Customizable Dates in Adventure Log

edited October 2008 in Feature Requests


  • Lialos
    Posts: 34
    *What does it do?*

    Instead of being restricted to the mundane January-December Months, 28-31 days in a Month, and years between 2003 and 2013, this would allow people to have the adventure log use the dating system appropriate to their own world. Allow people to set a year length, number of months, days per month, and maybe even hours in a day, and even what you call the units. Battlestar Galactica, for example doesn't use years, and Pern uses Turns instead of years. I'm looking at running some futuristic sci-fi games, so years out in the 2500s work well for me, but Dune, for example, starts out in 10,191.

    *How does it look?*

    How about in the campaign setup stuff, there is a tab to set up your calendar? Allow a customizable number of months, then it opens up and allows you to name the months, and how many days they have. As well be able to set a week length, and name the days of the week. And then have the ability to use just about any year and tag at the end (or beginning) of the year (AD, BC, FA, etc.). It might be a bit more work, but if you knew what day of the week a specific day in the year was, it could then know that the 14th of Starn falls on a Threshday this Annum.

    Does that explain my concept well enough?
  • IceBob
    Posts: 98
    I really like that idea, but I think one of the ideas behind the date on the adventure log was to log the real-world date of the session (that is pretty much what I use it for).

    Still, I think your idea has some considerable merit. I'd certainly take advantage of that feature for "my D&D game":
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Personally, I'd put the "in-game date" as part of the tag line for the adventure log post. Then it'd show up roughly in the same place.
  • Lialos
    Posts: 34
    But loses the coolness of the feature! As well as the feature helps to complete some of the overall roleplaying feel of things.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Ouch! I had hoped no one would think of this. A customizable calendar was one of the original features on my list, along with a random weather generator, and some other stuff.

    Unfortunately, a custom calendar maker would be fairly hard to create, and I doubt it would see widespread use. So, I sidelined it in favor of some of the other features.

    If we ever fix all the other issues with the site, I'll pull it out of the closet. Don't hold your breath, though ;)

    Still, thanks for the suggestion. It's good to know that people are thinking of ways to improve the site!
  • sisren
    Posts: 30
    I like this Idea...
    What might it take to help implement it? Java-scripting? Python? LISP? :)

    Is it possible to have a wiki page load a piece of javascript?? I'm not sure...
  • Lialos
    Posts: 34
    How about an intermediate solution for the Sci Fi lovers who might very well be using the standard calendar. Can we get the range on the years extended to ohhh, 0-15,000 ???
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