Obsidian Portal Launch Feedback



  • Donegal
    Posts: 19
    That was it with the wiki links! Thanks!
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113 edited November 2013
    You most certainly can get rid of the avatars - do you want them all gone (including the GM: Donegal block) or just the characters?

    To link - change your post type at the bottom to Textile, and it's similar to doing an external link on your wiki.


    = "Rippers":https://rippers-dubious-beginnings.obsidianportal.com

    (take out the @ symbol - that was make the link, not a link)

    edit: there link fixed.
    Post edited by dawnhawk on
  • Donegal
    Posts: 19 edited November 2013
    Just the characters I suppose.

    "Blackmire Marches Campaign":https://haven-hinterlands.obsidianportal.com/

    edit: got the link too, thanks!
    Post edited by Donegal on
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113 edited November 2013
    /* In Right Side bar, Party Member Block - don't display the character avatars or user avatars */
    .sidebar-party-members .character-container, .sidebar-party-members .user-container{display: none;}

    Edit - sorry bit more in order to get rid of the "gap"

    Post edited by dawnhawk on
  • Cernig
    Posts: 60
    Like LordMisha I get a 504 gateway error when trying to delete a campaign I don't want on OP any more (I'll be resurrecting it with a total re-write and a new wiki in the future).
  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    Langy, what made Obsidian Portal an Ennie-winning website over the years was the creativity and hard work of the site-users, many of whom you seem hell-bent on offending with your arrogant, dismissive tone.

    You may want to see to that.

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/le-ballet-de-l-acier - swashbuckling adventures in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
    Featured Campaign of the Month - August 2011
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    A few updates:

    * Subforums are back (I assume most people knew this already)
    * The issue with uploading and embedding images has been fixed.
    * We updated banner sizing to lock it in at a 5:1 ratio so no more cropping as you change screen size.


    The custom CSS section has been moved to the advanced tab. It's definitely an advanced subject and we don't want to confuse people who just want to use the basic styling controls.

    Right now we're working on some display issues that people are seeing on tablets and phones.
  • Donegal
    Posts: 19
    Is the grey text in the forums and settings default? How can I change that to black?
  • cflipse
    Posts: 2
    This might have been mentioned already, but ...

    The headers don't show up in wiki preview display, because they're forced to white, and the previews display in a white modal box.
  • cflipse
    Posts: 2
    Also, it would be good if there was a save button located somewhere more prominent than the bottom of the page -- as it stands right now, there's a lot to scroll past to save on a small update
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    @cflipse - agreed on the buttons, some of us have altered the buttons to "float" at the top of our screens no matter where we are with CSS but it is a highly desired change
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    "Langy, what made Obsidian Portal an Ennie-winning website over the years was the creativity and hard work of the site-users, many of whom you seem hell-bent on offending with your arrogant, dismissive tone."

    I'm sorry, but I don't see how I'm being dismissive; how is asking people why they want to quit or ask for refunds, or asking people to wait to ask for a refund until after they try using the vanguard program to help them out, being dismissive? I acknowledge there are issues with the site as-is; if there weren't, there would be no need to ask what you see as being wrong with it.
  • _X_
    Posts: 2
    @ Langy - just want to say thanks for your early posts, which have addressed the two big issues (forum width and editor text color)

    One other thing - someone had said the edits were made to accommodate tablet users - as an FYI, it's definitely not usable on ipad. When you land on the front page on safari, the entire menu system is sent down to the bottom of the screen and requires several scroll downs to find it. It also doesn't look like saves actually work either, since tapping save will simply refresh the screen and return you back to the editing screen as if you hadn't saved at all.
  • _X_
    Posts: 2 edited November 2013
    .campaign-public-layout .highlight-container {display:none;}
    .campaign-public-layout #campaign-summary-row .row {opacity: 0.0; height: 30px}

    And this fixed the ipad scrolling issue, though some of the buttons still don't appear to work (menu, obsidian portal)
    Post edited by _X_ on
  • MdBLimited
    Posts: 20
    I am unable to change the owners of items. When the site was reforged, items I made and assigned to players made them the owners... and now I can't change myself back to the owner despite being a co-GM.

