Textile and apostrophes


  • LordWelkerfan
    Posts: 4
    Whenever I try to parse a new wiki page in the double brackets and I include an apostrophe in the title, the link does not parse. Is this a limitation on the textile format, or am I doing something wrong?

  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    I know not the intricacies of Textile, but I do know from personal experience that the title of a Wiki page won't work with an apostrophe. I had to drop the apostrophe from the page name, and use the display trick to get it to look "right" in the actual display text.

    I could be more vague and confusing if you would like.
  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    The wiki name of a page can't have an apostrophe, but the visible name can. In other words...

    [[Gold's Hammer]]

    ... won't work. But...

    [[Golds Hammer | Gold's Hammer]]

  • LordWelkerfan
    Posts: 4
    That's what I thought; thanks.
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