Obsidian Portal Launch Feedback



  • AnotherGeek
    Posts: 3
    Page linking all I had to do before was to [[Page Name]] and it was highlighted and I could edit it. Now that does not work (has not worked on any of my campaigns). To top it off when I use the link widget on the side it simply posts [[Page Name | Page Name]] and does nothing. Even after I used the tool bar to create a new page.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    That's weird. I've been doing that all day and it works perfectly fine.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    It may look like it did nothing because of the color scheme...is it possible to try it and click on the normal looking link?

    Trying to be helpful...not patronizing, it threw me off at first.
  • MdBLimited
    Posts: 20

    I hear you. My group has had a serious discussion whether or not to "fix" our site, which we worked long hours to get how we wanted only to have it "reforged." Honestly, I don't see the benefit of spending more long hours to try and reconstruct things. I had hoped the Reforge would make text editing easier - it is the same programming nightmare (I would prefer a simple-to-use way to color text, change font, change text size, etc., without having to code it) - as the whole point of the site is to pass/share information. As you can tell, I'm not a programmer... and, unfortunately, I do not have the time to learn. Our group's "webmaster" wants to try and fix things, but I don't want him to spend the countless hours he has already spent to set up the original site. He isn't a programmer either. He invested a lot of time to configure things how we had them through trial and error, and a ton of help from the great group of people that make up the OP community.

    So, in a nutshell, I can say we are collectively very disappointed in the Reforge result.

    I am going back to the tried and true way of doing things: a campaign binder. No Reforge, or re-programming, or Internet bug can mess that up.

    Myyth Realm: Legacy
    Campaign of the Month (April 2013)
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    "(I would prefer a simple-to-use way to color text, change font, change text size, etc., without having to code it)"

    This is something that's coming, called natural editing. It's not out yet, though.

    If you aren't set on just tossing out your current campaign site, consider asking for help on the Vanguard forum; OP set that up to help people transition their sites. In short, *you* don't have to fix everything - you ask for it, and then a vanguard helps you out by doing a large portion (possibly the majority) of the work.
  • MdBLimited
    Posts: 20
    Natural editing would be a huge, HUGE positive that would certainly sway my thinking.

    I did post on the Vanguard site for assistance (or, more precisely, I asked them to reach out to our site "webmaster").

    I realize they are busy with all the updates/fixes, and really don't expect any assistance. It sounds like a lot of people are having problems and why should our site get special preference with Vanguard assistance? Really, it shouldn't. There are others with much bigger sites, such as "A God... Rebuilt," who should be the priority.

    No hard feelings. The Reforge just did not work out for our site (we had a lot of cool customizations). Maybe in time, with the updates/fixes, the OP will function more towards what we need again.

    Myyth Realm: Legacy
    Campaign of the Month (April 2013)
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    On the image embed issue, from Micah. This is for any site that has a lot of pictures, such as mine, Edgerunners, etc.
    Micah-"I've confirmed that it's related to the number of images in your image library. I'll work on a fix and try to get it out by late this week.
    Sorry for the inconvenience."
    Thought I would let you all know.
    "A God...Rebuilt":https://a-god-rebuilt.obsidianportal.com
    "OP's COTM April 2012":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/a-god-rebuilt-aprils-cotm/
    Unabashadly pushing for 300 fans!

    Just trying to help out.

  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    Killervp, thanks for passing that along! I've got got quite a few images in RoA, so it's been a it of a pain. I'm really relieved to hear they're working on it.
  • MadDogMaddux
    Posts: 10
    Hey guys, um, I don't mean to be whiny and all, but I've noticed that the Stream is not updating when someone posts to the Adventure Log comments. Additionally, I (the GM) am not receiving email notification when someone posts to said Adventure Log Comments.

    These are both new and awkward developments for me. I'd thought my players weren't posting, but it turns out I just wasn't being notified of their activity.

    Could we please add the adventure log comments back to the Stream on the right hand side? Email notifications of this to the GM would be awesome as well.


  • Cernig
    Posts: 60
    Thanks, KVP. I'll await that before I try to post any new stuff to Edgerunners, I think.
  • bassoon201
    Posts: 9
    I miss the Pathfinder template when making new characters. It is there for PC's already made before the reforge, but I don't see the window I can click to get the Pathfinder specific Character template. It was really awesome to use. Maybe I just don't know where to look....