    Anyone have a solution?
  • Hulksmash
    Posts: 4
    “I joined the portal prior to the reforge and I held off on creating a campaign because I did not want to put a lot of work into it because of the impending site changes and I am not great with computers. I am looking at it now and I’ll pass. I am not good with computers. there is much discussion of pro and con here which is good but to me there were people who brought up some real good points who were stomped on by the cool computer crowd. I took the time to read every post here and sure there were some angry ones but even those were not near what I have seen on other boards but it seems hands down the people who were responding to the criticisms were very patronizing and disrespectful in particular to Nestor but really to all those who voiced a non positive review. Many were outright challenged to be more specific when at least to me they stated their dislikes clearly and in most cases not disrespectfully. Its obvious that the people who don’t have the vanguards skill with the computer aren’t going to be able to “justify their opinion” to the satisfaction of not being made to feel small and be bullied for having a opinion that does not agree with the expert coders.”

    "I’m sure you’re referring to some of my posts; I want to clarify something. I didn’t intend to bully anyone. I think the closest I got was when I said people shouldn’t expect a refund if they’re unwilling to make use of the vanguard program; maybe it came off more aggressive than I intended. If I did come off as bullying or anything like that, I apologize.

    Challenging people to be more specific was because I didn’t see their previous complaints as being specific enough, and I wanted to know why people saw this as a downgrade, especially if something they saw as a downgrade was something that’s in the middle of being fixed. Highly specific complaints are needed in order to be able to address them.

    I still don’t see why you’d need to do significant coding to get the site to have the functionality it did pre-reforging, unless you want to remove functionality that was added or you’re talking about something that’s been mentioned as being fixed. Since you haven’t started your campaign yet, I’d suggest waiting a little while to see how the reforging shapes up – they’re not finished tweaking things even though the site’s now live, and they’ve been pretty fast at addressing any big issues people have.

    Remember also that we’re maybe only halfway through the reforging; a few things haven’t been introduced yet, like natural editing and larger maps. Both of those should, hopefully, make things much nicer"

    “Langy, what made Obsidian Portal an Ennie-winning website over the years was the creativity and hard work of the site-users, many of whom you seem hell-bent on offending with your arrogant, dismissive tone.”

    "I’m sorry, but I don’t see how I’m being dismissive"

    Sorry for the wall of text, I don't know how to quote or bold on here.

    @Langy - I was talking about many of your posts but not just you, maybe you don't see it but many others evidently do, so all the people (at least ten) who have brought this up on this thread alone are all wrong? Even if you chalk 4 of them up to people being mad that's still 6 or more who have been bothered enough by the way you are coming off to say something publically to you. You really can't see it? Honestly man, I got several e-mails even from people who have not commented on this thread telling me they agreed that people who spoke out vs the reforge were being bullied by the Vanguards.

    I just wanted to say my peace cause I don't like seein folk pushed around and now I am risking what I don't want to happen (getting into an internet argument) because if you really can't see it you will continue to push folks around and you will make some of them quit. I don't think you or the OP developers want that.

    The first way to solve a problem is to admit there is one can you admit with so many people making mention of this there might be something to it?

    Respond or not I have said my peace on it

    I might check in in a few months to see about if things seem easier

    Hulk sad...

    Hulk out...
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    "The first way to solve a problem is to admit there is one can you admit with so many people making mention of this there might be something to it?"

    I'm not saying they aren't offended by my posts or anything - I'm saying that wasn't my intent, and I apologize if I came off that way.
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585 edited November 2013
    I'm reminded of those tired old jokes about women who just want someone to listen, and men who always want to fix things, and then as a result women think men are insensitive to their feelings...

    There is no moral high ground here - no right or wrong way to feel about changes to a website. Some will like the changes, some won't, and both groups are totally justified. I understand folks who feel like the Reforge destroyed something very valuable to them, in fact to a large extent I share in some of those feelings. However, that is no reason to get upset with the volunteers who are freely giving of their time and energy to help out other community members - that is downright rude.


