Add a way to find gamers and campaigns nearby

edited July 2007 in Feature Requests


  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    This is a feature that everyone wants: the ability to find games and gamers nearby.

    *What does it do?*

    Allow a user to input their zip code or address, then present them with gaming groups or perhaps individual gamers near to them. On the flip side, allow campaigns to add an address or zip code and set an option showing that they're looking for players.

    *What does it look like?*

    There are 2 different views: one is a Google Maps style view that shows the location of all games and gamers, while the other view is a list of games, ordered by distance from the user's location.

    *Note:* There is a great site that already does some of this, "": We have contacted the owner of this site and proposed a collaboration that would allow Obsidian Portal campaigns seeking players to show up as markers on the NearbyGamers map. Even if that's not a reality yet, I still suggest that everyone looking for a game sign up on NearbyGamers. It's truly a great site.
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