  • Praesi
    Posts: 31
    Langy, that's exactly what I'm talking about.
    For how long will a Vanguard have to take me by my little hand and go through and search every corner of my pages?
    That simply doesn't work! At least, if there are more people with problems than there are Vanguards (and btw. timeshift would be a problem - I am here in Germany and a Vanguard who is 8 hrs behind me in the states will answer in the evening, what I ask in the morning - piece by piece). This isn't going to be very practical in any way!
    Maybe you could just once (!) honor the fact, that there are severe issues. And that it will be a lot of work to fix that - with or without Vanguards. And that everything fixed so far is nothing more than a plaster where an operation would be indicated.
    As I said I appreciate that plaster, but I don't want to become a surgeon to get along on the portal... .
    Im not one of those saying _everything_ is fubar, but when I read your posts you seem to tell me that everything is better than before and that now even the Vanguards do the work for us!
    Sorry, had to say that!
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Praesi, the Vanguard program is supposed to work something like this:

    1. You ask for help.
    2. Vanguard contacts you to provide help.
    3. You invite him into your campaign and promote him to co-GM.
    4. You tell him what you'd like your site to be like.
    5. Vanguard goes and makes the necessary changes.
    6. You get happy with changes and remove Vanguard from campaign.

    It's not about holding your hand and requiring him to go through you for every little change. Thus, it shouldn't take a huge amount of your time.

    Yes, there are some severe issues - but _you_ don't need to fix them yourself. OP's provided a program to help you out - and if you don't take advantage of it, that's your own decision. Don't blame OP that your campaign doesn't work right if you don't try and make use of the things OP put into place to help you out.
  • quercus
    Posts: 3
    I'd like to start by saying how appreciative I am for the responsiveness of the developers to concerns raised on the forums. I've been rolling with the site changes as best able, and benefit from my site not being too customized. However, one thing that remains a thorn in my side is table formatting in textile. My site is the basis for a PbP remote game, and I've devised my own game mechanics. Tables were a helpful formatting tool for shrinking loads of information to a manageable size. It still does that with the reforge, but also includes a perimeter border, alternating gray bars, and segmented columns. The tables also resist my attempts to center them.

    So, though still functional, the aesthetics are a bit wacky. Are there plans to modify tables, and if not, is there some sort of fix I should be aware of?

    Many thanks in advance for the help, and all the hard work.

  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    @Quercus: I can help with that!

    bc. #content table{background-color:transparent; border-style:none;}
    #content tr:nth-child(even) {background-color:transparent}

    Feel free to use whatever background color your want.

    Sometimes if CSS code isn't behaving, you need to add an "!Important" tag. For instance, if for some reason the "border-style:none;" wasn't working, try writing it this way: "border-style:none !important;"

    DM of "Tyellador":https://tyellador.obsidianportal.com/
  • quercus
    Posts: 3
    @Thorvaldr: You rock ... Thanks a million.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    @Thorvaldr; could you clarify what you code above does? (and what's an nth?)

    and possibly how I would modify it to have standard formatting of table across my wiki?
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    SkidAce, here's some info on nth-child: "nth-child selector":http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_nth-child.asp
    There's also nth-of-type too.
  • deljohn
    Posts: 24

    Thanks for the update on the image embed fix. We are looking forward to having it addressed...

  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    That is awesome Madartiste.

    My problem is I don't know what I'm missing until I see it somewhere else. /grin
  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    That's a fair question. Forgive me if I go into too much detail... or forgive me even more if not enough!

    bc. #content table{background-color:transparent; border-style:none;}
    #content tr:nth-child(even) {background-color:transparent}

    "#content table" will change all of your tables throughout your wiki. (#content here basically encapsulates your entire wiki, and table is... well, a table! For instance, if you used .wiki-page instead of #content, only your wiki page's would have the change. What's the difference between the "." and "#" prefix? The "." means class, "#" means ID... for our purposes, they _basically_ mean the same thing.)

    background-color:_____; will change the color to whatever you want. I choose transparent. You could choose blue.

    border-style:none; takes away the borders. You could use border-style:dashed; if you wanted... there are many types of border styles. If you google "css border-style", the first link will show you all of your options. If you want, you can throw in a border-color:_____; or border-width:_____;, which will have expected results.

    If you want, you can also put font-styles in here, font colors, font sizes... really, whatever you want. If you want a few different types of tables, you can also define some classes in your CSS... but that's another discussion.

    Now, what is this nth-child business? That's a _very_ fair question, and it took me a fair amount of research to figure it out. Basically, nth-child allows you to change something that is the nth of the parent object. So, here table is the parent object, and "tr" is the child object. ("tr" just means "row" in HTML.) So, this code is saying that for every even row, do this. This can be odd, a number, or even an equation. Look "here":http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_nth-child.asp for more information on the nth-child property.

    Let me know if you still have any questions!

    DM of "Tyellador":https://tyellador.obsidianportal.com/
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    That was perfect.

    Really, exact level of detail needed.

    There's a bottle of crown waiting for both of you...
  • Praesi
    Posts: 31
    "Don’t blame OP that your campaign doesn’t work right if you don’t try and make use of the things OP put into place to help you out."

    MY CAMPAIGN(S) DID WORK RIGHT! GET THAT? Do you want to blame for that? And for now I'm far enough to say that YES I DO BLAME OP for not providing a proper reforge. That's what the people paid and backed for!!!

