Dresden Files Dallas: Year 3+

edited October 2013 in Player Lounge
Three (nearly 4) children and 186 Adventure Log Posts later (clocking in at somewhere over 330,000+ words – or roughly 3-4 Full Length Novels) we’ve now written, played, and experienced a lot of fun stories in Jim Butcher’s “Dresdenverse.”

Elena, Jamie, and Conor started their adventures on September 22nd, 2011 - special thanks to our longtime Obsidian Portal fans for still being with us.

Well... what better way to ring in our third year as a campaign than with a total redesign to incorporate the new Kickstarter changes. I've ripped out all the old CSS and my adventure in site rebuilding starts today.


  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    We look forward to your input and wisdom on how to make this look even better than before!

    Just trying to help out.

  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    Just thought I'd put up an FYI - you may see some gigantic neon green boxes for the next few days. These are old CSS classes that I've not yet fixed/reforged/etc.

    Please be patient as I work through those... they are most certainly not part of the new layout. :)
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    I am happy to report that I'm "finished" (at least enough for me for now) with the Adventure Log portion to declare it back up and running.

    Due to my own work fixing DFD and Vanguard duties, I'm a bit behind (we're 2 GM postgames behind with another game tonight planned) but thanks to my great players, I have 2 new character updates this week.

    "Matthew - Ballin":https://dfd.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log/ballin

    "Cody - Fractured and Splintered":https://dfd.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log/fractured-and-splintered

    Left to Reforge:
    ~ Front Page (aka "Landing page")
    ~ Character Pages
    ~ Wiki Pages
    ~ Item Pages
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    - Front Page (aka "Landing Page") Reforged.

    Now features links to all previous game sessions as well as all the most recent player logs (will be hooking up year 1 player logs as time permits)
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Been meaning to ask Wolfhound- I just crested the 1000 page barrier recently- where are you at in your gorgeous site?
    "A God...Rebuilt":https://a-god-rebuilt.obsidianportal.com
    "OP's COTM April 2012":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/a-god-rebuilt-aprils-cotm/
    Here to help anyone- Send me a PM

    Just trying to help out.

  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    Not at 1000... what all counts toward that? :) For the Reforge I actually went through and deleted a bunch of old Wiki pages, trying to keep things tidy.

    184 or so Adventure Logs
    122 or so Characters
    70 Wiki pages (left)
    28 items
    3 Maps

    So roughly 400-ish
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Wikis, logs, & characters.

    Just trying to help out.

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    Happy Birthday+


    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • saethone
    Posts: 153
    Always enjoyed this campaign :) Good job
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354 edited January 2014
    Not gonna sugar coat it, the Reforge took a lot out of me as a GM/coder and the players, combined with the Holiday "slowdown" (and a family Disney Cruise to the Bahamas) it was a nearly fatal killer.

    We all just spent the time in the bunkhouse. However, I think we're back on the trail... even if the DM is riding drag at the moment.

    Cody leads the way (as a Ranger should) and turns in our first postgame of the new year. "To Protect My Love":https://dfd.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log/to-protect-my-love

    Next game is 1/23/14 (hopefully)

    I will try and get a more detailed postgame up for our December game "Spooked":https://dfd.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log/spooked - but no promises, I prefer to roll forward. :)
    Post edited by wolfhound on
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Glad to hear your honesty Wolfhound! I am also glad that one of my favorite campaigns is going again! Will be sure to read and now comment (as it was your campaign where I discovered that we could not comment on others)
    I hope as a Vanguard you will share some of the issues with OP.

    Just trying to help out.

  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    A Character story from the NPC wife of one of the PCs - Beth Lorance ... a result of the player wondering how he could get his character in even deeper "trouble" within the setting. So our supernaturally curious Beth wanders into the lair of the most powerful Winter Fae in our campaign.... what could possibly go wrong?

    Beth = "Love Less Warm":https://dfd.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log/love-less-warm
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    And I haven't written a Conor postgame since the beginning of September last year... so I felt it was time. People interested in language nuance may find it particularly interesting, especially if you're interested in Irish Gaeilge.

    I have also learned a new term "shipping" (relationshipping) as it pertains to television shows (I never heard it before a a month ago) ... for people Shipping Conor and Roxie ... well there's some text in there thrown your way.

    Conor = "Dál Ais":https://dfd.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log/d-l-ais
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    Heh, the ghosts and spirits are... "spooked".

    I guffawed. :)
  • RedStorm2013
    Posts: 46
    Wonderful recovery job on the site. And, seems you have been busy while I was gone. Alot to follow up on.

    Red Storm
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    Thanks all, the work still continues. There's lingering old CSS code here and there (marked by gigantic green boxes) that I haven't had the time (and energy) to fully stamp out yet, but I'll get there. :)

    It's a beginning, but, as they say in Donegal (...well everywhere in the Gaeltachts really...) "Tús maith leath na h-oibre" (a good start is half the work).
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    Minor drabble, exploring NPC (and similarly NPC Group) motivation... plus explaining in-game where her new "magic item" came from (the NPC gained a Refresh, basically "leveled up" in Fate system jargon).

    Roxie = "Egality":https://dfd.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log/egality
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354 edited January 2014
    And the GM fires his opening volley to start off the first "big-ish" story arc of new year...

    Session 45 = "Friday the 13th":https://dfd.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log/session-45
    Post edited by wolfhound on
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    KillerVP what did you want to know about those XP bars? They're basically a series of DIVs inside other divs, they just happen to inherit CSS from other boxes upstream. That makes it easy for me to remember the syntax and just drop them on the page.