    @Langy: You have been nothing but generous with your time and expertise and I have seen you repeatedly help out numerous community members over the last few days. More than that you have already apologized several times for any occasions when you may have inadvertently come across as more aggressive than intended. So I just want to say thank you, both to you specifically and more generally to the other volunteers who have given of their time and energy to help out the OP members through this transition. Your generosity has not gone unnoticed.
    Post edited by Basileus on
  • dr_venture
    Posts: 32
    I find it frustrating that Micah assets that the use of CSS on the site is and advanced feature, and yet about 90% of the solutions being offered in this forum to frustrated customers (many of whom readily admit to being non-coder type users) is to use CSS. That ought to set off some red flags somewhere. The Vanguard system is a nice patch for immediate fires to put out, but I empathize with those users that realize that Vanguards is no long term solution for them. They have no idea how they're going to effect changes down the road, and are probably not feeling particularly trusting in the site's management to look after their best interests.

    Personally, I'm still extremely irritated that all of the editing forms still have white on grey (or in my case, having mucked around with the CSS, black on white until you click on the box, then it turns to black on dark grey. What irritates me is that 1) there has been plenty of ongoing complaints about this design choice; 2) this should be an insignificant fix for the site developers; and perhaps most irritatingly, 3) there is no functional reason to force anyone to use that color scheme: it's purely a design choice by the OP folks that I just have to suck it up and accept... which seems emblematic of many of the design choices that I've had to either accept or spend a lot of frustration scripting around.

    May I suggest some (presumably) low hanging fruit? Add a checkbox option to select high contrast black on white editing fields - it should be pretty easy compared to many of the fixes being done here, and it will give people a non CSS-based solution to a common problem.
  • Shammond42
    Posts: 65

    I'm not completely sure this is a reforging issue, but it seems likely. There doesn't seem to be a way to remove somebody as a friend. I think this used to exist, but I'm not 100% sure. As a related question... On the "Friends" setting for a campaign, does that mean the campaign is visible to the GM's friends or any of the players' friends?

  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    I'll definitely agree that the editing forms should be altered site-wide to have nice black-text on white (or, at worst, black text on very light gray if you _need_ that). It really needs to be a site-wide change, though, so it applies to PMs and such. That's not a design choice I've ever understood.

    I will say that I don't think a 'long-term solution' is going to be needed, once the reforging is finished. The biggest problems should all be fixed by OP before then; at least they better, and I have confidence that they will. Big alterations will still require the same amount of CSS and HTML knowledge as it did pre-reforge, or the same amount of using other people's code (though that code will need to be updated - and updating that code is what the Vanguard program is about).

    I'll also say that I'd _love_ it if OP created a 'layout manager' page that'd allow users to select between a number of different template options, which should hopefully allow you to use a lot of the most common CSS options without actually needing to use CSS to apply them. The way I'd see it working is you'd have a few options for each of a few items; different settings for the banner, different settings for the sidebar, etc. Maybe an overall 'dark' or 'light' layout, etc.
  • Haligaunt
    Posts: 18
    Thanks for the hard work everyone. Now that the emotional response has drained away, I can see that my campaign is not as broken as it first appeared. I must say, however, that I still find the layout aesthetically unappealing and functionally counter-intuitive for a layman such as myself. It has been really difficult to summon the enthusiasm to make any additions to the Concord of Ashes wikis or character section. Rather than simply complain, however, may I ask:

    1) Is there any way to restore the character section to a listing rather than the ugly, overly-busy boxes we currently have?

    2) If not, is it possible to turn the boxes into a single column on the left side of the page, rather than the double column we currently have?

    3) Is it possible to have a list of tags running down the side like we used to have? The "tag search" is ok, but I tend to get lost. I''d rather have the list so my players and I can sort and seek the information in more of an "indexed" manner (for lack of a better term).


  • madartiste
    Posts: 328 edited November 2013
    Haliguant, for #2, maybe try @.character-list-item-container {clear:both !important;}@
    I *think* that should make everything appear in a single file list. I'd have to do more experimenting than I have time for just at this moment to get #1. I can try later, though.
    Post edited by madartiste on
  • Haligaunt
    Posts: 18
    Thankyou, sir! That is a very good start!
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328 edited November 2013
    Haligaunt, I couldn't remember precisely what the old character pages looked like, but I tried to clean things up as best I could. I removed the white background on all the character entries, took out the line under the name, removed the quick description, gave the character list area a white background and some padding, and made it all a single column. It's pretty much just picture, name, and tags in a single file column using this code. I think I notated the code well enough that you should be able to use whatever pieces of it would work for you. If you were thinking of something different, just let me know and I'll try to adjust:
    .character-list-item-container {clear:both !important;}
    .character-list-item-container .character-list-item {
    background-color: transparent !important;}
    .right-side-fade-out {display:none;}
    .character-list-item-container {width:75% !important;}
    .character-list {background-color: white; padding:20px;}
    .character-info div:first-of-type div:first-of-type {display:none;}
    .character-info .title {border-bottom: none !important;}@

