-podge collection of threads, no longer organized by subforums, making them considerably less useful.
    *Status:* The subforums will be coming back. I’ll probably get that out sometime mid next week.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Inability to link specific Forum pages

    *Issue:* Specific forum pages used to be linkable, allowing them to be targeted easily for specific purposes or searchable through Google. This is no longer the case.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Forum "stickies" no longer "sticky" the forum to the top

    *Issue:* "Stickies" served a valuable purpose for thread visibility, one used in the OP forums as well. This no longer works in campaign forums.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Forums no longer follow the personal profile setting for email notification

    *Issue:* Profile settings for email notification is important; some like to be notified and others don't. Campaign forums no longer adhere to those preferences.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Deleting posts no longer possible

    *Issue:* Forum posts do not have a clear means to be deleted.
    *Status:* Planned for fixes. What is currently (as we speak) being fixed and should be deployed this evening: The ability to delete forum posts (ability to delete entire threads will follow in an update to follow)
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.
    *Update:* When you delete all the items in a thread, the thread itself doesn’t go away. It says 0 items but it’s still there and i can see no way to remove it.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited October 2013
    h1. DST Display

    h3. Scrollbars

    *Issue:* DST sheets have enforced scrollbars, despite crafted designs to avoid them.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Generic DST Avatar

    *Issue:* The generic avatar is broken inside any DST. Most likely related to the character image issue (above).
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited October 2013
    h1. Search

    h3. Raw markup / Textile

    *Issue:* Entries on the tag search page show raw markup not interpreted. Baard has provided this example: "Cracks in the Facade – London tag": that clearly shows the issue (make especial note of the fourth entry down)
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Displaying GM-Only results

    *Issue:* Search results in all pages, include GM-only pages; as such, everyone gets a summary display of GM-only info
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Simplified page list

    *Issue:* Rather than searching without filter criteria, the "Show-All" page needs to return; a simple page listing page titles rather than summary info, and segregates GM-only pages for easier recognition.
    *Status:* Once things settle down we will be looking into: A “view all” wiki pages option instead of performing a search and putting in nothing to search for criteria.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Search is OR only

    *Issue:* Search results displays all results matching any of the qualifiers rather than using the criteria collectively to drill deeper. There should be a way to toggle between OR and AND, to use multiple criteria to refine a search rather than broaden it.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Search unavailable for OP elements

    *Issue:* There does not seem to be a way to search the site for a campaign, subject, or fellow members.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited November 2013
    h1. OP Structure / UI

    h3. Campaign List

    *Issue:* Long drop-down list for campaigns (when there are plenty) is inaccessible on small screens.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Clear segregation of PC / NPC

    *Issue:* The characters page no longer distinguished between PC and NPC
    *Status:* Once things settle down we will be looking into: Separation of NPC/PC as opposed to strictly relying on tags
    *Work-around:* Use tags to segregate (assuming you can get tags to work)

    h3. "By Popularity" option gone from the campaign sort order options

    *Issue:* Being able to order by popularity was useful, both to those campaigns that had achieved significant fans (the value of fans diminishes greatly without this) and those using the list to find well-done campaigns that had great potential for inspiring others.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. NavMenu inconsistency

    *Issue:* On the dashboard, your menu is Dashboard, Front Page, Forum , Calendar, Adventure Log, Wiki, Characters, Maps and Settings. The Dashboard, the Forum and the Calendar have one look and all these menu items. The Front page, Adventure Log, Wiki, Characters and Maps have another look AND only have Dashboard, Front Page, Adventure Log, Wiki, Characters and Maps as menu items.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* All members can use HTML code snippets to change their smaller menus to look more like the other, fuller menus. Ascendant members can also use CSS to alter the looks for consistency (although not completeness of options).

    h3. Forums no longer accessible across the site

    *Issue:* Forums used to be more accessible, with a visible link at the top on every page. While there is plenty of space on the top NavBar to retain this link to the forums, it is now hidden away on the big footer that is only accessible from the dashboard or an OP page unrelated to a specific campaign. It is also no longer called "Forums", which makes it even less intuitive to find.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Go back to your Dashboard and scroll to the bottom, click on "Community".

    h3. Unable to manage friends or favorite campaigns

    *Issue:* It appears that one is unable to manage friends or favorite campaigns, the buttons to do so takes the user back to their profile. This limits a great deal, including the ability to un-favorite a campaign.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Typed date entry for Adventure Logs

