Obsidian Portal Launch Feedback



  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    @ Bret and Dawnhawk
    I also tried this on a test, and sure enough, got the same result.
    I am submitting a bug report "here":http://help.obsidianportal.com/discussions/problems/11290-gm-only-pages-being-emailed-to-players?

    Feel free to add to your examples.

    Just trying to help out.

  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    Example added. :)
  • markspace
    Posts: 8
    I like most of the new site, and find that it is much easier to alter with css (more consistent).

    One problem I still have (and it seems worse now) is printing pages. Several of the style sheets are loaded with a media=screen, leaving the printed version as a long list of unformatted text with an extra message at the bottom - 'I'm sorry, but we no longer support this web browser'

    I'm not sure if just removing the media=screen would be enough (it looks like there might be some scripting interfering too), but it might be a start.
  • LordMisha
    Posts: 13
    While I will no longer be using OP for my own games, I am still trying to participate in Play-by-Post games I am part of, at least until an appropriate "story" moment that may write me out. The problem is 2 of the games I play in are Traveller and since I used the DST I can no longer see my characters. If I edit the character and turn off the sheet, I can see the info that was in the Bio and Description section but stats, skills, etc. are gone. Any trick for recovering that? And no, I do not have a hard copy. The point was to use OP to manage game and characters. Just another reason for me to be unsatisfied with the new look.

    I will continue to hunt through this thread because I believe it was mentioned once, but cannot remember details.
  • dawnhawk
    Posts: 113
    LordMisha - have you contacted Jorsca about fixing the DST, since I believe it is his DST you are using for your character?
  • Teak_Dhara
    Posts: 61
    I am the GM for a number of people who have previously posted above and there are some really well detailed points about why this site is very bad now.

    I simply can't stand it and am looking for a new site to host my play-by-post games. Please, please, please bring the old site back-- it was clean, well organized and didn't waste so much space on the screen. It worked well on the ipad and iphone.

    The one thing that I have been asking for forever (even with the old site) is the ability to EDIT comments to adventur post AND insert images into the comments on adventure logs. Because I use post maps for each round of combat, I have had to use the forums (which we got used to) but the forums are a mess. What happened to the ability to "sticky" a forum?

    I'm sorry- but I will not be renewing.
  • killerangel
    Posts: 2
    I've been using OP for awhile, and so have my players and a few other DMs I game with. We all had sites we had sunk a good amount of time into (as have all OP users) and we liked the format of the old OP but had some issues with it. We had faith that the reforge would fix them. We were wrong. The reforge ruined our OP experience. Ironically, the guy with the most coding and website design experience now hates it. The two of us with no computer experience are in despair. Our sites are completely ruined by the new physical layout of the site and we don't know how to make the changes to fix what is wrong. And we are all Ascendants, so feel we paid to have the displeasure of having the format changed to one we don't like.

    I have tried to fix things as best I can, but the physical layout is so unfriendly that I don't like the site anymore, so don't want to put in the effort. The site feels like a filing cabinet now, with its tab format, where before with my dark banner hovering over everything it was rather menacing is tone. There is so much lost space on my monitor or on my friends' laptops that we wonder what you saved the space for. Agriculture?

    I'm not trying to be incindiary. We understand that the reforge is the way it is going to be and will adapt as best we can. But I am very unhappy and so are my players and my fellow OP-using DMs and their players. Somebody needed to speak up for them.
  • dragoner
    Posts: 37
    The Traveller character sheets are just gone, and dread gazebo said that op isn't going to help. After my wiki crashed and was gone as well, I deleted my campaigns; all I want now is to not be charged again by op.
  • LordMisha
    Posts: 13
    Heck, I still cannot delete anymore of my campaigns. Still getting the 504 Gateway Time-out error. Not sure what is up with that.
  • dragoner
    Posts: 37 edited November 2013
    I had to go through and manually delete most of the campaign before it would delete; I think it is either players or maps it hangs up on.
    Post edited by dragoner on
  • SanguinousRex
    Posts: 3
    One other thing that's changed that needs to be fixed - before I could type in a bigger box and now it seems that everything is in a teeny-tiny box in the middle that looks kinda... small. I need MORE ROOM. I'm using Obsidian Portal while I'm DMing/GMing so I need more "area" to work with to read and see while we play.
  • LordMisha
    Posts: 13
    Dragoner, thanks, deleting Maps did allow me to continue deleting campaigns. But I also had a few with no maps and the problem was having too many items in the campaign. Had to delete all of the associated items before deleting the actual campaign.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    SanguinousRex, when editing, drag the little hash mark thing in the bottom right corner of the edit screen and make the area as big as you like.
  • dragoner
    Posts: 37
    LordMisha, yes, that is what I found as well. Cheers.
  • dr_venture
    Posts: 32
    ketherian: *sigh* Thanks for the note - I hadn't noticed the edit icon way over to the side. I'm really trying to like the new site, but there is just so much in the way.

    One (more) think that irks me a *lot* is that some of the pages in the main navigation lead to campaign pages (front page, wiki, etc.), and some lead to OP-style pages (Calendar, Forum, etc.). That means that after spending a bunch of time customizing my pages to build a mood on the site, no matter what I do half the pages look nothing like my theme. I understand that it's building up the idea of some pages being *in* the campaign, and some pages being more of a OP functionality that is not campaign-centric. That's great for trying to build user recognition of OP site functionality outside of specific campaigns (and thus build your userbase, social media-wise, I don't share those goals, and I'm sorry to say it gets piles on the stack of things I hate but put up with. I much preferred the old way where anyone looking at my campaign site always felt like they were in my campaign, not clicking in and out of my campaign and something else.

