What is happening here and why is anyone paying for this?

edited November 2013 in General Archive
The reforge has made OP almost unusable to me.

I don't understand CSS, although I can copy and paste, but if it goes wrong- and it sometimes does, or else I C&P it wrong- or in to the wrong place, then I've no understanding of why or how to fix it.

The site looks... horrible, I've tried changing colours and playing about with the size of the banners, and... and I don't really know what I'm doing, I'm reading forum threads and trying to make sense of them- trying to get OP to look kinda like it did before the reforge- but I can't get it right.

I can't get OP to upload images, or embed images, or even allow me to do the stuff that I did last week, every day last week- as in prior to the reforge I happily whiled away an hour or so most every day on my campaign site- just adding things, writing up stuff for my players (with pictures etc.), now- I just don't get it.

So, why am I paying for something that doesn't do what it did last week?

More's the point why is anyone paying for this?

One stage further- why are we being charged for this?

I get that things will get better, but why release something that patently doesn't work? Isn't there a way to test things prior to running them?

I apologise I'm not a computer guy, I figure there are lots of people (probably) behind the scenes trying to fix things- or at least I hope there are. I've done my best to go through the forums- trying to find an official 'this is what's happening', or 'this is where we're at', or anything- maybe I'm just not looking in the right place. Is there anything?

Prior to the reforge OP was a god send, a place I could go- click a button, make a new page to use in or out of game- upload images and other files; and generally show off- if only to myself and my players, all the cool things we've done together.

Now... it's broken.

I apologise again for sounding so negative but I regularly access only maybe 5 or 6 sites on the internet, is this normal?

Is there an announcement somewhere I'm missing- help?


  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    OP has a staff of something like three people. So no, not 'lots of people', but those guys are working as hard as they can and are making quite a lot of progress.

    The 'this is where we're at' posts are in the "launch feedback thread":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394. Look for any post by Micah, Drew, or Jerry (DreadGazebo); they're OP's staff members.
  • goonalan
    Posts: 6
    I didn't realise OP had a staff of three- I guess wow is in order.

    I've read through as much of the thread as I can make sense of, as I say I'm a non-computer person- some of it doesn't make much sense- I realise that's down to my lack of skills and understanding, or rather lack of, but I used OP prior to the reforge because I didn't need to know about computers, and CSS or HTML. It just worked.

    But my point still stands, and apologies again if it sounds harsh- but why am I paying for something that doesn't work anymore?

    I don't understand from the POV of a paying customer how this is right, I guess it's only me that sees it this way- perhaps I need to re-adjust my settings. In the real world I manage a small team in an educational establishment, if the service I provided was disrupted in the same way as OP has been then I'd let all users know about it, I'd be apologetic and then let people know how and when (even if it was a best guess) things were going to get fixed. I'm fairly certain all of this could be achieved with one e-mail, or else one sticky thread in the forum that couldn't be added to by users- a clean and simple progress to date type of thing.

    The other site I visit regularly is ENWorld, when that goes down the front page usually reverts to Morrus' twitter feed, or something like that, with a short message stating what's wrong and when it will be fixed- fingers-crossed.

    I think I'm mostly shocked by the lack of information in an understandable format, I guess I'm from a different generation, and a time before the internet and computers.

    Sorry if I offended any of the people you mentioned working for OP, I'm sure they're doing excellent work; I'm just a little bewildered by the changes and the lack of info that actually makes sense to me.

  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    "I don't understand from the POV of a paying customer how this is right, I guess it's only me that sees it this way- perhaps I need to re-adjust my settings. In the real world I manage a small team in an educational establishment, if the service I provided was disrupted in the same way as OP has been then I'd let all users know about it, I'd be apologetic and then let people know how and when (even if it was a best guess) things were going to get fixed. I'm fairly certain all of this could be achieved with one e-mail, or else one sticky thread in the forum that couldn't be added to by users- a clean and simple progress to date type of thing."

    They did this; it is in that linked thread, though. Let me see if I can pull the relevant posts.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Here are the various updates the OP staff have given in that thread, in reverse chronological order:

    "Latest Update":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=6#Item_10
    "Update 2":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=6#Item_3
    "Update 3":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=5#Item_39
    "Update 4":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=4#Item_44
    "Update 5":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=4#Item_34
    "Update 6":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=3#Item_50
    "Update 7":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=3#Item_45
    "Update 8":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=3#Item_17
    "Update 9":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=3#Item_8
    "Update 10":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=3#Item_2
    "Update 11":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=3394&page=1

    I didn't include a few staff posts because they were directly answering questions rather than just giving general updates.
  • goonalan
    Posts: 6
    Thanks for that, going through them- Langy you're a wonderful person, and very patient- but having looked at the first few of them I still don't get why they would be hidden away in pages of pages of stuff, I don't know who OP are- as in the people that make it. I'm not even particularly good at navigating forums- that's my level of incompetency. Why not as I said- just do one sticky thread that had all this in, without all the other comment, so that people could just find this out.

    I've asked other questions elsewhere on the forums- various how do I do this, after the reforge, and people have been referring to the 'Devs' are doing this, or else doing that... and I just kept thinking how do you know this- where does it say.

    Thanks again, I'll read and digest before ranting anymore.

    Again apologies to the Devs- that's a word I've learnt today, but am I the only guy that uses OP with no knowledge of how PCs, CSS, and more or less everything else on the internet actually works, I guess I am.

    Thanks again.

  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    The devs are FuManchuDrew (AKA Drew), DreadGazebo (AKA Jerry), and Micah on the forums. I'm not sure the OP forums have the option of locking a thread and only allowing the devs to post in it, but keep track of that one thread and look for those names - they're the guys doing all the work, and they've been keeping us apprised of what's happening in that stickied thread.
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