    *Issue:* By changing the date entry for logs into a calendar view only, this adds undue significant difficulty for any campaign where the campaign is not modern day and the adventure logs use the campaign date (futuristic, medieval, what-have you).
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Buttons are unintuitive and do not have tooltips

    *Issue:* Either the purpose of a button should be intuitively obvious, or the button should have a tool tip when hovered over (a smart design even when the button's purpose seems obvious).
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Right-hand navigation is missing crucial elements that existed before

    *Issue:* The right hand navigation previously had links that were frequently relied on for organization and accessibility. These appear to be gone now from that navigation column.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. OP footer colors

    *Issue:* The links in the various footers do not conform to campaign color settings.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Ascendant members should be able to adjust colors with CSS, though the code has not yet been provided.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited November 2013
    h1. Suggestions

    h3. CSS Themes

    *Suggestion:* To address some of the massive changes, a suggestion has been posed (thanks, Langy) to allow for all members to have access to a small selection of CSS themes, allowing them access to predetermined CSS settings that can alter the layout. The selection would be limited and accessed similar to backgrounds.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Customize directly through CSS, but only available to Ascendent members.

    h3. Provide an option for the old UI

    *Suggestion:* Some have requested a toggle-able option where folks could go back to the old OP UI instead of the new one.
    *Status:* We will not be switching back to the old site. While there are a few issues we are addressing in the new layout, we strongly believe that it is ultimately better.
    *Work-around:* Customize the UI directly through CSS to more closely match the previous appearance, but only available to Ascendent members.

    h3. Dice Roller

    *Suggestion:* Bring back the integrated dice roller, to allow PBP games to have a dice roller system that can be used in the forums without concern for "fudging the results".
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Use external tools, like "Roll20": or such.

    h3. Collapsible right-hand sidebars

    *Suggestion:* The ability to collapse the Forum list on the left hand side within Forums. That way I could navigate the forums quickly, then collapse the nav panel for more reading/input space. Come to think of it, a lot of those sidebars would benefit from a collapse option so that those who want more space can have it, and those who want more side bars can have it.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Ascendant members can use CSS to customize as they see fit; making sidebars collapsible or hidden altogether.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited October 2013
    h1. Additional comments from Dev staff:

    Once things settle down we will be looking into: 404 errors when clicking links from within emails about certain site activities
    Once things settle down we will be looking into: Page titles at the top of the browser properly displaying the page title instead of just “Obsidian Portal”

    A contrast fix for the text on the site, you should notice a darker background which makes the light gray text much easier to read than previously (Edit: I'm not sure if this applies to whole site or just the edit box issues).
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited November 2013
    h1. Compatibility

    h3. Incompatibility with iPhone / Safari

    *Issue:* The site crashes when opened in Safari on the iPhone.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Other than using a different means to access, none specified at this time.

    h3. Login issues on a Samsung Galaxy S3's Internet browser

    *Issue:* On my Samsung Galaxy S3's Internet browser, the login page text phrases" I signed up with a username" and "Create new account" are not clickable links.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206 edited November 2013
    h1. OP Back-End

    h3. Constant certificate issues

    *Issue:* There are incessant warnings (for each campaign/subdomain) that the SSL cert is invalid.
    *Status:* Updating characters / making changes – this is an SSL related issue and may also be causing troubles with the portraits as well, currently investigating a fix.
    *Work-around:* Provide site exception through the browser.

    h3. Tags not saving - FIXED

    *Issue:* Pages lose tags; once saved, future edits remove the tags even if the edits don't involve tags. Some users report the inability to save tags at all.
    *Status:* Tags are fixed; see "micah’s video": for more information.
    *Work-around:* None needed, issue resolved.

    h3. OP Classes with the word "description"

    *Issue:* OP implemented base classes that use names with the word "description", but any use of the word "script" (including in other words, like "description") is ignored so these divs cannot be changed through CSS. Again, this isn't about custom class names, this is about default OP core class names.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Campaign RSS feed broken

    *Issue:* RSS feeds no longer work. Original Feed locations were formatted as : but with the campaign renaming, the feeds are down. Going to or takes you to an RSS feed for the entire OP site, all campaigns, instead of just your personal campaign.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Campaigns are not currently able to be deleted

    *Issue:* It appears to be impossible to delete a campaign right now. I’ve one I want to lose from my list but I keep getting a gateway error.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None specified at this time.