    /* EXP Bars Code */
    .xparea {overflow:auto; border:4px solid black; border-top:8px solid black; padding:5px; BACKGROUND-IMAGE:url(http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/191899/DFRPG_Parchment_light_opt.jpg);}

    .milestone {border:1px solid yellow; border-radius:6px; min-height:25px; vertical-align:top; margin:1px; text-align:center; color:black;}

    .milestone.label {border-color:black; width:320px; padding:5px; background-color: transparent; color:black; BACKGROUND-IMAGE:url(http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/191899/DFRPG_Parchment_light_opt.jpg); float:left; text-align:left;}

    .milestone.label.inactive {BACKGROUND-IMAGE:url(http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/191898/DFRPG_Parchment_darker_opt.jpg); color:#444;}
    .milestone.label.npc {Background-image:none; background-color:#555; color: #111;}

    .milestone.container {border-color: #444; background-color:#333; padding:1px; height:33px; border-radius:0px; margin:0px;}

    .milestone.half {width:5px; border-top-right-radius:0px; border-bottom-right-radius:0px; background-color:#922; border-color:#990; display:inline-block; float:left; }
    .milestone.minor {width:10px; background-color:#B42; border-color:#BB0; display:inline-block; float:left; }
    .milestone.significant {width:34px; background-color:#D62; border-color:#DD0; display:inline-block; float:left; }
    .milestone.major {width:118px; color:black; background-color:#F82; border-color:#FF0; display:inline-block; float:left; }

    .milestone.benny {width:25px; height:25px; border-radius:12px; border-color:orange; display:inline-block; float:left;}

    .milestone.benny.white {background-color:white;}
    .milestone.benny.blue {background-color:blue; color:orange;}
    .milestone.benny.green {background-color:green; color:orange;}
    .milestone.benny.red {background-color:maroon; color:orange;}
    /* END XP BAR CODE */

    and on the page itself...

    Fate Points


    Milestone Tracking

    [[:conor]] (15/49)

    Tracked NPCs

    [[:roxie]] (10/35)

    Notice on the latter two, I futz with the "width" of milestone.label - That's because I want different skill points to be visually represented. So if a character is a 35 skill point character, my width is (35 x10 -100) pixels ... the -100 is because my game doesn't start with less than 10 skill points or so.
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    We still live...

    After an absurdly long extended absence...

    Session 47, "Abandon all Hope, Part 1":https://dfd.obsidianportal.com

    And since I'm using up my Player's Fate Points like water, we should be getting Player POV postgames soon... since that's how I give out more. ;)
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Welcome back!!! Still one of the Gold Standards on the Portal!

    Just trying to help out.

  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    Most of my Wiki pages are now (finally) converted to the new CSS I had to create post-Reforged. The characters are not yet Reforged, but I'll hopefully get time to work on that this week.

    My old tutorial pages will be converted to an "Archive" mode as with the new O.P. they're nearly useless.
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    and now, I believe all characters have been converted to the new CSS... not necessarily to DSTs ... but the "big green boxes" are finally gone. ... I think. If you encounter one please let me know, as I've missed it.
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047

    My inspiration returns!

    Was worried the Dallas group had all fallen in love wiht their Age of Arthur counterparts.

    Great to have you back Wolfhound

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shadows-over-new-york
    "2013 Campaign of The Year":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/2013-coty-shadows-over-new-york/
    "Campaign of the Month July 2013":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/shadows-over-new-york-julys-campaign-of-the-month/

  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    The MAGNIFICENCE of Dresden Files: Dallas continues.
    (Further note in latest adventure log)

    CURRENT CAMPAIGN: "Mysteria":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/mysteria - set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.
    Previous CotM Aug 2012: "Shimring":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shimring

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • GuyKilmore
    Posts: 36
    I have been stalking your site and using some of your ideas for my own coding and layout. I just want to say thanks. I have started reading some of your back adventure logs and you have a great game going!

    "Dresden Files: Twin Cities":https://dresden-files-twin-cities.obsidianportal.com/
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    Well, I think it's safe to say that shortly after its 3rd birthday Dresden Files Dallas has hit the nearly insurmountable wall of "young children growing up" - I'm 2-3 GM updates behind but we have not played in a while.

    That said... .would there be any interest in just the character POV updates continuing? They'd be things going on peripheral to the main story so relevant - but in the end, basically Dresden fan-fic with a specific campaign/city focus.
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    I always enjoy your site and the logs.
    "A God...Rebuilt":https://a-god-rebuilt.obsidianportal.com
    "OP's COTM April 2012":http://blog.obsidianportal.com/a-god-rebuilt-aprils-cotm/
    Over 350 Fans, and Looking for More!

    Just trying to help out.

  • NikMak
    Posts: 379
    I would be interested in the character updates as well - I don't read the site too often, but every once in a while I jump in and read a few things... there is a lot of info there :)

    "The Great Pendragon":https://the-great-pendragon.obsidianportal.com/
    "Knights of Albion":https://knights-of-albion-1.obsidianportal.com/
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017 edited July 2015

    Don't worry about US! Get those Character POV's up and just put a link here. Whether or not people read them, you will bring your campaign to life in your own head that little bit more. Some of us will read about it, but the real winner will be yourself and your players!

    CURRENT CAMPAIGN: "Mysteria":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/mysteria - set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.
    Previous CotM Aug 2012: "Shimring":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shimring
    Post edited by twiggyleaf on

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

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