    Still hoping things come together, for both the OP folks as well as myself... but I'm just honestly growing weary.
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    We're looking into the 500 errors when it comes to deleting campaigns. More soon, still swimming through tickets.
  • MdBLimited
    Posts: 20
    Could you add the quick description as a viewable text under the selection screen for items as it is on the characters screen? Right now it appears when you are in the specific item screen, but not on the general item screen.

    Thank you.
  • Strahd42
    Posts: 13
    The Inconsistencies on the site are driving me batty. I'm redoing the navigation menu to my liking and i find that they didnt use the same conventions for all the elements. Damn you!

    On a lighter note Campaign is 95% :) And in the long run, I think the campaign is better off for the reforge :)

    "Rise of the Runelords":https://strahd.obsidianportal.com/

    hopefully that worked
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    @Strahd42- Make sure you hit the format comments as textile at the bottom of the comment- that will make your signature line work.
    "A God...Rebuilt":https://a-god-rebuilt.obsidianportal.com
    "OP's COTM April 2012":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/a-god-rebuilt-aprils-cotm/
    Here to help anyone- Send me a PM

    Just trying to help out.

  • Dublin
    Posts: 3
    From hpb3 on Nov 8th 2013:

    "As part of the reforge did we lose the ability to reply via email to campaign forum posts? When replying the email is bouncing. I've tried to search this thread to find the answer but I've been unsuccessful."

    Was there ever an answer to this? Most of my players used the email reply, but now I'm not getting them.
  • JackMunchkin
    Posts: 8
    I just became Ascendant. I wanted to support the team and site. Being a recent user I have no grief regarding lost stuff and OP is definitely a useful tool to run a campaign. I can still see some improvements to be made (separation between PC and NPC, maps limited to 10 could be extended to more I guess).
    Regarding the Wiki page, there is an option missing : new wiki pages can't have their title changed once created. Why ? One can edit the content but not the title anymore. Being french I use accents which are of course replaced by _ for URL title and it is annoying when inserting the Wiki link in the Wiki page... Minor problem of course.
    A separation between PCs and NPCs is really what is most needed at this stage imho.
  • hpb3
    Posts: 4
    Since the reforge, I'm unable to access the "login" page from my iPad. Anyone else experiencing this?

    I go to the site, I tap the "I signed up with a username" option, and it scrolls and wants me to use the Facebook sign-in. I'm on iOS 7.0.4
  • Sorceress
    Posts: 25

    Yup, I pretty much experience the exact same thing on my iPad as well. Although, when I try to log in via Facebook it tells me that I already
    have an account as should use my log in and pass to sign in.

    Gm of
    "The Hero Academy":https://the-hero-academy.obsidianportal.com/
  • Pils
    Posts: 149
    Am I alone in thinking that it's hard to discover new campaigns now? With the old OP, I could type "dark sun", "killervp", or "Vecna", and find all the players, campaigns, wiki pages, NPCs... concerned. I miss this great tool...

    "Dark Sun -- La Décade des Héros":https://dark-sun-a-trova.obsidianportal.com/: Face the Fire of the Dark Sun... a World ravaged by Sorcery


    Dark Sun ● La Décade des Héros : Face the Fire of the Dark Sun... a World ravaged by Sorcery! (CotM - Dec 2012)

    Les Royaumes Oubliés : A D&D 5e old school style Forgotten Realms campaign!

    (And I'm so soooorry for my poor english...)

  • Dublin
    Posts: 3

    Which browser are you using? One of my players had this same issue when he was using chrome. I'm on safari right now though with no problems.
  • Morgus
    Posts: 19

    There used to be one. The premise behind the current layout is that all PCs are displayed on the main page listing now for easy access, while the "Characters" section is designed more like a personality list of the campaign, containing all individuals instead.

    Personally, I just tag PCs with a "PC" tag and search that way to make easy organizing of it when on a mobile device.
  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    @Jack: A real hack solution to the separating PC/NPC issue... or well, at least making PC's go first, is to put a space in front of the PC's name. The space is alphabetically before everything else, so all of your PC's will be arranged in alphabetical order before all of your NPC's.

    ...it's a pretty hack fix, but that's what I'm doing for now. The PC's should be first.

    DM of "Tyellador":https://tyellador.obsidianportal.com/
  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275
    Does anyone know how to get rid of the disgusting 1.5 line spacing in between each line of text? and replace it with just single line spacing?

    "A Manifestation of Chaos":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/metzger/wikis/main-page
    COTM - Sept. 2012
  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    @Leonidas300: Yeah, that would be the line-height: property. I think I remember seeing that Obsidian was using

    bc. line-height:1.6;

    So, try something smaller than that. (The number is multiplied by the current font-size to get the line-height.)

    If you want this change across the wiki, something like

    bc. .main-content {line-height:1.2;}

    should do it.

    DM of "Tyellador":https://tyellador.obsidianportal.com/
  • Leonidas300
    Posts: 275
    Thanks Thor
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