    h3. Failure to deselect mailing players for GM-only page updates

    *Issue:* Previously, marking a page as GM-only would prevent players from receiving email notifications. This has stopped working, making players aware of GM-only content.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Manually deselect each player to be notified for each change to a GM-only page.

    h3. External links are not assigned a class name

    *Issue:* Because external links don't have class names assigned, they can’t be easily singled out for styling.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around 1:* Work around is .wiki-page a, but this requires you to be careful about precedence with anything that targets internal wiki links specifically.
    *Work-around 2:* Use full HREFs for external links with custom class names. Regular members can modify everything but pseudo classes with inline CSS, and ascendant members can use full CSS treatments.

    h3. Hover behavior missing for links

    *Issue:* Links in general have no default hover behavior.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* Ascendant members can address hover behavior in CSS.

    h3. Child-Parent Selector forbidden from custom CSS

    *Issue:* The > character is forbidden in campaign custom CSS, which prevents users from directly overriding certain default styles in the new design.
    *Status:* Unknown.
    *Work-around:* None identified at this time.
    Post edited by Belrathius on
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Updated to include DreadGazebo's comments, as of Tuesday evening.
  • Baard
    Posts: 16
    Textile code shows when listing tags. Example: "Cracks in the Facade - London tag":

    Also there is something very flakey about one of the entries (see number 4), not sure if its related.
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Thanks for the example reference, Baard. Examples and repro steps always help development get a better idea of the problem at hand.

    I have updated the issue (under Search) with your comments.
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Updated to include the search criteria issue of OR vs. AND.
  • Shadowkiller
    Posts: 9
    RSS feeds no longer work. Original Feed locations were formatted as :

    Reforge now changes the campaign site address to Going to or takes you to an RSS feed for the entire OP site, all campaigns, instead of just your personal campaign.
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Ah bugger, that's a pretty huge deal when my campaigns are in swing. Thanks for the notice, Shadowkiller, I have updated the list accordingly.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    List by popular games gone! How I learned to code my old site was asking those popular site gms that had put so much work into making their site look good!

    Just trying to help out.

  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Gah, I had seen that mentioned and totally spaced it. Thanks for pointing it out, KillerVP. Adding it now to the OP Structure section.
  • MarkGiguere
    Posts: 53
    (copy of a note I wrote elsewhere)


    been using the site a bit and I would have a usability issue.

    On the dashboard, your menu is Dashboard, Front Page, Forum , Calendar, Adventure Log, Wiki, Characters, Maps and Settings. The Dashboard, the Forum and the Calendar have one look and all these menu items.

    The Front page, Adventure Log, Wiki, Characters and Maps have another look AND only have Dashboard, Front Page, Adventure Log, Wiki, Characters and Maps as menu items.

    First, the different look for 3 out of 9 items violates the very idea of the reforging: consistency.

    Secondly, if I am in the Wiki, how do I go to the Forum directly? Answer: you can’t.

    My suggestion: Make everything EXCEPT the dashboard look the same AND add the missing menu items to ALL menus.

    My 0,02$ CDN.
  • AquaMan
    Posts: 8
    The character images (on their individual pages) are being so heavily compressed that it severely impacts the visual quality.
    Also, the site crashes when opened in Safari on the iPhone.
  • Baard
    Posts: 16
    Update on the tags "in this thread":
  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275 edited October 2013
    I know most folks are busy trying to pick up the pieces of their damaged campaigns... but I've also noticed that there does not seem to be a way to search the site for a subject or for fellow members; am I missing something?

    For instance, I tried to find dr_venture in order to send him a friend request but could not get to him through the site; I had to go to Google and search him that way.

    "A Manifestation of Chaos":
    COTM - Sept. 2012
    Post edited by Leonidas300 on
  • Savannah
    Posts: 188 edited October 2013
    You know, I was looking for search to look for a campaign yesterday and couldn't find it -- I wrote it off as me being tired, though. Sounds like it is missing, though, if it's more than just me.
    Post edited by Savannah on
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278 edited October 2013
    Does anyone else have a problem with not being able to find any way to edit the "Bio" part of your profile? I can edit profile but the Bio part i cannot find where to edit it anywhere

    EDIT: WOW how did i miss that. Awkward

    "Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order":
    "Duskreign’s Favorite CotM January 2012":
    "CotM November 2011":
    Post edited by WolfLord on
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Er, the edit box for 'bio' in your profile is... in the 'edit profile' section of the site. It's right underneath 'phone number'.
  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    Thanks.... my bad haha
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