    And if you don't even want the edit icon to show: @.icon-edit {display: none;}@
    Post edited by madartiste on
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Hey everyone, update is coming. Give me a day or two and I'll have another big long post, in the mean time please attempt to refrain from submitting abrasive, non-constructive, mean-spirited support tickets to me so that I can actually get down to working with users who have legit problems and enough gumption to act like an adult when addressing their concerns. Thanks!
  • dr_venture
    Posts: 32
    Another simple observation: I don't haunt these boards, and had to spend quite a while last night back-reading through a billion posts to see what has been said since my last reading here. It's super inconvenient. Seeing as how one of the main functionalities you guys provide is a wiki for each campaign to organize information into an easy to navigate format, why don't you give the vanguards their own wiki to organize all of these tips that are getting added to the thread here then promptly lost to the ages to anyone who doesn't go carefully spelunking through all these messages? The wiki could list out all of the CSS titles used on the site, what said title controls/affects, and any helpful info that comes up regarding how to use that control to affect changes on user's sites. Spewing stuff into a thread like this is akin to just stacking yellow sticky notes one on top of the other forever... it's the opposite of what OP is supposed to stand for in terms on campaign organization.

    Langy: Thanks for the comments. You've been doing a ton of work and taking bullets non-stop for the OP folks - I sure hope they truly appreciate and duly reward the amount of time and stomach acid you've put into this. I agree templates would be an excellent idea, big time! I'd also suggest a simple form-based CSS editor. CSS isn't that difficult, it's just a few options in a specific format... but so is HTML, and we have WYSIWYG editors for that, too, which many professionals choose to use for convenience. No matter what level your of coding ability, having a simple form that list out all the available CSS container options specific to OP, gives them a brief description (ala the wiki I mentioned previously), and gives a simple form for editing and saving the values... that would be really helpful. It could even list some suggested options to achieve specific results, or a color picker where appropriate, etc. It's something that could provide a limited number of simple solutions at first, but could evolve over time into a more robust and unique tool for OP, giving campaign owners a lot of control over their site's look with a minimum of frustration a *headdesk*ing.

    You mentioned, "I will say that I don’t think a ‘long-term solution’ is going to be needed, once the reforging is finished." I'm not sure what you mean - I thought the reforging was finished, other than the obvious bugs and inadequacies? Do you mean that to reforging is incomplete because the site wasn't really finished when they relaunched it and thus they're still finishing it... or is there some other shoe waiting to drop? Some other additional new functionalitites that are going to be unveiled?

    And on that final note, I'd sure like a place where the OP admins list out specific issues that they are aware of and plan to fix - and their best guess at in what order - so we know exactly what their plans are. I think we've earned the right to a clearer disclosure of what we can expect from the devs, and approximately when. Like everything else, some of it has probably been said in this thread, but if it's more than a few posts ago, I may or may not be aware of it.
  • dr_venture
    Posts: 32
    BTW, I'm not suggesting a WYSIWYG CSS editor - just a simple form with drop downs with appropriate values that relate to each other.
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    "_And on that final note, I'd sure like a place where the OP admins list out specific issues that they are aware of and plan to fix - and their best guess at in what order - so we know exactly what their plans are. I think we've earned the right to a clearer disclosure of what we can expect from the devs, and approximately when. Like everything else, some of it has probably been said in this thread, but if it's more than a few posts ago, I may or may not be aware of it._"

    I will make this a thing, I will create a separate forum thread for this and edit it accordingly, very soon.
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    _"I will make this a thing, I will create a separate forum thread for this and edit it accordingly, very soon."_

    That would be *awesome*. Thank you!
This discussion has been closed.

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