    Langy, you just don't WANT to get my point. I'm sure I do not even have found all the things which are not as they're supposed to be in my campaigns.
    Are you trying to tell me that it's MY FAULT? What kind of page is this that takes my money for the membership, my money for the reforge, and then messes everything up and afterwards blames me for the lack of function?
    You should put this on the start page "This service can only be used with professional help!" right next to (sorry for the cynicism) "Vote for our Vanguard programme on the next Ennies!"
    Your attitude aggravates me me even more than the page itself! But I'm afraid you really cannot see that.
    Thanks for the fish, but I'm out here!
  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275 edited November 2013
    @ Praesi

    Well said again.

    @ Langy

    I'm sorry man but you just don't seem to get it. Everyone appreciates the Vanguards help, but the real rub is that what happens 6, 8 ,12 weeks from now when you want to make a change to something or do something another way? Without the now requisite CSS knowledge that a user needs; that user can no longer effectively run their page and if you have to run and ask for help to do alot of the stuff, then it effectively stops being your page and starts being your idea that someone else has to implement.

    As is the case with many others, I am trying to work through the difficulties on my page and I am asking for help, when I get too frustrated with something, but I am also burning hours and hours of time trying to tweak code that I don't have even a basic understanding of. (that's not time spent for prepping my sessions!).

    People come here to create their vision, not to have it created for them or "close enough"; When the ability to do it yourself is so grossly infringed upon that it is left up to others to do, then how is it your's anymore?

    Post Edit. I started this reply for @ Praesi post on a page 7 but he finished his post here before I did. Still well said Praesi

    "A Manifestation of Chaos":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/metzger/wikis/main-page
    COTM - Sept. 2012
    Post edited by Leonidas300 on
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    An update on what we're working on right now:

    I'm currently re-adding the subforums, and I hope to get that launched on Thursday morning. In addition, I'm working on a fix for the issue where the image upload / embed window freezes if you have a lot of images. If all goes well, that will also go out on Thursday, or early next week at the latest.

    h3. Important!

    Drew created some style guidelines for banner creation, and while working on them, he discovered a way that we can make banners easier to create and manage. The underlying issue is that, as currently implemented, their aspect ratio changes as you resize the browser. It's especially visible when you see them on a smaller device like a phone or tablet. The sides are heavily cropped.

    With the new plan, we will be able to keep the aspect ratio locked at 5:1 as things resize down, so your banner will always look the same and nothing will be cropped or distorted at any size.

    The downside is that this will change the existing banner sizes a little (21px of height), which could impact anyone who has updated their banner already to fit the new sizing. I apologize for yet another upheaval, but this is the last change to the banners in order to get them to fit right.

    The new size guidelines are 994x199px, assuming you’re using the standard 1024px max width. Otherwise, it is a ratio of 5:1 width-to-height, with the width equal to (max-width – 30px).

    We will be launching the new banner sizing on Thursday morning as well.

    Thanks to everyone for helping each other out.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364 edited November 2013
    Praesi: Your campaign worked right pre-reforge. I get that. However, it's been common knowledge since the kickstarter started that the reforge would _require_ old campaigns to adapt, especially if they were heavily styled. This was mentioned several times throughout the process, and OP even put into a system to help people adapt their campaigns to the new framework.

    You're rejecting using that system. _That_ is your fault; you have nobody to blame but yourself for not making use of the tools provided.

    The service doesn't require professional help to actually use; it may require help in order to restyle OP so that old campaigns look correct again, but after that's been done you won't need help again unless you decide to make huge changes to your site like completely restyling it to a different fashion.

    After the vanguard goes through your site and fixes things so that your customization works out right, you shouldn't need a vanguard to hold your hand through everything.

    EDIT: In other words, you're saying 'my site is broke, fix it', OP is saying 'OK, invite a vanguard to your campaign and he'll fix it', and then you're saying 'no! I don't want you to fix it!' That's just silly.

    Leonidas: There's absolutely no difference in the amount of knowledge needed to make big changes; before the reforging you needed good HTML/CSS knowledge, and after the reforging you still need good HTML/CSS knowledge.

    If you don't try and completely redo the sites design, OP works perfectly fine as-is without significant alterations or any specialized knowledge.
    Post edited by Langy on
  • MarkGiguere
    Posts: 53
    @Langy Well said.
  • MadDogMaddux
    Posts: 10
    Just wanted to ask again, in case my post got missed - can we get notification of Adventure Log Comments being posted restored to the Stream?

    Sorry to bring it up again, just didn't want the request to be lost amid the other stuff. :)
  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275

    "There’s absolutely no difference in the amount of knowledge needed to make big changes"

    THAT IS OUTRIGHT FALSE and exactly the kind of piss in my ear and tell me it's raining crap that many, myself included are very angry about. I am going to step away from this conversation for a bit because anything I have to say right now while true, will not be cordial.
This discussion has been closed.

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