Table Alignment aka valign='top'


  • spidieman
    Posts: 38
    anyone have a solution to use this code so it works?

    i like to use tables in my wiki/pages i find it makes the pages more neat and organized.

    however when i use this code, it dose not seem to work.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Not all attribute tags are allowed. Just above the content field, there's usually something saying "Textile formatting and _some HTML_ is allowed". If you click on the words "some HTML", it'll tell you which tags are recognized.
  • Frenchy2k1
    Posts: 4
    The tags described on the page you reference are not complete.
    Just try the tags you want and see the results.
    If it does not work, assume the tag is not recognized.

    For example, some of the table tags to merge cells in css do not work while the textile support it.
  • spidieman
    Posts: 38
    any suggestions as how to could try and achieve the same result so i can have a nice clean look on my wiki?
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    I know that you can use a table float comand, but I dont think this is what your talking about.

    There is allways creating a seperator cell for text then adding the second table directly so that they all come out the same size.


    Not sure what you are exactly trying to do (I'm a noob to web proging and don't know HTML at all)
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    My example is just two different tables made as one. The suggestion would require having an additional cell right above the Flaws title with supporting text.
  • spidieman
    Posts: 38
    not quite it.

    check out

    as you can see i built a psudo menu on the left hand side. well because the text in the right most cell does not take up as much vertical space, it is set to be in the middle of the cell, instead of the top. (where i've set it up in dream weaver)

    my main concerning is i have some pages where this psudo menu is repeated but where the right most cell has more text then the menu, so then the menu is in the center and not at the top most.
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    Ok now I understand let me see what I can discover I'll get back to you
  • Gully
    Posts: 52
    Aparently the cell you want aligned to the top needs to have the ^ followed by a period. I got it to work on my trials though I can't get it to multy align (I.E. Top Center) only one will work. .... Hope this helps
  • redstar
    Posts: 119

    Here is a better idea (in my opinion). Don't make a column on the right side, since that looks like it will be all the "body" copy. Take all the info on the left and use a DIV tag, and float in left. That way you have the entire other side to do what you want!

    try this:

    Make a list!
    * Any list!
    * Of all types of things!

    EDIT: You can't use h1/h2 tags in a DIV, I've noticed. But can always just make in bold...
  • spidieman
    Posts: 38

    yeah not quite the look i am going for. its kind of odd. i left my modifications up so you can see.
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    hmm something happened. That doesn't look right... be sure to put a new line before and after both the tags. Also, you don't have to make a list in the div. You could just make new lines. The only thing you can't do is add h1/h2 tags.
  • spidieman
    Posts: 38
    i guess i miss understood what you were saying. i thought each cell or area i had was going to be a diffrent DIV

    instead i am now using this code

    i had to use blank lines with periods so i can acheive proper spacing away from the horizontal line that seperates the page from player viewable and dm viewable


    * [[Party]]
    * [[House Rules]]
    * [[Locations]]
    * [[History]]
    * [[Orginizations]]
    * [[Cutom Items]]
    * [[Tools]]
    * [[Chapter Notes]]
    * [[Attachements]]


    Its been 100 years since the giant wars, and since orcus last attempted to detroy the realm.
    Our heros embark on a adventure in a dark world that reveals the true history of what happened 100 years ago.
    Each new day seems to reveal something about the worlds history, and they begin to see how they are all inertwined.



  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    looks good! try this to help with the spacing, rather than using the "." Also, I would shy away from using the "p" html tag in the wiki. If you place a line between the sentences in the editor, it is effectively the same thing in the wiki-syntax.

    The trick with the spacing, is to use the "padding" property to space everything out. "px" stands for pixels. "Check out this reference for more info":

    * [[Party]]
    * [[House Rules]]
    * [[Locations]]
    * [[History]]
    * [[Orginizations]]
    * [[Cutom Items]]
    * [[Tools]]
    * [[Chapter Notes]]
    * [[Attachements]]

    Its been 100 years since the giant wars, and since orcus last attempted to detroy the realm.

    Our heros embark on a adventure in a dark world that reveals the true history of what happened 100 years ago.

    Each new day seems to reveal something about the worlds history, and they begin to see how they are all inertwined.
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