Anybody using the maps?

edited September 2007 in General Discussion


  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    It doesn't seem like there's been much uptake on the maps. I was so excited to debut it, but people seem hesitant. I've noticed in the server logs that several maps have been uploaded, but then they are deleted.

    Are you running into bugs? Is the end result just not pleasing?

    I put a lot of work into this feature, and there's still more to do. However, I want to make sure people actually like it before I push forward.

    Note: I might try to put a "most recent maps" somewhere on the front page just to give this feature a little more exposure.
  • bluea
    Posts: 18
    I'm new, but I was going to give the maps a whirl. I've been struggling with step one - make my maps worth presenting. :D There's also the copyright issues. Originally, (offline), my maps were official maps from Greyhawk. It's early enough in this campaign to dump the bulk of the world, and essentially recreate fresh local geography and names.

    So I've got something serviceable now, but I think it is too large. What's the upper limit on file size?
  • bluea
    Posts: 18
    I got a 1024x1024 jpeg uploaded (Campaign:Hills of Kron -> Map:Cishathorpe).

    The 'three zoom levels' are somewhat odd IMNSHO. The first zoom level has my whole map as one-quarter of the viewable 'map area', just centered so there's an exceptionally large border. So zooming in from here gets me to "All of my map is displayed, and it just fits." The third zoom level is the most useful one, where I can actually drag the map around.

    As it stands, the first zoom is kind of silly. So... was I supposed to upload a 2048x2048 image? I was having problems with larger images.

    The whole idea is excellent though. Thank you.
  • Randolpho
    Posts: 27
    I think I broke the server. I was uploading a 1.5 mb JPG map. Got a 502 (failed POST) error, and now I can't hit the website at all.

    I only hope the forums are on a separate server, not just a separate domain, so this post goes through.

    I'm really, *really* very sorry. :(
  • Micah
    Posts: 894

    Don't worry, the server is fine. There are some things I need to do to tweak the map upload cycle to make it a little more robust. I just haven't had the time lately. I'm also adding a little more information about what the max file size is and whatnot.

    1024x1024 is the largest size supported so far, and I hear what you're saying about the zoom. There are a couple issues here, mainly storage and bandwidth.

    Each level of zoom adds an exponential level of storage. This is because each zoom level is actually a composite of 256x256 images called tiles. Furthest out is 1 tile, next is 4 tiles, then 16 tiles. So, just with the 3 levels we already have 21 images. The next level adds an additional 64 (for a total of 85). Another level adds 256 (total: 341). As you can see, it very quickly adds up, and that's storage we have to pay for. In addition, it's taxing on the server to create all these images when you upload your map.

    We are considering making higher zoom levels a feature for paid premium accounts. Of course, it wouldn't be the only feature, but it's the first on the list. Still, I think that for many maps, 1024x1024 should be enough.

    Note: uploading a larger map does not help. it will just be sized down to 1024x1024
  • bluea
    Posts: 18
    I understand and agree with you about the bandwidth issues. (And look forward to hearing more about Premium accounts)

    But I was really thinking that it might just be easier to say "Two zoom levels" and drop the first one entirely. The first one is just that useful. At least, it is for my map.
  • outrider
    Posts: 46
    I've tried to get my maps on the site. I took some pictures and tried to upload them but I keep getting that they are too big. I'm currrently working on trying to resize but am somewhat ignorant of the sizing thing.

    I do think its a good thing though
  • Jennifer
    Posts: 78
    I *just* started using maps with my campaign, so I think I will probably try to use 1 per session and see how that goes. It saves me having to email them to each of my players, at least. What's the best file type to use? .gif?
  • DMaple
    Posts: 63
    Not using then yet but I intend to in future. Have to create the map first... but then I have so many other things on my to do list.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894

    The best (and only) file type to use is JPEG.

    Also, be warned that we're currently limiting campaigns to a single map. This is the most costly (in storage and bandwidth) of the features we offer, so we're being cautious about it. We might raise the limit in the future, but for now we're taking it easy and seeing what the cost looks like.

    Sorry if this causes any inconvenience.
  • Jennifer
    Posts: 78
    I know just one map, if I use 1 per session I can delete the old one and add the new one, right? The maps are throwaways, they're not for posterity. If you eventually upgrade storage, I might add more, but until then I'll just stick with one at a time.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Yes, you can delete and add a new one.

    I look forward to seeing your maps each week :)
  • geekevolved
    Posts: 75
    We're working on getting some better maps up for our campaign. The map we have up is kind of older. I really enjoy this feature :D
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