
edited November 2013 in Bug Reports
It seems to me that although the current site design is very pretty that it still uses a lot of the code that the site has been using previous to the change. One issue I'm still noticing is that you can't use commas in character descriptions without it causing bits of text nearby to be underlined. It's severely annoying, especially given how common commas are in the English language.


  • Pils
    Posts: 149
    Hi DDK,

    I have no trouble with commas in OP (see an "example": With the textile coding, the "+" is used to underline words or phrases...

    "Dark Sun -- La Décade des Héros": Face the Fire of the Dark Sun... a World ravaged by Sorcery!


    Dark Sun ● La Décade des Héros : Face the Fire of the Dark Sun... a World ravaged by Sorcery! (CotM - Dec 2012)

    Les Royaumes Oubliés : A D&D 5e old school style Forgotten Realms campaign!

    (And I'm so soooorry for my poor english...)

  • DDK
    Posts: 22
    Mmm, it must be the plus then although when I edit the comma out it works fine instead of underlining half the sentence. 1d4+2, x3 will have half of it underlined while 1d4+2 x3 won't.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    DDK, the thing to do is to leave a space after every + sign (e.g. Sword + 3) This allows it to work normally without creating an underline. After a while, you get used to it.

    CURRENT CAMPAIGN: "Mysteria": - set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.
    Previous CotM Aug 2012: "Shimring":

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Or even better, put this in your css
    ins { color:inherit; text-decoration:inherit;}
    ins:before { content:'+';}
    ins:after { content:'+';}

    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":
    Here to help anyone- Send me a PM

    Just trying to help out.

  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    Killervp, that's genius! I always seem to forget to manually add a space.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    Thanks, KVP

    I've add that tip in now. Although I have by now gotten used to leaving that space, moving forward, I will stick those letters right in there now!


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

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